He Comes From the Void

Chapter 600: Forbidden Legend

"Is there another person like Malzahar whose mind has been eroded by the void?" Taliyah nervously clenched her water bag tightly. If she encounters that kind of battle again, she will definitely be more useful than last time.

She is no longer what she used to be. Not only can she manipulate rocks skillfully, but she can also teach this ability to others. Several teenagers in the weaver tribe learned rock weaving from her. Although they could only use a little manipulation to knock out the stones, this was already a great gift to ordinary weavers like them who had never been exposed to magic in their entire lives.

"No, there are void creatures under the valley in my hometown. They are active underground and seriously threaten people's safety. So I want you to go back with us and destroy all the underground passages, so that the void threats away from that valley."

Kasha Dekahn answered the question, this matter was discussed earlier in the morning.

"Then I have to go talk to my father." Taliyah glanced at her clansmen from afar and said to them.

After Karn nodded, Taliyah trotted all the way to the crowd at the foot of the city wall.

Taking advantage of Taliyah's return to find someone, Kaisha asked Kahn to interpret the dreams she just mentioned and the identity of the Frost Witch.

Kahn, who was holding water in his hand, froze for a moment, glanced left and right, still felt that the fountain that people passed by from time to time was not safe, so he dragged Kaisha into an empty alley.

"Why did you make it so mysterious?" Kai'Sa pursed her lips, not quite understanding.

"The next thing I want to talk about is a forbidden legend, you are not allowed to tell others. If this forbidden legend is spread on the ice field, it is tantamount to desecrating the true faith with heresy, and anyone who speaks out will be punished by death. "

"Okay, tell me." Seeing Kahn's solemn expression, Kaisha swallowed nervously, frowned and listened carefully.

"Malzahar is not the first person to be connected with the void, nor will he be the last. Long before the powerful Shurima dynasty was born in this desert, on the ice sheet in the extreme north of Valoran, there was Some people began to use the power of the void to decide the outcome of the war."

"In that long-forgotten era, the entities of ancient magic once roamed freely in Runeterra. The boundaries of the world were not as clear as they are now. The boundaries between the domains and the things in the opponent's territory were the objects of fierce competition."

"The legendary three sisters of Ice were born in this turbulent era. In order to control the power in the war, they all paid a heavy price."

"Serilda tried to wield the power of the heavens, but lost her voice to the first twilight. Avarosa faced the twisted darkness beneath the world, deprived of hearing, and the nothingness that waited in it yearned for Devouring all creation. Lissandra stood against the savage magic of the mortal world itself. To punish her for her contempt, a primordial god slashed her eyes with claws, robbing her of sight."

"They are facing the Twilight God of the Astral World, the endless hunger of the void, and the ancient god Volibear of the mortal world. It must be said that it is precisely because these three sisters dare to use their mortal body to face the extremely powerful The three powers, so they can be regarded as legends."

"Has the void already invaded in that era? Just those monsters that Avarosa fought against." Kai'Sa keenly sensed the key.

"The void has always existed, but at that time they hadn't crossed the border and came to our world." After Kahn explained, he continued after a break.

"The courage of mankind is to never give up. After being defeated, the three sisters united and prepared to end the endless war and lead the Freljord towards unity. During this period, Lissandra chose to Walking in a dream, only to find that only you can see the darkness below and what it really is."

"Lissandra saw great potential in infinite death, and made a deal with the Watchers - they were given immortal power by the Watchers, and became iceborn who could withstand the coldest frost , and what they need to do is to let Runeterra welcome the arrival of the void."

"Relying on this power, the three sisters were invincible and soon completed their unification. As promised, Lissandra led the joint army led by them to welcome the watcher under the high wall of the fortress, and offered three The loyalty of the sisters. But the other two would not give in, Avarosa insisted that there is only one thing worse than death, and that is enslavement. Even Serilda was furious, thinking that the world they had fought so hard Didn't deserve it."

"Lissandra reminded her sisters that all these great feats were due to the terms she negotiated with the masters of the other world below. At that time, at the height of this confrontation full of pain and hatred, The Watchers have finally arrived in Runeterra."

"When Lissandra saw the Watcher's human form, she immediately realized that she was simply seeking skin from a tiger. This time she finally knew what to do. She summoned every ounce of ancient magic around her, including The strength of her allies. She sacrificed all she had, sealing the rifts between realms with True Ice and burying the Watchers. Great clouds of ice mist howled through the chasms, and all who escaped alive The mortal warriors who came out were all driven mad by what they saw."

"But the Watchers didn't die, the frozen monsters just fell into a deep sleep. They gradually polluted the True Ice around them, turning them into darker Dark Ice. Lissandra could only find a way to maintain their dreams, Each dream surrendered to their promised eternity, which has continued until now."

"After the Great War, Lissandra and her first batch of Iceguard tribes used all their strength to rewrite history and hide the truth of the void invasion. That history is a shady scene that she tried her best to hide, a reverse scale that no one can touch. That's why there is such a situation where I want Taliyah to help her, but I don't want to tell Taliyah clearly what the enemy is, so I keep hinting in the way of dreams."

"So that's how it is..." Kai'Sa was thoughtful, trying to digest the huge amount of information.

"I don't quite understand how terrifying the monitors are, so that Lissandra will sacrifice everything to stop their invasion."

"Because they have no chance of winning at all once they engage in battle." Kahn said: "If you can't imagine what the Overseer looks like, just think about Vel'Koz we have encountered before. It is the shape created by the Overseers The closest existence to oneself. And the watcher of the void, whose strength is close to that of a real god, is not comparable to the man-made demigods of Shurima."

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