[62] Saving the swordsman. (2) I was very embarrassed inside. I do not want to mention anyone who is crouching at the grave. At this point I did not even dream that anyone who knew the existence would appear.

"Are you crouching at the grave? I do not know what that means. "

I did not get to work but I did not pass.

"Balor, I know you are being sponsored by someone who is crouching at the tomb, the great army of darkness. I can not forgive you because you have the power of humanity. "

What the hell happened to this?

I know why the swordsmen are here at this point and how they are crouching at the grave.

At this juncture, the Stoic Swordsman story would surely have had a lord. It is time to remember the memory of Han Woo Woo. But why here?

When I was wondering, I remembered a memory.

– Just a moment, calm down. We have no intention of dealing with the devil. Obviously a compromise … … .

Ah… Now I can see what happened.

Count Hanau Wu is a barrel of Phillip who has been busted with a golden rule. I caught him on the Ulm Plain and then killed him.

"Palke, you must have been under the Earl, right?"

"How do you know?"

"I do not know exactly. I just heard a beautiful female scooper under Hanawoo. "

Or is it? I was originally a swordsmith of the Count. He left Hanwoo after he died. "

Oh my God. After all, it was because of me that I became a unemployed swordsman. If I had not killed Count Hanau Woo, I might have never encountered a desperate swordsman at this timing. I was lost in the twisted history.

"Anyway, how do you know about those who are crouching at the grave?"

"That's my sword. This conversation was enough to keep courtesy. "

The opponent seemed to have no more conversation. I fell from Phillie and slapped his ass off so far.

"Do not touch Gunma. What is wrong with a lame animal? "

Palke nods his head and holds a sword. Damn, even if I looked at it, she seemed to have a higher level than me.

But this is also a strength. I have two top-level positions.


He shouted in vigor and showed Ryblana's true figure.


Immediately she and my sword hit.


She was pushing hard and strong. So I used a different method than fencing. It is impossible to compete against a swordsman in the first place.

"Cry! Lightning in the darkness! "

In response to my cry, I was struck by a black lightning bolt that was the trademark of a warrior.


When a lightning bolt hit, she was hit hard and she was shocked enough to reveal the whites. I did not miss the moment. She leaned toward her, stretched out his hand and used the bloody absorber.

The wow ah!

The power of darkness absorbed the vitality of the palace. But I had to hurry up my hand.


A part of the gauntlet fell on the sword and the blood splashed. It is almost as if the arm is going to fly in just a moment when it comes out with a little hand against the swordsman.

The auger absorbed the bruising to dry in a room, but she could not exercise much power against her.

"Throw it all at once!"

When PALKE cried out, the chain came out from everywhere. The helpers who were hiding in the grass were united.

Cain! Caen

I cut three of the seven chains that came flying out, but four of them wove my arms and legs. Then they threw me the ten uterus.

Caen Caen Cain!

Most of the bolts that flashed spewed out with fireworks, but some dug through the gaps in the armor.



One leg was stuck. And it was not a palace to miss this gap. She stands upright with a sword and shouts with a soft voice.

"You brave swordsman! Learn the sting in fifteen directions! I will call it Le Punte! "

Oh, damn it. At the worst timing, the swordsman burst out. That is the power of 'poetry', which can only be used by the earliest swordsmen.

Poetry is how swordsmen deal with magic power and how swordsmen understand magic power. It is similar to magic, though. If Magician picks up a stick and spells magic, the swordsman wields a sword with a sword.

Although it is not as versatile as magic, it is focused only on destruction, but one power is sure.


The light went down, and the fingertips of the fingers began to pierce in 15 different directions.

Oh, hell. It was good when I used it in the time of the seasoning swordsman. However, when I became a victim, I was swamped. But I do not have a way.

Originally, it would be normal to have a hole in the body and die in the air there, but now I had a strange stepping stone that is second to none.

SS grade skill is a ghost step.


At the moment my body ignores the chains and melts like a ghost in the air.

“!”I was surprised by the flair. But I am more surprised. It was because five of 15 stabs were aiming at avoiding the direction change. I immediately launched a counterattack in the moonlit method.

Cain! Caen

A painful groaning sounded in my mouth, accompanied by a loud cracking of the armor.


Both hands slid over the ground for more than 10 meters. Eventually, blood was poured out of his mouth.

"Shut up!"

The field of vision was fading and the front looked blurry. Fortunately, however, the timing did not come to a palace. She puzzled her head.

"Where did you hit the rebounder?"

Obviously, the counterattack of the monthly inspection method broke out. But I did not get any hair on my body. She has to wonder. But I have done enough.

"Where I needed, I reached as much as I needed."


Instead of answering, I raised my body and shouted.

"Fellows of death, soldiers, build camp in front of your master!"

As soon as the surprise palke looked back, the helpers were already being made into the undead. Then she realized where my attacker was headed. I realized that it was no use to feed Palke anyway, and at the same time I cut three of them around.

"It's big!"

They were reborn as dyurahans with the eerie and unique features of the undead. I did not stop with it, I even wrote a ruthless leader.

