He Comes From the Void

Chapter 618: Hunting Ground

The Frost Priest asked the people of the Frosthorn Tribe to prepare the boat at the pier, and Kahn left immediately after receiving the news.

A primitive and crude small sailing boat with cables tied to stakes at the pier, and nothing on board except two wooden oars and a rope sled for dragging things. This is the boat Kahn is going to sail this time.

"This is too primitive." Kahn looked at the sailboat and complained: "Fortunately, it is a small boat. It would be outrageous to replace it with a big boat and fill it up."

"We can't row a big boat." Kaisha joked with Kahn, jumped into the boat, and began to check whether there were any holes in the hull and whether the canvas was intact.

Kahn untied the cable from the stake and asked casually, "Are you going too?"

"Of course, when did we part. What's the matter, you think differently?"

"I originally wanted you to stay and take care of Anne, just let me go alone."

"Three days is too long, are you willing? I am not willing." Kaisha looked at Kahn, then glanced at these fierce warriors who did not understand the language and were full of danger, and shook her head: "I will definitely go with you. I don't feel worried about putting Annie here alone, so let's take her there too."

"That's right." Kahn shook his head, carried Annie from the pier to the boat, and suddenly felt that this child had endured a lot of pressure that he shouldn't have to bear at this age.

"It's my first time on a boat." The boat slowly left the pier, Annie was quite excited, with Tibbers in her arms, her eyes were gazing randomly on the calm sea.

"Then you have to do it well, don't fall." Kaisha reminded kindly, she and Kahn were rowing with a wooden oar, and there was really no free hand to catch Annie.

Although the sea water in the sea of ​​ice has not yet frozen, it has reached the freezing temperature of pure water. If the child accidentally falls, he will not survive even if he does not drown. If the clothes are soaked in the sea, there will be nothing Anything used for heating.

"Brother and sister, why are we dressed tightly, while these northerners are shirtless?" Little Annie suddenly asked.


"The one with the eyes painted on his head."

Kahn looked back, and the Frost Priest appeared on the pier at some point. He didn't put on the bearskin vest, his arms were bare, and he watched the three of them leave with indifferent eyes.

"He is an Iceborn, so he is not afraid of the cold by nature." Kahn explained to Anne, and looking at the eyes of the Frost Priest, he suddenly remembered a sentence the other party said.

"The one eye is always watching you."


After a day's travel, the boat arrived at its destination.

This is an island in the sea. After Kahn docked the boat, he found that there was a snow-capped land in front of him, which was not as rich as imagined, and there were prey walking around everywhere.

They disembarked and dragged the sled trailer ashore, and Annie sat on it and dragged it along. Taking a boat and a car, Anne thought she was here for tourism, and Kahn kept telling her that there might be danger here.

After taking two steps on this island, Kahn realized that something was wrong. He dragged the trailer with little effort at all, and the smooth feel made him look down.

The ice surface is smooth and transparent, and one can see the cold and dark deep sea below at a glance, and there seem to be creatures swimming in it.

"There is an old saying in the Freljord that no shoes can be worn on thin ice. Some parts of this island are made up of ice floes. We should pay attention when walking to prevent being swallowed by ice crevasses."

"Understood. I'm going to search for prey." Kai'Sa put on the skin armor, walked away from Kahn quickly, and ran along a slope to the top of the mountain, using the skin armor's senses to search for nearby creatures.

They only have one day, and searching aimlessly will waste many hours.

"Bloodstains..." The ground here contains magic power, but Kai'Sa still clearly distinguishes the traces of blood.

She led Kahn to a valley. There were many totem poles standing around the valley. They seemed to be arranged irregularly. Broken furs hung on the pillars and were blown by the wind, and the complete skulls of beasts served as the totem poles. Part of it is inexplicably terrifying.

"This looks like a hunting ground."

Kai'Sa pointed to the source of the blood, a fat seal-like creature lying in the middle of the valley. There is a thick layer of fat under the skin, which is enough to resist the cold sea water. A pair of hard ivory protrudes from both sides of the mouth, which seems to be used to break through the ice.

The creature was big enough to capsize the boat they came in, or poke a hole in the hull with those tusks. But it was no longer a threat, and now it was lying on the slippery ice, the blood from the wound stained its surroundings, dying in the cold wind.

But Kahn did not approach easily.

There will be no pies in the sky, this is a truth that children like Annie understand, the easier the food is, the more likely it is to be bait.

"What hurt it?" Karn looked around, trying to find the hunters who had hurt their prey and left it here. But in this valley, besides them, there is no living thing to be found.

"Since no one claims it, we'll accept it. This can fill half a boat. Let's go, let's end its suffering."

Kaisha walked down the valley first, and Kahn walked back because he had to drag the trailer.

When he was still halfway up the hill, Kai'Sa had already walked into the valley. Kahn noticed the transparent ice under her feet, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared.

The thought just now came to mind again, and Kahn immediately issued a warning: "Kasha, step back."

Kai'Sa's skin armor also seemed to give a warning. The tingling pain from the soles of her feet made her realize that the threat was coming from her feet. She quickly jumped away from the spot, and the ice surface under her feet exploded in the next second. A huge fang The mouth rises from the ground, grabs the prey before Kai'Sa, and bites the prey more than ten meters into the air.

If she hadn't dodged in time, she might have been bitten.

The huge monster threw its prey into the air, and swallowed it in one gulp with its head raised and its bloody mouth, without even swallowing. It looks like a moray eel with hard skin, but the part protruding from the ice is more than ten meters high. It is an out-and-out sea monster.

"There are also sea quivers here?" After seeing the appearance of the monster clearly, Kahn felt much relieved.

Sea quivers are one of the many sea beasts in Bilgewater, but I didn't expect them to be distributed as far away as the Freljord. You must know that the water temperature difference between the two sea areas is at least ten degrees, but perhaps because of this, the size of the sea queer in front of him is much larger than those that Kahn has seen before.

In cold regions, in order to adapt to the low temperature, organisms generally choose to evolve to a larger body size, which is convenient for storing fat.

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