He Comes From the Void

Chapter 750 Distortion

Volibear stared deeper into the abyss, with deep fear in his eyes.

When he fell here and found that there was still a bottomless abyss under his feet, he inserted the spear horizontally into the ice wall to stop his falling figure slowly.

This is completely subconscious behavior, even he who is fearless is unwilling to go down this cliff.

He pulled out the spear stuck on the ice wall, looked back at the two of them, and then walked towards the only road below.

The two quickly avoided to avoid being burned by the flames from the fire cloak on his body. They looked at each other, knowing what kind of existence they were going to face next, and the hardest part was coming.

Volibear came to the door of the Hall of the Nine, and the narrow opening was not enough for him, a behemoth, to get through, so Kahn proposed to let them go in to see the situation first.

"I don't know how many of the Nine Seals are left." Kai'Sa murmured, and the Void Skin Armor felt a strong sense. She grabbed Kahn's hand and followed him carefully into the underground cavity.

No sooner had they entered than they saw a black hill in the middle of the cave. That huge, breathtaking, eyelidless one eye was frozen in the transparent black ice tens of feet deep, looking up at the ice cap of the dome obliquely.

In the surroundings, the nine icicles either melted or were knocked down, scattered all around.

"Is it asleep? Or awake?"

Kahn realized that he couldn't help thinking about this question, but in the dark corner, there was something dormant and moving furtively.

His gaze immediately turned to the corner, because it is extremely dangerous to look into the eyes of the monitor, and you don't know when you will be controlled. The things in the dark seem to have wisdom, and they no longer hide after feeling Kahn's gaze.

Something in the darkness showed its shape, and one bruised arm after another gradually emerged, with the fingers at the end digging into the ground, dragging the rest of the body to squirm forward. They joined together to form a huge tentacle, which was bigger than any sea monster in the abyss that Kahn had ever seen. That sea monster could only swallow the entire Nether Abyss. Although the part behind the tentacles is hidden in the darkness, judging from the huge size, it is not difficult to imagine that the tentacles are connected to the body of the monitor.

Those arms look as small as the hairs growing on the tentacles. Even a tentacle is this big, so how big should it be?

In Kai'Sa's imagination, the entirety of the Overseer was bigger than a mountain range, and compared to them, they were like a grain of frost in a blizzard, not of the same order of magnitude at all.

Kahn gently tugged on Kai'Sa's arm, motioning for her to retreat together and leave it to Volibear to deal with.

But the monitor has been imprisoned for tens of millions of years, its hunger and thirst have long been beyond imagination, and it will never let go of the blood feed that is close to it. As soon as the two took half a step back, the huge tentacles slammed towards them like a battering ram.

The two turned around and fled at full speed. The watcher's movements didn't seem to have been frozen for thousands of years. The swift tentacles rushed to him in an instant, and the wind pressure brought out was like a bullet hitting his body. The distance was so close that they could clearly see every twisted finger that was grabbing at them, as if they wanted to pick off the skin armor from them... peeling off the skin and cramping it up, sharing it and eating it.

The fear that hit his face made Kahn subconsciously slow down the flow of time, and only in this way could he barely escape. Those arms caught the empty space, and suddenly began to twitch and convulse, and he could even feel extremely angry from their movements.

He didn't have time to pay attention to what happened, and continued to flee towards the exit.

Suddenly, another tentacle flew past the ice wall, lying in front of the two of them, blocking the only exit.

The light source from outside was blocked, and the whole cave suddenly became darker, but not completely dark. A bleak purple light filled the entire space, which was emitted by the watcher's single eye. Under the purple light, those bruised arms became more permeable.

Tentacles snaked around them, not in a hurry to devour them. I don't know when many one-eyed eyes grew on it, and they all cast thoughtful gazes at them.

In this scene, Kahn has a strange feeling of entering the dark forest and being observed by many eyes.

He feels his existence is being understood, being studied by higher dimensional beings. It's as if an ignorant child is observing the existence of an ant. Even if it's just a child, there is an insurmountable gap.

This feeling of being studied made Kahn feel creepy, and a pressure seeped into his mind, pushing him into the abyss of madness. And if you want to stop all of this, you have to run away immediately.

He escaped into the void with Kai'Sa, but his gaze never moved away from them, and was always firmly locked on them.

Could the Overseer reach into the cracks between realms? For the first time, Kahn questioned his ability, doubting whether he could break through the blockade of the monitors.

But there was no other choice right now, so he bit the bullet and rushed towards the tentacles. Fortunately, he passed through the tentacles and successfully escaped from the hall of nine deities.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the mountain wall behind him was gouged open by several tentacles, the landslides and the ground cracked, and a stone as big as a house fell down, and the sound of the huge stone grinding drowned the two of them.

The two climbed out from the cracks in the rocks in a panic, and looked up to see that the entire mountain wall had been collapsed, exposing the hollow mountainside. And the monitor's tentacles were on the edge of the gap, and the fingers at the end dug into the rocks in the middle. These tentacles were straightened by force, as if they were trying to pull out the one-eyed eye that was frozen in the black pure ice.

And this pull is like shaking the ground, it seems that the anchor point of the whole world has loosened. The watcher's dragging didn't just act on the real world, Kahn felt his body and mind tremble accordingly.

The Monitor, as the most powerful existence in another dimension, will not be weak after coming to Runeterra. Its every move can affect all corresponding realms, and when they devour the physical realm, the spiritual realm is not immune.

Kahn looked back at the Hall of the Nine, and compared it with his own eyes, the Watchers were much larger than Volibear. At this moment, the two behemoths noticed each other, they looked at each other, trying to understand each other's existence.

Volibear's understanding of the Watcher is carried out at the level of thinking, and Kahn has no way of knowing what he is thinking, but the Watcher's understanding of Volibear is actually manifested on the body.

They saw that the monitor's tentacles were reacting with the air, undergoing a terrifying transformation that had not been completed ten thousand years ago, nails grew from the end of the tentacles, and they were firmly embedded in the mountain. The arms fell off and began to be replaced by bristles, warding off the cold of the Howling Abyss. Its tentacles became thicker and more powerful, and its pulling caused cracks in the black ice.

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