He Comes From the Void

Chapter 676 Breaking through the seal

He broke through the seal from Chapter 676 of the Void Text Volume. "It's okay, everyone is back." Kahn comforted Kaisha, and he would be terrified if this happened to him.

"It seems that your self-control is not bad." Lissandra said softly behind him, and Kahn looked back at her, knowing that this was by no means a compliment.

This woman just had a little idea of ​​rescue, but now she takes this as a test and wants to absolve herself of the crime.

Putting aside the true thoughts in his heart for the time being, Kahn focused on Kai'Sa.

"Now, is it better? If not, we'll quit."

"I'm fine, I can hold on." Kai'Sa clenched her fists, and the suffocating fog dissipated from the corner of her eyes: "There won't be a second time."

The Watcher manipulated her armor to break the seal with her hands, and she wouldn't let it happen.

Kahn gave the package to Kaisha, and he had given a general plan before coming, so Kaisha knew what to do. The advantage of this is that there is no need for on-site communication, and Lissandra, a blind woman, cannot see the specific process of the plan.

The center of the ice bottom no longer dared to get closer. They walked around the center, looking for the weak point of the seal, and found it immediately.

At the upper position of the second icicle, Kahn saw that the edges and corners of the runes on it were no longer sharp, and became more rounded and soft. At the same time, the darkness in the ice also gave him a feeling that he was about to emerge. This black shadow is no longer hovering at the edge of his vision, it has occupied all of his vision.

"I'm going to break the seal from here and get a sample," he said, and Kai'Sa glanced at the clock, remembering the time.

He didn't use the Eternal Flame to burn the icicle, because it meant he had to open the skin armor first, and doing so would increase the risk a lot. Using the ice ax he had prepared in advance, he hammered into the weak spot of the seal.

Ordinary ice picks failed to break through the black icicles, but gave a strong signal of the darkness within. As if there was a stress response, the darkness inside the icicle swayed, struggling to escape. It poked from the inside, trying desperately to break out of its prison.

It wants to touch them, and keeps trying.

Kahn stretched a hand over the weak spot in the ice, as if reaching for a poisonous snake.

In an instant, the dark matter in the ice attacked the icicle with doubled force, and the icicle couldn't withstand the impact, cracking a spiderweb-like gap. The dark matter gathered into the shape of tentacles, breaking through the seal and shooting towards Karn at lightning speed.

Karn popped out the arm blade, severing the tentacles. Kai'Sa quickly picked up the tentacles and began to devour and absorb them on the spot, trying to analyze the ingredients inside.

Lissandra muttered silently, then, new ice crystals began to condense on the surface of the pillar, covering the cracks in the spider web. But what she produces is not true ice, and she cannot make pure ice by herself.

What she was worried about happened, and three more tentacles broke through the ice crystal and grew explosively. They shot at the three people respectively, not letting any one go.

Kahn took all of them, and with a storm-like slash, he cut these tentacles into pieces no longer than one finger long. But they are like the heads of a hydra, each time one is severed, more grow back.

One life is two, two is three, three is all things, and the flow is endless.

An alien tentacle stabbed Karn, but was bounced off by the skin armor. It turned to wrap around Kahn's arm, pulling his movements, allowing more tentacles to sneak in and wrap around Kahn's body one after another.

Kahn watched these tentacles grow thorn-like serrated teeth, sawing through his skin armor by constantly swimming around him. He was unable to do enough at first, but the tentacles gushing out from the crack showed no signs of diminishing, just like a broken dam, as the crack continued to expand, more and thicker tentacles gushed out, and then further impacted Fragile rips.

Finally, the entire icicle shattered, and the black matter erupted like magma, covering Kahn from the head in an instant, wrapping him into a cocoon, without even making a sound. In the beginning, as he struggled, the black cocoon kept deforming. The arm blade pierced the black cocoon from the inside out, but more tentacles wrapped him up, completely suppressing his struggle in a few breaths.

Lissandra summoned crampons to surround herself with no dead ends, but the gaps of those tentacles pierced the ice coffin, devouring the ice magic inside. This time the ice coffin didn't melt, and there wasn't a trace of blood flowing out of it. It was obvious that Lissandra's teleportation magic had failed, and she wouldn't be able to escape the magic, probably because she was cold.

Kaisha wanted to rush in to save Karn, but looking at the time device in her hand, her rationality made her quickly back away from the explosion point of the black paste. She fled backwards, and those tentacles rushed to chase her like thorns, extending infinitely, chasing after her.

A tentacle chased after him from the side at some point and entangled Kai'Sa's ankle. She fell out, subconsciously clinging tightly to the time device, the only hope to reverse everything.

At a critical moment, Kahn suddenly appeared and cut off the tentacles. He escaped from the encirclement of the dark tentacles. At this time, his skin armor was already in tatters as if it had been rolled in a pile of files.

Kai'Sa's ankle broke free from the restraints, she stabilized her figure, and protected the Z-drive almost dangerously, preventing it from falling out.

If the time machine breaks down, it's all over...

In order to save her, Kahn was dragged by the tentacles again, and this time he didn't even struggle. Those tentacles continued to rush towards her after devouring Karn, and surrounded her from all directions. Seeing that the situation was going to be out of control, Kai'Sa escaped into the void to escape the encirclement, and then turned on the switch.

This step is not superfluous. After going back in time, Kahn will lose this memory except for her, so she has to experience some things herself.

For example, analyzing the composition of the tentacles, and escaping into the void is the last test that Kahn ordered in advance. It is very necessary to know whether their strongest escape skills are useful in front of the monitors. If not, they will not have any ability to deal with them.

Kai'Sa fled into the void and broke free from the shackles of the alien tentacles, but the lock from the watcher could not be dispelled. Even if she didn't meet the huge one eye, she still felt the watcher staring at her.

It is too scary to be able to observe the outside world even in a deep sleep state, and to activate the body's instincts once it feels threatened.

Kai'Sa completed her mission and reversed time and space with this memory activation device.

Countless tentacles are retreating, they "release" Karn and Lissandra, even if they are as strong as the Overseer, they must abide by the law of time, even life and death cannot escape.

The time went back to before everything happened, only Kaisha, who had memories of the terrible scene just now, saw Kahn about to knock the ice pick on the icicle before she had time to look at her pocket watch, and she was so frightened that she quickly grabbed his hand.

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