"Extend the power of the undead, explosively strong! After the battle ends, the undead is destroyed! "

It also overlapped the effect of the undead leader.

"An Undead within a radius of 150 meters gets +15% health, + 15% armor, + 7% attack rate." It's a strong dyura among the undead, and as soon as this effect has been received, other supporters around have been washed away with screaming.

"What is this!"

"It's incredibly strong! These guys! "

I marked the palace while Durahany was on the run. My body was a mess because my swordsmanship was not my opponent, but I survived with the endless vitality of my own skill. Watching my body recovering in real time, Palke could not hide his surprise.

"What a cockroach!"

I saw exactly. The warrior is sticking to the cockroach. "Great!"

Pommel and handcuffs while weighed, Pommel weighed. But at the same time, she did not let her hold her hair. Then she cuts her hair at once. At that moment I was beaten by her shoulders.

Screw you!

We rolled on the dirt floor together.


I missed the sword and I tried to push her shoulder with both hands, but I did not want to leave her back hurriedly. At that moment, PALKE was turning horizontally.


I had to go back to my room.

"Uhh! Damn it!

Fortunately, he was putting the ground on one hand because he had made a difficult cut. I kicked the dirt toward her eyes with her feet.

Ahh! Cowardly! "

Whether I was cowardice or not, I turned straight and ran to where the sword had fallen.

"this guy!"

In the back, the palske ran with his hands wiping the soil. And I came down with a sword. I barely caught Ryu Blaña and blocked it.

One billion!

The wood core of the handle was crushed and a clumsy sound was heard. I barely picked up Ryu Blaña and blocked it, but I was so urgent that I had to take the middle of the blade and take the attack with the handle.

It was doubtful that I would be able to do it again once an attack came. I grabbed the horseshoe of the waist dancing with my right hand and pulled up the face of the palace.


The price of the eye part of the palce was properly priced.


She was struggling, but she closed my eyes and closed my leg, which caused her body. Then the world turned upside down.


The body ran into the air and was put back on the ground. It seemed that the lower part of the shin was cut off at the moment. However, the cursed, the S-rank armor, survived.


The problem is that the crisis has come again because of the fall. Palke seemed convinced of the victory.

"It's over!"

The moment she tried to hit the sword.

I love you!

A chain flew over her wrist. Then the chains flew over and tied her thighs. It was dyurans.

In the meantime, I will put together other helpers' net and support. I did not miss this gap and used an undead summon.

"Fellows of death, soldiers, build camp in front of your master!"

Then the dead helper Nets survived as duraha. Suddenly seven dyuras were born.

"Foolishness! He dragged his armor against the commander. It's not like you have prepared a hearty gift. "

"This child!"

An angry falchet cut off the chain and tried to rush to the dyrahan. So I checked it straight away.


When she pulled out the pistol, she was blocked by a sword, and she was embarrassed.

"Avoid the approach war and you use only ten wombs and chains!"

I gave orders to Durahan and I pounded toward Phalke.

"Situation reversal. How do you feel? The lady. "

"This is the ideal! I will fight with this decision to throw away one body! "

It was said that it would do even if it was coincided. It is different, but Palke has been assaulted in a determined manner. Seven chains reach her like that.

She was calm even in the chains that were winding on all sides. It seemed to be in a slow time alone.


The chains that are shot with terrifying momentum are easily removed with only a few heads. Then he stepped on the Volta step and avoided another, so he turned around in the air and avoided three at a time.

As soon as I landed, I squatted my body tightly, avoiding one again, and struck me like a spring, cutting off the last chain.


I was caught up in respectful sentiment and saw her new law. It was the best of all, and the Suho's ability to deal with dozens of devils alone was seen later.

Seven Suho people appeared because of the general play, but originally they fight all the King of Holocaust. So the power and possibility that Suho had to do was beyond imagination.

But I do not stop her sword from admiring me.


The sword of the palace which shines with magic power penetrated the armor and pinched it at once.


My eyes grew bigger in the pangs and the screams broke out in my mouth. Then the delight came to the face of PALKE. But her joy was there.

"Four years should not be underestimated."

My face was full of ridiculous and ridiculous face, and the palace became an uneasy expression.


I hugged her as hard as I could. I felt a pang in the sword that seemed to lose my mind as I entered the boat and cried out without care.

"Now! Chain! "

I did not have to give a specific order. Dyurahan responded to my will, my master, and threw a chain and punched my body like a mummy.

"What a crazy thing!"

When he was tied up together, he was surprised. But that was not the end. The dhurahans threw it to his head and ran and dragged us into his arms.

Do not let anyone move.

"You! What the hell is this? "

For the first time in the voice of Palke, there was fear. I was very satisfied with the feeling and pointed my eyes up.

"Look at the sky. I am not satisfied. "


The moment she lifts her head, flash!

The lightning of the darkness glowed. And it started pouring out without end.

Kwaaan! Kwaaan! Kwagagaga River!

All the colors of the area have disappeared. Everywhere was filled with black only, and at the moment of the flash of lightning, everything turned white and then turned black again.

Yes, this is the power of justice.

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