Heaven Awakening Path

Chapter 935: To freedom

Wei Tianqi's heart is cold.

He did his best to work hard, but the opponent in his eyes never saw him in his eyes, and even stood in front of him, he could not recognize who he was. Such humiliation made him feel like a knife, and he was desperately desperate.

But this urge was quickly suppressed. From the moment he saw his father's body on the top of the lonely mountain behind the Fengfeng Academy, he was no longer the prettier teenager.

If you are desperately useful, do you still have to eat so much?

Such a destiny is worth nothing in the face of absolute power crushing. The so-called desperate despair is nothing but a peace of mind.

Wei Tianqi didn't want this. From the ears, the most important word in the main house of Xiafeng City and in their guardian's house: efficiency.

Everything must be efficient.

But seek results, regardless of the process.

If you work hard, you have to get things done. If things don't work, you're just talking nonsense.

So now, Lu Ping can't recognize himself, in fact it should be a good thing.

I don't recognize it, then he is a more indifferent passerby. Isn't he more likely to survive?

Wei Tianqi at the root of the wall gasped slowly. He stared at the expression on Luping's face and saw that his expression was still dazed. He no longer felt despised and humiliated, but instead began to rejoice.

But after all, he thought that Luping was specifically to kill him. He did n’t know if Luping would remember anything next, so he did n’t expect it to stop. He paid attention to Luping ’s expression, and then Standing up little by little, when he was still half-turned, he swept abruptly to the side, followed by a folding body, and got into the cabin he had rushed out of.

Without hesitation, he drilled towards the window leading the cliff, flew directly out, and fell straight down the cliff.

He turned around in mid-air and looked at the window above. Although no one came after him, it was more beneficial to him, but he still had a little expectation in his heart, looking forward to being valued by Lu Ping a little bit, at least chasing the window take a look.


The window suddenly showed a figure, Wei Tianqi hurriedly prepared for it, but soon, he saw clearly, the person who looked down in the window was not Lu Ping, but the girl standing with him, soon , Her face became blurred in the wind and snow.

"Run away." Leng Qing walked out of the house and said to Lu Ping.

"Oh." Lu Ping said.

"Don't think of who it is?" Leng Qing asked Lu Ping.

"You don't know his name?" Lu Ping asked the three.

"He just arrived here today, only Master Lu knows." The three said.

Lu Ping scratched his head, unfortunately, Lu Zheng had been killed by him.

The sudden episode did not disturb Lu Ping's rhythm. He obviously didn't take it seriously. Many of the teenagers released from the cell are still looking at him, but some have begun to move outward. Lu Ping did not intend to continue to stay here, and went out with the crowd. Those who were watching were moving at first sight, and finally began to move all outward.

The juveniles who have been imprisoned here are not good at communicating, looking at Lu Ping with eyes open, with doubts in their hearts, but they do not know how to speak.

A group of people quickly returned to the underground lobby where Luping walked when they came, and the two who were instantly knocked down by Luping were still lying there. Lu Ping pointed toward the entrance: "There." Then he turned his eyes to the other two passages.

"Is there only five of you here?" Leng Qing asked the three men.

"Of course not." The three replied immediately. They are now extremely submissive even with Leng Qing.

Perhaps the noise caused by the crowd finally attracted attention. On the right and middle of the lobby, people ran out in a hurry. They saw the prospect in the foreground and were shocked. They glanced away. When they saw the three of them, they immediately questioned.

"what happened?"

"What is this about?"

The people who ran out on both sides asked one. The three did not come and answered, and the two fell apart. Luping shot much faster than the three of them answered.

"Is anyone still locked on both sides?" Lu Ping asked.

"No." The three said quite firmly.

"Where do the two sides lead?" Leng Qing asked.

"This is the laboratory." One pointed to the middle.

"This is the data office." One pointed to the right channel and said.

"Information Office?" Leng Qing's eyes suddenly had light. She is not as pure as Lu Ping. After discovering such a place, she hopes to understand as much as possible what these people are doing and what their purpose is. The data office must have stored various records of these people and these things, and it is undoubtedly the best place to satisfy the curiosity and seek the truth.

"Are you going?" Lu Ping saw Leng Qing eager to try.

"How about you?" Leng Qing asked Lu Ping.

"I won't go, you protect yourself." Lu Ping said.

"Humph." Leng Qing sneered, and turned to the right channel without looking back. This place is obviously an important part of the four roads, but because of its importance, the precautions here are external tightness and internal looseness. The defensive interception should be completed as early as outside the cave. At this depth, there is no defensive system, so Leng Qing is not worried at all.

After Lu Ping watched her back disappear into the passage on the right, she moved out with the crowd. The three of you look at me, I look at you, and I don't know how to be at this time, but Luping did not greet them. The three stood still, and finally got rid of the crowd like this, and were hung in the underground lobby together.

On the left is the emptied cell, on the right is the intrusive data ground. There are four fallen companions beside them. The three looked at each other for a while, and finally did something. life and death.

Two of the four are dead, but two are still alive. The distribution of life and death is very random, showing that the shooter's fullness doesn't care. He just wants to make the trouble nonexistent. As for the life and death of attacking the target, he doesn't care much.

How to do?

The three people all had this kind of communication at this time. As a matter of course, they were not constrained at this time, they should quickly send the news out, and then Zhang Luoren pulled out the girl who broke into the reference room. However, Lu Ping's strength eventually became the biggest fear in their hearts. Whether Lu Ping was present or not, this influence could not be erased. That's how the six souls are connected. What if they send the news out? Who can stop him, who can stop him from doing things? Lu Shenfeng?

They knew that there was Lu Shenfeng in the valley, and the famous five souls were connected. But ... whatever, now the six souls are connected here, even if all the six strong come. According to the most common situation in which the four souls pass through and the three souls pass through, it is nothing more than a group of six to be abused if they come together?

So ... still have fun ...

"Oh, I'm so dizzy ..." A man suddenly yelled, his eyes full of treacherous, he fell down suddenly after the call, angry.

"Oh oh ..." The other person immediately understood and fell immediately.

"Help me!" The last one is in a hurry. Such disguise also requires power and means. Those two will, he will not!

"It's really troublesome!" The second man hadn't fainted yet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then he got up again and raised his hand to poke the last few.

"Dizzy ..." The two cried together and fell to the ground together. The three of them made themselves pass out.

Outward passage.

As Lu Ping and everyone walked together, it was naturally like what he said: if he can help, he will help. He walked to the front and stopped everyone when he was almost at the exit.

"I'll go and see first." He said.

Everyone nodded silently. They had seen the light of the hole. For them, it was a rare luxury. It was the light and freedom they did not dare to think about.

And now, Lu Ping is at the forefront, and the figure quickly enters that piece of light, and everyone stares breathlessly, as if one would not notice that figure would disappear.

Fortunately, this is not the case.

Walking into the bright figure just paused for a moment, then turned his head and smiled at them: "Wait again."

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