Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 795: Secretly dating 2

This hint is so obvious, of course Ling Weifeng can see it.

Suddenly very speechless.

How do you feel that her mother is selling her daughter?

Are you so afraid that she won't be able to get married? I want to take her naked and send her to the bed of Prince Xi.

Ling Weifeng's EQ understands Han Ling's meaning, how could Xi Prince Gu fail to understand.

It turns out that their mother and daughter also talk about these topics.

When he got into the car, the prince Xi looked at Ling Weifeng with a smile.

"My aunt told us not to come back tonight."

His tone is suggestive.

Ling Weifeng glanced sideways at him, motioning for him to settle down.

Prince Xi Gu smiled and drove.

The Chinese New Year is only five days away, and after the Chinese New Year, he will go abroad.

Really reluctant.

Before going abroad, he really wanted to eat her.

It was a holiday, it was not convenient for the two to be together.

With Han Ling's help now, will it be easier to eat the future wife?

Ling Weifeng didn't know at all, the man sitting next to her was already planning how to wipe her out.

If she were to let her know what Prince Xi Gu was thinking at this time, she would have liked to kick him out of the car!

When the two were dating, they couldn't be as fair as a normal couple, so they could only find some remote places, hold hands and kiss their little mouths.

Don't have a taste.

In Ling Weifeng's words, it was like cheating.

Very deserted, but very sweet.

Prince Xi Gu took her to secretly date on the trail in the park.

Seeing Ling Weifeng rubbing his hands in the cold, he let her stand in front of him.

Then she opened her long coat and wrapped her in the clothes.

Prince Xi Gu wore a Korean-style long black coat today, which made his figure more upright.

He is over 185 meters tall, while Ling Weifeng is only 1.5 meters tall.

Moreover, Ling Weifeng is thinner than the average person.

The petite body was actually wrapped up by Prince Xi Gu, and it was not abrupt at all.

Prince Xi Gu pulled his coat, wrapped his hands around her waist, and held it tightly.

The heart of her chin is under her, and her soft hair feels very good.

Unspeakable intimacy.

The two walked along, very slowly.

Qionghua is like frost, through the branches, sparsely scattered on the two of them, writing an exclusive tranquility.

Prince Xi Gu liked this atmosphere very much, so he liked to take Ling Weifeng out for a walk at night.

"Is it cold?"

His voice, like the most mellow wine, has an intoxicating taste.

It is unconsciously intoxicated.

"not cold."

The temperature of Prince Xi Gu's body wrapped her tightly.

Very warm.

Body warmer, heart warmer.

"Xiao Feng, what gift do you want for the New Year?" Prince Xi asked suddenly.

Ling Weifeng's eyebrows were curved, like crescent moons.

"You gave me a gift."

Prince Xi tilted his head and dropped a kiss on her profile.

I just kissed her new tender meat, "Well, I'll give you a big gift."

Ling Weifeng suddenly became interested, "What a gift."

Prince Xi smiled without answering, "You will know soon."

Ling Weifeng muttered, what was he doing, so mysterious.

After entangled and asked several times, Prince Xi Gu did not let go, Ling Weifeng knew that he could not pry open his mouth.

Did not continue this matter.

The two of them continued to walk forward, Ling Weifeng glanced around, and there were only two of them deserted.

She suddenly asked, "Emperor Xi, do you regret being with me?"

The prince Xi Gu was taken aback, "Why ask like that."

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