He Comes From the Void

Chapter 666 Falling off a Cliff

Karn picked up the guard's True Ice axe, weighing its weight. This weapon is more convenient, and the ritual knife he took from the priest has been contaminated and cannot touch the wound directly.

Ice radiated from the handle, enveloping his hand, but no one cared at the moment that he was not an Iceborn but could hold the True Ice weapon.

As he swung the ax down, the man's arm snapped off at the root. Then Kahn picked up the blackened arm, threw it on the body, and burned it all.

"Where did that thing go?" he asked.

When he had to take a long detour, the monster had already left his range of perception. In order to find it as quickly as possible, he now has to turn to witnesses.

The guard was so weak that he couldn't speak, the power of Zhenbing froze his wound, and he didn't lose too much blood. He looked away from the flames, raised his remaining arm, and pointed Karn in a direction.

"Very well, stay here and don't move, I'll deal with that thing." After speaking, Kahn immediately ran towards the direction pointed by the guard.

He can't delay on this person, otherwise more tragedies will happen in the fortress. If the source is not stopped in time, the entire Frostguard Fortress will fall and become a nest of voids.

The two continued to track the monster, and when they passed a corner, Kaen heard Kaisha ask him: "Kan, do you feel different this time?"

"Well, the trouble is not small." Kahn admitted: "It will be smarter to get out of the priest's body, right?"

"This monster must be the same as ordinary void creatures. It is more cunning. It always runs away after injuring someone, and then immediately looks for the next target. It never stops to eat the corpse of its prey. As the frost guard said, it seems Breeding."

Kaisha kept up with Kahn's speed and continued to add: "Just like the Rek'Sai we met in the desert, it kills its prey without eating them, but brings them back to its lair to extract viscous energy from its body. Make a portal."

"That's why we have to kill it in the cradle and stop it before the plague of the void spreads in the main castle!"

These Frostguards don't understand the Void, they see the monster as a living thing, and the behavior of the thing as a form of reproduction.

But Kahn is very clear that this is not the reproduction of creatures. Even if the power of the void touches a little bit, it will cause continuous erosion. Any contaminated flesh and blood will be transformed into void creatures, with the sole purpose of devouring all life forever. Non-stop activity.

In the case of such a monster emerging from the body, the speed of transformation is faster than erosion, and the initial part of the body has not been eroded before it has been transformed into a void creature. The void will never be satisfied, the remaining corpses will continue to be eroded, and then new monsters will grow, so it is necessary to destroy the corpses.

When the monster reappeared within Kahn's perception range, he immediately locked it, drove to the maximum speed, and even ran on the wall for a while at the corner. With the help of skin armor or time acceleration, this is actually nothing, but this is under normal conditions, which is enough to show Kahn's speed.

There is light at the end of the road, and at the junction of light and darkness, you can clearly see the terrifying segmented outline of the monster. It seemed to know that it couldn't run away, and it stayed where it was, stretching its limbs, like many sharp knives growing from its protruding back.

It screamed strangely at the two of them, and its upper and lower jaws were bitten together, which sounded like scraping between steel. The head is covered with many pinhole eyes, which looks like a sharp shower.

Kahn stretched out his hand towards the monster, trying to control it to prevent it from escaping to the outside world, but he didn't expect that the monster struggled a bit and got rid of his control, and then cast a vicious stare at him.

The gaze seemed to be intelligent, as if it had found a better target, which could satisfy its violent desire to destroy.

The monster's malevolent gaze grew brighter, fire burst from its eyes, and then a blaze of light erupted from its eyes. The surroundings suddenly became very quiet, and all sounds seemed to be silent, and then there was a loud crackling sound.

Kahn knew exactly what was coming, he propped up the crystal shield to block the incoming rays. Behind him, Kai'Sa, who was already covered in skin armor, took this opportunity to jump over his head to complete the overtake, landed in front of him, and rushed towards the monster with a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye.

She sprinted against the wall, dodging the Annihilation Ray, and the monster noticed her, and the Annihilation Ray strafed in her direction. The stone wall was swept away by the fierce light, it fell apart, and the passage began to collapse.

Just when the ray was about to hit her, Kai'Sa suddenly disappeared in place, and then reappeared beside the monster, swinging down her fist and beheading its head.

The falling rocks blocked Kahn's path, and when he knocked away the obstacles in front of him, he found that both Kai'Sa and the monster had disappeared.

He continued to run forward with doubts, and when he was about to step into the light, he stopped abruptly!

The cold wind blows in the face, and the white light reflected on the ice cap is stinging to the naked eye.

In front of him was a rugged cliff, connected to a deep abyss of ice, the mountain wind howled and blew past, mixed with ice crystal fragments, making it hard to open one's eyes.

Thirty feet below him, Kai'Sa hung by one arm from a protruding icicle. The fragile icicles were not strong enough to bear her weight, and cracks had already begun to burst out. Around her, there were no climbing points, all fragile ice crystals that would easily shatter on impact, even if she wanted to throw herself on the solid snow rock.

She could only maintain a motionless posture, trying to hold on for as long as possible, waiting for Kahn's help.

On the other side, the monster whose head had been cut off was still alive, and fell into the gap between the rocks. The monster full of hatred kept twisting its limbs, trying to gain a foothold, but it wobbled like a drunk, and the pain in its heart The purple light also began to flicker.

It took Kahn a second to comprehend the situation before him.

It turned out that they saw the sky light and thought they were chasing monsters and came to a balcony leading to the outside world, but they didn't expect that the passage was directly connected to the cliff without any buffer or protection.

Kai'Sa rushed too fast. Although she chopped off the monster's head, she couldn't stop under the effect of inertia, and both fell off the cliff with the monster.

"Kan! I'm here!" Kai'sa shouted happily when she saw Kahn's head protruding from above. But this cry caused the icicle to bear even greater pressure, and the scale of the crack expanded again.

"Honey, hold on! I'm coming!"

The sound of cracking ice seemed to ring in my ears. Seeing that Kai'Sa was about to fall off the cliff, Kahn immediately slid down the cliff and sprinted towards her position.

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