Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 489: The Spirit of Tinder


The magma duck and the fat duck collided together. The fat duck was more than 80 meters long14, but the magma duck was more than 150 meters long. The impact result can be imagined.

The fat duck screamed and fell into the reservoir, while the magma duck fell into the water smoothly.

It doesn't seem to weigh much, even if it falls into the water, it just splashes a few water splashes lightly, unlike the fat duck that is thrown into the water whole, the water splashes can be more than ten meters high.

In just one confrontation, the Fat Duck lost miserably.

Seeing the fat duck fall into the water, the magma duck seemed to tilt its head and think for a second, and the next moment, it continued to rush towards the fat duck, and its aura changed from the previous gentleness to fierce hostility.

Circles of special radiation emanate from the magma duck.

All the golden beasts that sensed this special radiation became more restless, and looked at the magma duck with murderous intent.

Shen Cong also felt this special radiation.

Some are similar to active waves, but contain the special radiation properties of fire fragments. You can easily feel that this radiation contains chaotic emotions, such as "swallowing", "food", " Absorb", "kill", "strengthen", "grow" and so on.

Many emotions mixed together, and Shen Cong couldn't help but feel the alertness that made his skin crawl.

natural enemy!

This deformable magma duck exists like a natural enemy.

Shen Cong could feel that it was a special life form, as if it was higher than Shen Cong and these Peerless Golden Beasts in terms of life structure. It feeds on Shen Cong and other low-evolutionary individuals, and after devouring Shen Cong and other evolutionary individuals, it can grow and grow stronger.

But this identity is not absolute.

Shen Cong felt that he also needed to devour it to complete the evolutionary supplement. Its body contained things that Shen Cong and other evolved individuals urgently needed.

"What the hell is this magma duck?"

"It has the radiation that fire fragments have, and the active wave that activates metals. It has a very strong vitality. Although it doesn't feel that it has IQ, it at least has needs for food and growth. If we say that the activity of metal life forms fails, is 'inactive', then its activity is 'more active',

It is also mixed with the energy of spark fragments, like spiritual light. "

The activity contained in iron fruit is the activity of "liver".

However, this kind of activity has no spirituality. Spirituality is the characteristics of thinking, emotion, etc. that are different from non-living bodies. The thinking and emotions of magma ducks are very chaotic, but it is indeed the spirituality that failed metal life forms lack. A pot of water, a fruit, and a leaf are different places.

"Could this be a strange change in the spark fragments?"

"I don't know if it is or not, but there must be a connection, why not call the magma duck the spirit of the tinder!"


The battle at Huangqian Reservoir kicked off with a fight between two ducks.

The magma duck imitated by the spirit of tinder has a strong body and a larger body, not a fat duck that can be easily defeated. So the fat duck had no choice but to run away from the reservoir to the shore. The chaotic thinking and emotions of the spirit of the tinder prompted it to chase directly to the shore without thinking twice.

This stabbed a hornet's nest.

How can you be so arrogant when you come to the shore!

Huang Daxian, boa constrictor, and snail traveler attacked it together, plus the fat duck that turned back, and the five behemoths put aside the differences between species and began to cooperate. For a while, even with the huge body of the spirit of fire, he was beaten too hard to lift his head.

The main reason is that its deformed fat duck is really not good at fighting and is extremely clumsy.

However, its outer shell seems to have a lot of cracks, and the red light is transmitted through it, but there is no sign of falling apart. After being beaten for a few minutes, the body of the fire seed spirit started a new round of squirming, and the direction of its squirming turned out to be Huang Daxian.

"Why did you choose Fat Duck, and why did you choose Huang Daxian?" Shen Cong was still watching the battle, "Originally, Fat Duck was obviously the largest golden beast, but now, Huang Daxian suppressed it so badly that weasels ate birds Humans have a natural advantage...so it's judging who's stronger?"

After a while, the magma fairy who imitated Huang Daxian and changed was born.

After incarnating as the Magma Immortal, the Fire Seed Spirit really succeeded in turning the situation around, relying on the streamlined body of the Magma Immortal, his running speed increased linearly. In the case of greatly improved flexibility, it also maintains its own strong defense. With this change, the five golden beasts can no longer suppress the spirit of the fire seed.


"Quack, quack, quack..." The fat duck screamed. Its wings were bitten by the magma fairy. Although it broke free, it was torn apart from the roots and hung limply.


A boa constrictor was also severely injured by the magma fairy. Its snake head was bitten and one eyeball was bitten open. If it wasn't for another boa constrictor to sweep away Magma Immortal's mouth, this one bite would have killed this boa constrictor.

"No, the Magma Immortal transformed by the Spirit of Fire is too powerful!" Shen Cong couldn't continue to watch quietly. If he didn't try to balance, the Spirit of Fire would not be able to stop it.

The enhanced Mushroom Arrow was taken out by Shen Cong, and he quickly ran down the mountain to a suitable location.

Pull away from the full moon and look for opportunities.

The opportunity appeared two minutes later, the magma fairy knocked down the snail traveler, and then stretched out his head to bite the snail traveler from the volute hole. At this time, the real Huang Daxian bit the neck of the Magma Daxian, and the fat duck also used its beak to make a hole in the Magma Daxian's back.

Two big boa constrictors wrapped around the hind legs of the Magma Immortal, one on the left and the other on the right.

Magma Immortal couldn't turn around.

A rare opportunity.


Light the fuze, release the bowstring, and the enhanced mushroom arrow, like a ray of light, responds to the sound, and is directly inserted into a crevice on the back of the Magma Immortal.

This is not the point, in fact the Magma Immortal is not the point either.

Huang Daxian attacked its neck. For Magma Daxian, even if it was broken, it might not be a serious injury. Because it itself is not a flesh and blood individual, but a structure like hellfire. Its eyes, ears, mouth, nose, limbs, and tail all changed after imitating Huang Daxian, not really these organs.

The enhanced version of the mushroom arrow was inserted into the crack, and the calculated ignition time of the fuze was completed just right.


The huge explosion instantly blasted out a round pit with a diameter of more than ten meters on the back of the Magma Immortal, and the sparkling red rubble shot out, and it still shone red when it fell to the ground.

It's just that the damage caused by such an explosion is still limited, and the rocks on the Magma Immortal's back squirmed, quickly filling up the round pit.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Cong found that he was locked on by the special radiation of the fire spirit, and could slightly feel that this radiation swept over him.

Contains tyrannical but smart thinking and emotions.

"What's the situation? Did it see that the enhanced Mushroom Arrow is too powerful and want to imitate me?" With such a quick reaction, Shen Cong quietly changed the appearance of the hell plant costume and stretched out his bloated figure.

Prepare to pit the spirit of tinder.

Sure enough, the besieged Tinder Spirit, carrying a wave of beatings, quickly changed from the image of the Magma Immortal to the obese version of Shen Cong Beast—the arms are thicker than the legs, the legs are thicker than the waist, and the waist is thicker than the butt. The whole image is extremely awkward .

As a result, the fat Shen Cong beast was in a tragedy. It couldn't even stand firmly, so it could only lie on the ground.

Let the five golden beasts beat it up.

During this period, Shen Cong quietly went to the periphery of the battlefield and picked up a few stones from the ground that had collapsed from the spirit of the fire seed. The stones were still shining red. (To be continued.)

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