He Comes From the Void

Chapter 740: Battle to the Death

The giant bear broke through the city wall and led the bears into the formation of the Frost Guards and began massacring them.

Flesh hung from his massive claws, the urge to tear and destroy undiminished. He was fighting all the time, withstood wave after wave of siege, and kept bringing death and relief to the enemy.

He is almost invincible. The huge disparity in size brings about crushing killings. He can't even use thunder and lightning. Volibear just swipe his claws casually, and there will be a burst of flesh and blood flying.

But what is surprising is that the morale of these enemies has not been defeated in the face of the unstoppable fury of the bear god.

He didn't see any of the Frost Guards turn around and run away. Even though they knew they were nothing but an ant before God's eyes, these Frost Guards still waved their knives as if they were dead. Even if they were trampled and crushed, they would risk their lives in Wally There was a wound on Bell's body.

Gradually, the giant bear who had received thousands of knives and guns was filled with various weapons, weapons of Zhenbing.

Ice crystals grew in his flesh and blood, opening the wound and releasing the cold. But Volibear didn't try to remove the weapon from his body. It was proof of his bloody battle. His majestic body was covered with old wounds and new scars, which were the marks of honor he was proud of.

At the same time, these weapons were proof of the enemy's desperate struggle, and he respected the warriors, wishing that doing so would bring relief to their souls.

But this was not Volibear's war alone, the Frostguard's performance against the Ursine was equally heroic. They received the death order from Lissandra, and in order to protect the main castle, they fought desperately with the bears on the steps.

A Frost Guard used a kite shield to block the sharp claws of the Thunderclaw Bearman from slapping him, and then took advantage of the gap between the bearman's bite on the shield and suddenly exerted force, sending the sharp sword into the Half Bear's chest. From the latter's throat came a dangerous growl, full of violence and rage.

As its anger surged, it lifted Frostguard into the air, and at the same time, ice crystals slowly spread from its chest to its limbs. It was about to die, it let out the last roar before it died, and then bit off the head of the Frostguard including the helmet in its hands, and let the spurting blood see it off, with blood dripping from its huge mouth.

A guardian fought with three bearmen. Each of these bearmen was more ruthless than ten berserkers combined. If he wanted to kill them, he could only be more ruthless than them, so he simply abandoned his skills and turned into a For the butcher who chops meat.

He cried out for the blessings of the three sisters, but his shouts were drowned out by battle cries. While rushing forward, the sharp ax roared and cut through the air, leaving a trail of ice fog. This blow is enough to split an ice troll in half, and the bear man in front of him is not as strong as the troll in physique. The head frozen into an ice cube by the power of pure ice flew out immediately, and cracked on the ground. , from which flowed thick black blood.

A bear paw clawed at his heart, but the tip slid through the breastplate and tore the arm away. Fear and wild euphoria make people fearless, the warrior has forgotten the pain, roaring and rushing forward, swinging the sword like a madman, it seems that the mind has been influenced by the true beast spirit, and the whole body is infused with Wally Bell's savage rage.

In order to defeat monsters, people force themselves into monsters.

Many of the Frostguard began to fight like beasts, and the traces of civilization were slowly fading from them. Volibear watched the killing with satisfaction, licked his fangs, and blood dripped from his huge mouth.

Isn't that what he wants to see? Human beings have abandoned civilization and returned to primitive wildness.

He also gave these warriors his unruly power, and these humans abandoned cowardice, obedience, and weakness, and will become strong again!

This is the cruelest and most exciting battle on the land of ice and snow.

The two armies were biting each other tightly, death spread all over the ice-cast earth, and countless corpses lay on every step. In the extremely cold temperature, the blood began to freeze the moment it gushed out of the fatal wound, and beautiful and tragic scarlet flowers bloomed on the ground. The living people stepped on the corpses of the dead, and still fought each other to the death in this square inch, trying to remove each other's heads.

The battlefield is like an insatiable meat grinder, relentlessly devouring the lives of heroes, and the scream of death never stops.

There has long been no justice and no evil here. Everyone can be a hero, and everyone can also be a butcher, looking for a slim chance in the endless fighting.

It's called a battlefield, but it's no different from hell.

Volibear was in the center of the battlefield, absorbing the power of the blood sacrifice, and the undeniable spirit of the bear had crept into everyone's mind. These Frostguards' loyalty to Lissandra has quietly changed. They now kill and die in his name, all of which make his power gradually increase.

At this point in the war, it doesn't matter who wins or loses. People's power is shifting from Volibear, and he is the only winner on this battlefield.

Volibear won, but did Lissandra really lose?

The Frostguards died one by one, and their deaths gave Volibear a boost that gave him a better chance against the Watchers, but for Lissandra, it also meant knowing what lies beneath the ice and snow. The number of secretive people is decreasing one by one.

In fact, the situation has always been under her control, and killing people with a borrowed knife is her real intention.

So after knowing all this, Kahn decided to witness the war without any emotion, and chose to watch silently for the sake of the overall situation.

Volibear bared his blood-stained fangs, and looked across the battlefield below to the magnificent main castle behind the long steps.

This clumsy man-made facility made him furious. Its existence ruined the magnificent glacier shaped by nature over thousands of years, and it was the ugliest scar on the clean night sky of the Freljord. Ordinary people are proud of this and complacent, it is really a heinous crime.

Human beings should not hide behind walls that shatter on impact, nor in dark and dreary fortresses. Human beings should abandon the so-called civilization, return to the primitive, go wild hunting and fighting, and face the harshness of nature.

He wanted to liberate them, free them from the shackles Lissandra had created.

A bloody reckoning awaited him, Volibear walked towards the main castle with heavy steps, every step was filled with anger, the anger in his body turned into an uncontrollable storm, the air around him blew out with great force Lightning sparks.

But at this moment, the tips of the two huge obelisks on both sides of the gate of the main castle behind him suddenly shot out two icy blue rays of light, and the ancient mad magic instantly froze the giant bear into an ice sculpture!

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