He Comes From the Void

Chapter 697 Uninvited Guest

"Annie, what are you looking at?" A woman's voice came from inside the room.

"I seem to see someone I know." Annie replied.

"Let's have dinner first, and then go find it after we're done," the woman said again.

"Okay." Annie shrank her head back and went to eat quietly.

Seeing this, Kahn explained to Kaisha why they hid in the woods and observed secretly.

He didn't want to get in touch with the locals because he looked like a suspicious person. From the old shepherd's attitude towards them, the first reaction of the people here was to wonder if they were hostile tribes Come spies.

And it's hard for him to explain clearly. Frost Guard's reputation is not very good in the eyes of both southerners and northerners.

"Willump isn't here... where did it go?" Kaisha replied belatedly.

All her attention was on the two children just now. It seems that during their absence, the two children should be doing well, their faces are rosy, and the baby fat on their faces has not lost weight.

"Willump is Nunu's best partner, and he will definitely not abandon it. I guess Nunu won't stay here for long, he will definitely come out to find Willump, we just wait."

So the two continued to wait in the forest, and as expected, the wooden door opened again, and Nunu and Annie came out, followed by a woman.

"Thank you for the hospitality. The dinner was delicious." Anne thanked the hostess politely.

"It's getting dark, be careful on the road." The woman smiled and sent them to the path.

"We'll be watching."

After saying goodbye to the woman, the two children went up the mountain along the forest path.

"I'm so full, go back and find Willump." Nunu supported his stomach contentedly, and then started to run.

"Go slowly, I feel that my brothers and sisters are nearby." Annie hugged Tibbers and told Nunu to slow down.

"Huh? Really?" Nunu turned around immediately.

"Well, when you were playing just now, I felt that they were watching us. I don't know why they didn't come out? Are they as shy as Willump?"

"Then I'll help you find it." Nunu began to look for footprints in the forest.

The two secretly watching were amused by the childish words of the two children, and they decided not to hide anymore. Just as Nunu was at their feet, Karn shook the branch slightly, causing a cloud of snow to fall on Nunu's head.

"Ah, they're on the tree!" Nunu shook his hood, looked up and found two people, and immediately yelled.

Annie rushed over when she heard the sound, and shouted happily: "Brother and sister, you are really here!"

"Yeah." Kaisha jumped down and touched her head: "You two, why did you go to someone's house for food? Where's Willump?"

"Willump is afraid of strangers, so he hides in a cave and sleeps." Nunu burst out laughing after answering. He still doesn't quite understand Willump's actions, and he shouldn't laugh at its constant vigilance against humans.

"Did you come to us after solving the problem?" Annie asked, grabbing Kai's hand.

"Let's go to Willump, let's talk as we go, don't let him wait too long by himself."


It turned out that after Anni Nunu separated from Kahn and the others, she followed the migration route of the Notai clan all the way to the south, because going north was the direction Kahn and the others were going. There were trolls and frost guards there, and Kahn would not let them They approach.

Just walking all the way, no matter how slow the speed is, I have come to the south where Avarosa is.

And recently, they met two little boys who encountered a beast on a nearby snow mountain. Anne drove the beast away with flames and sent the boys back home.

The boy's parents thanked them very much and entertained them with a rich dinner, and the scene that Kahn saw happened. Annie also said that the boy's family is a stove household, not only are they not afraid of her ability, but they also like her very much. They offered to keep her several times, but she refused.

Furuto is a follower of Ornn, and it's normal to like flames, not to mention that Anne is so cute, the blacksmith might stay as a child bride.

The two followed Nunu to a cave and saw Willump sleeping soundly. Nunu rushed over and threw himself on its elastic belly.

"Willump, we're back!"

The snowman opened his blue eyes, and his beard was up and down, as if he was smiling. Seeing Kahn and Kai'Sa following behind, he snorted twice and got up, stretching his four arms for a long stretch.

"Hello, Willump."

Next, the four people and one beast sat around the campfire to reminisce about the old days and talk about what happened during the time since they separated.

They have not completed their mission, and the two children have not found their missing mother. When Annie asked about the Frostguard Fortress, Kahn looked at the carefree appearance of the two children, and only told them the most superficial things.

Then, Karn said that they were going to Rakstark to find Warmother Ashe, and the two children immediately clamored to follow.

Kahn thought for a while and didn't refuse. Don't they just lack a legitimate identity? The envoy of the Frostguard Fortress does not sound like a friendly person, and Nunu is the orphan of the Notai clan, and they can use this status to successfully sneak into the Avarosa tribe.

After resting overnight in the cave, they set out together again the next day.

But when Kahn took the first step, a sense of crisis enveloped him. He seemed to feel a faint sight, but when he looked around, he found nothing, as if there was an eye watching him in the dark.

After going on the road together with Anni Nunu, the wormhole cannot be used to shorten the distance. The two children cannot withstand the energy erosion of the void wormhole.

Moreover, it is best not to set up a wormhole without a clear impression of the destination, otherwise you have no idea where the other end of the wormhole will lead. If the end point is directly opened in the mountain, the wormhole may suck in all the rocks at the other end, and then spit it out to kill you at this end.

On this day, it snowed in the sky. Nunu jumped up for joy, for he had seen much less snow since the spring in the south. The melting of ice and snow made it impossible for him to play his favorite game of snowball.

"I haven't had a snowball fight in ages, Willump! Annie! Let's have a snowball fight!"

Willump ran up and followed Nunu silly, but Annie was calmer, looked at the snow layer that had not yet accumulated and shook her head and said, "It's not possible now, we can only play when the snow is thicker."

"I have ice and snow gems, as long as you want me to create a lot of snow, we can have enough fun!" Nunu said with a smile. For him, what snow wants is an atmosphere.

Annie was about to say something when she was interrupted by Kahn.

"Children, I'm afraid you won't be able to play today."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in the surrounding woods.

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