He Has a Dragon

Chapter 581 Car accident

When Wang Le, who was sitting in the back seat, was thinking that after competing with Hu Qian, he would have to go back to Feicheng to deal with the mountains of copywriting in the company, and felt a headache, suddenly! With his eyes closed, Wang Le felt that the world was spinning.


As soon as Wang Le opened his eyes, he saw that the taxi he was sitting in had deviated from its original route. The body of the taxi was being blocked by a yellow Lamborghini, and it was pushed sideways and hit the big tree on the edge of the curb.

Seeing this situation, Wang Le's heart was instantly trampled by a hundred thousand mud horses and they were all covered in mud!

It's rare that I get hit by someone once I'm in a taxi, and it's a Lamborghini!

This kind of bad luck was so damn bad. Young Master Wang felt that he had been unlucky for eight lifetimes before he encountered this kind of thing.


The whole process took only a blink of an eye. Wang Le could not react to jump out of the car. What the Lamborghini hit was the middle of the right side of the taxi. Under its inertia, it had already pushed the car and hit the curb. The big tree made a violent crashing sound.

Fortunately, Wang Le and the driver were both sitting on the left side of the car and were not hit by the Lamborghini that hit the right side of the car immediately, thus avoiding injury.

When the left rear door of the taxi hit the big tree head-on, the speed had actually slowed down a lot under the friction of inertial resistance. Wang Le also ducked out of the way in time to avoid injury.

However, Wang Le's forehead was accidentally scratched by a protruding piece of car iron, causing blood to flow freely.

At this time, the rear doors on both sides had been deformed. The left side was blocked by a big tree, and a small piece of Lamborghini's front was pressing down on the right. The driver sitting in front had passed out, and the front of the car started to smoke.

The sudden situation in front of him made Wang Le no longer care about the wound on his head. He raised his big foot and kicked the deformed car door on the right.

With two powerful kicks, the deformed car door was kicked open by Wang Le. The Lamborghini that was holding the car door also moved back, finally allowing Mr. Wang to get out of the car.

Wang Le, whose face was already covered in blood, got out of the car, and then kicked the front of the deformed Lamborghini as if to vent his anger!

"Damn it, what kind of car are you driving?!"

Young Master Wang roared depressedly,

At the same time, without daring to delay, he opened the taxi's driver's door again, took the unconscious driver out of the car, and then carefully placed him on the sidewalk beside the curb.

After careful inspection, the driver was not injured except for his cheek being scratched by the glass. At most, he had a concussion and passed out.

"You asked me what kind of car I drive, and I also want to ask you what kind of car you drive!?"

Just when Wang Le was checking the driver, he heard someone cursing behind him.

Wang Le, who was squatting next to the driver with scarlet blood all over his face, looked very ferocious. After hearing the shouting, a cold look flashed in his eyes before he stood up and turned to look at the other person.

I saw a young man with a flushed face, small eyes full of red bloodshot eyes, and a pair of dark circles, about his own age, with a shaved mohawk, clenching his fists angrily.

Wang Le frowned, and the anger flashed in his eyes, because the other party smelled very drunk and was obviously driving drunk. It looked like he was still hungover and had been drinking all night.

"****-you, what the hell are you looking at? The car I just bought was crashed!"

"This is a global limited edition. Do you know how much it costs? Eight million!"

"You bastard is in trouble. You're in big trouble. You can't even afford to sell yourself out!"


The young man with a shaved mohawk roared and cursed like a barrage, and kept adding a lot of English swear words, which made Wang Le laugh in anger.

Not to mention right or wrong, Wang Le is a passenger, not the driver!

Now the driver is still lying on the ground unconscious!

How come he was found on Wang Le's head? ? ?

"If you have the guts, don't run away!"

"Hey, in this Forty-Nine City, you can't run away even if you want to."

The young man warned Wang Le with a sneer and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Except for yelling and swearing at the beginning, Wang Le didn't speak again from beginning to end, because yelling and swearing at a drunkard was simply an insult to himself!

At this time, Wang Le's white short-sleeved shirt was full of blood, so he had to take it off. At the same time, he found a bottle of mineral water from the crashed taxi and washed the blood off his face.

Wang Le's physique was very strong, and there was no more blood flowing out of the wound on his forehead.

After doing all this, Wang Le thought that since the other party could drive a Lamborghini and act like a playboy, arrogant and stupid, he must be rich or noble.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Wang Le also took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Isn't it just a background comparison? Young Master Wang is very confident that in these four-nine cities, with the Mu family and foster father Xiao Yuanfang, even if he is not ranked first, he is still in the top three!

When Wang Le called Mu Xiyan and told her that she had been in a car accident on the way, Miss Mu was frightened and quickly asked about the location and general circumstances of the crash.

After learning that Wang Le was not injured, Mu Xiyan was relieved, and then said that she would bring Chen Sheng to the scene and let him handle it.

When Wang Le hung up the phone, not only the traffic police car arrived, but four luxury cars also drove to the accident scene.

"Brothers, it's him, beat me, beat him hard, I will be beaten to death!"

The young man with a shaved mohawk pointed his finger at Wang Le and shouted fiercely when he saw people getting out of four cars. He turned a blind eye to the three traffic police who came to the scene and did not shy away from it at all.

Then he saw the reinforcements supporting the young man and rushed towards Wang Le without thinking.

Several of them even opened the trunk and took out baseball bats, iron bars and other murder weapons, which made Wang Le's face suddenly look bad.

At the same time, a reinforcement came out of the car and walked directly to the three traffic policemen and said a few words. A very familiar look.

Then I saw the three traffic policemen running away, busy clearing the traffic jam caused by the car accident.

The young man with a shaved mohawk saw that Wang Le didn't run away when he was about to be beaten. He couldn't help but mocked: "I'm asking you to pretend to be cool. You won't even know how to die when you die later. Huh?" !”

Immediately, more than a dozen people with murderous weapons in their hands, like hungry wolves, viciously pounced on Wang Le, who was like a lonely lamb!

As a result, the picture did not appear as imagined by the young man with a mohawk, and it was beyond the expectations of the onlookers on the roadside...

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