He Has a Dragon

Chapter 744: Sincerely convinced

When Wu Zhuang, who was standing outside, was opened by Wang Le, who opened the iron door of the warehouse and called him in, when he saw Mr. Wang's beaming smile, he couldn't help but secretly thought to himself: "What a fool! I can't bet on the glass imperial green." Is it emerald?"

As soon as this idea flashed through his mind, he was immediately rejected by Wu Suo, because the wool had not been cut yet, and everything was still undecided. Maybe Wang Le had made a wrong judgment!

From Wu Suo's point of view, although Wang Le's stone gambling skills are indeed amazing, people make mistakes and horses stumble, not to mention that in this stone gambling industry where it is difficult for gods to break jade, mistakes are always the result of misunderstandings. It is inevitable, if you can bet 100% every time and never miss anything, then it will be really damned. [For more exciting novels, please visit]

However, Wu was just thinking about these opinions in his mind, and of course he would not express them out loud.

Because the young master Wang in front of him is his noble person, and it is too late to serve him well. How could he say such things to make the other party unhappy? He, Wu said, would only do such stupid things unless his brain is short-circuited!

"Mr. Wang, have you made your selections?" Wu asked respectfully.

Wang Le pointed at the dozen large woolen stones he had just picked out, showing two rows of white teeth, and replied with a smile in a very good mood: "These are all jadeite, Boss Wu can take care of it."

"There are jade in these woolen materials?" Wu said, his mouth opened and he couldn't close it for a moment, and he was stunned.

Before Wu Suo could react, Wang Le bent down and picked up the thirty-kilogram wool stone containing glass-type imperial jade that was placed at his feet and walked out of the warehouse.

"Mr. Wang, what are you doing?" Wu Suo, who had regained consciousness, quickly caught up with Wang Le who had just walked to the warehouse door and asked.

Wang Le didn't look back, and replied as he walked: "Of course I need a cutting machine to cut the wool open."

"Uh!" Wu So-called, who was following behind, curled his lips and said to himself in disbelief: "How dare you really think that you can bet on glass-type imperial green jadeite? Haha."

Young Master Wang, who was walking in front, certainly didn't care about Wu's so-called thoughts behind him. At this time, he was thinking of quickly cutting open the piece of wool in his hand, and then taking out the glass imperial green jade the size of a baby's fist. .

Soon, Wang Le left the warehouse and came to the yard behind the Nishite Hall. Wu Suo said with a wink, first handed the cutting machine to Mr. Wang, and at the same time asked the store employee to get another basin of water. Put it next to him.

"Boss Wu, ask all the guys in your store to go to the front room.

Don't come into the yard. "Wang Le ordered.

Of course Wu So-called had no objection, and he quickly kicked out all the employees who were working in the yard out of the backyard.

"It's so mysterious, can it really be possible to produce imperial green jadeite from glass?" Wu said after driving all the guys away, he couldn't help but murmured in his heart again.

As his mind wandered, Wu Souo walked to Wang Le, who was already holding the cutting machine, and carefully looked at the piece of wool.

"It's true that this material has holes in it, but the cracks on it are too deep. No matter how you look at it, there's no possibility of green being produced. It's hard to produce a jadeite with a poor color, let alone a glass imperial green jadeite."

Wu Zhuang, who has been gambling on stones all his life, made a confident conclusion in his heart after careful observation based on his own experience amidst the sharp friction sound of Wang Le's cutting machine cutting through the wool.

Soon, under Wang Le's very skillful and precise operation, more than thirty kilograms of wool was cut.

"It's foggy, it's foggy!" Wu So-called took a quick look, rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and blurted out in surprise.

Immediately, Wu moved faster than a rabbit, and immediately ran to a place not far away to get a small hand-held stone grinder, then squatted next to the torn wool, taking over Wang Le's work, and personally He began to grind against the fogged woolen cut surface.

Seeing this, Wang Dashu stood up with a slight smile, took out the half-drunk Nongfu Spring from the hip pocket of his jeans and poured it into his mouth.

“It’s really a glass type of imperial green jade. OMG!!!”

When Wu So-called rubbed off the stone shell covering the glass imperial green jadeite, revealing a green to transparent color, he couldn't help but be dazzled and gaped in wonder.

Wu Zhuang, who relies on the jade industry for a living, knows the market price of glass imperial green jade very well.

Glass imperial green is the real top jade, the best jadeite that can be used as a treasure handed down from generation to generation. A ring face costs millions of RMB, and if it is a bracelet, it costs tens of millions of RMB.

More importantly, glass-type imperial green jade is difficult to buy at all, and it has reached the point where it is not available at all.

To put it simply, if ordinary jade is called jewelry, then glass imperial green jade is the best treasure, and this is the difference between it and other jade!

"Mr. Wang, I, Old Wu, have played with jade all his life, and today I am completely convinced. You are really a living god!"

After a while, Wu So-called stood up and looked at Wang Le, giving a thumbs up with sincerity and said.

Wang Le waved his hand and said with a laugh: "Boss Wu, it's getting dark soon. It's more important that you use the time you have given me to bring out the imperial green jadeite from glass. Because I have other things to do next evening, so I can’t delay it.”

Wu So-called chuckled and said: "Well, it's my honor to be able to make a piece of glass imperial green jade with my own hands. When the time comes, I can brag about it when I drink with my colleagues."

After finishing speaking, Wu Suo took off his short-sleeved shirt and wiped the hot sweat from his face, then squatted down and continued to work seriously.

In the following time, Wu said that every movement in his hand was cautious, and he was very serious about digging out the piece of glass emperor green the size of a baby's fist from the wool.

When night fell, stars dotted the sky, and the cold moon hung high, in the courtyard, which was brightly lit like daylight, Wu Suojiao finally took out this piece of glass imperial green jade the size of a baby's fist, and handed it to Wang Le's hand.

"It's so beautiful. It doesn't need to be carved, it is already a perfect work of art." Wu said with admiration in his eyes, staring at the glass imperial green jadeite in Wang Le's hand, and admired from the bottom of his heart.

"Uh!" Young Master Wang, who was holding a glass imperial green jade in his hand, raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky, then rolled his eyes and thought to himself: "A work of art? After passing through my hands, it is destined to be something that can only be used. Small stones for construction site materials!”

Immediately, Wang Le withdrew his eyes from looking at the moon in the sky, and then said goodbye to Wu Suo: "Boss Wu, that's it for today. I will come again when wool is shipped from Myanmar next time."

Wu said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I will clean up the wool in the warehouse soon."

At this time, when Wu Suo thought of the pile of jade-in-material wool found by Wang Le in the warehouse, he couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.


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