Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1002 The Rubik’s Cube Reappears, Space Teleportation

Chapter 1002 The Rubik’s Cube Reappears, Space Teleportation (page 1/1)

Bucky was very confused about Lin Rui suddenly talking about space teleportation while walking. Space teleportation is not accessible to ordinary people, although Lin Rui first appeared in Bucky's rental house through the space teleportation gate.

"Hey! Follow me." Without saying anything more, Lin Rui chuckled and walked into a small alley on the side of the road.

Although he couldn't understand Lin Rui's words and actions, Bucky just followed Lin Rui into the alley. After Bucky followed Lin Rui into the alley, he found that Lin Rui had something familiar in his hand. It was a Rubik's Cube, which was the thing that fell out of the space portal when he followed Lin Rui. After Lin Rui's memory returned, he took the Rubik's Cube back from Bucky.


Just when Bucky didn't know why Lin Rui took out the Rubik's Cube, the originally ordinary Rubik's Cube suddenly lit up, emitting a brilliant light blue light and also sending out a strong spatial fluctuation.

"Could it be!..." Seeing the changes in the Rubik's Cube and the bursts of space energy, Bucky couldn't help but widen his eyes and exclaimed.

"It should be successful..." Just as Bucky was staring at the Rubik's Cube in surprise, Lin Rui whispered in front of him.

Bucky, who was shocked by the changes in the Rubik's Cube and the released space energy, suddenly woke up after hearing Lin Rui's whisper. What should succeed? ! Why does it sound like I have a bad premonition? !


Just when Bucky was about to ask, Lin Rui, who was standing in front of him, had already raised the magic in his hand that was completely shrouded in light blue light. The next moment, a dazzling silver space energy rushed out of the Rubik's Cube, shooting a space portal as tall as one person directly in front of Lin Rui and Bucky! After getting the Rubik's Cube, Lin Rui finally used the energy of the Rubik's Cube to open a space portal for the first time!


However, this space portal did not seem to be that stable. As soon as it appeared, a strong attraction came from inside, creating a special situation similar to a wind vent in this alley. Lin Rui and Bucky, who were standing in front of the space portal, were of course the first to be affected by this attractive force. However, they were not ordinary people. The power of this wind, which had exceeded the tenth level, was not enough to make them attracted. Inhaled into the space portal.

"The first time is always a little unfamiliar! However, I believe that this space portal should be safe! Bucky, I will go in first!" With his feet firmly planted on the ground, Lin Rui looked at the side and tried not to be The suction force in the space portal pulled him over and shouted loudly.


After shouting these two sentences, Lin Rui's feet loosened from the ground. The next moment, he flew up and rushed towards the space portal. Under Bucky's surprised gaze from behind, Lin Rui disappeared directly into the center of the silver space portal.

"What do you mean it should be safe?!" Watching Lin Rui disappear into the space portal, Bucky shouted helplessly as he felt the increasingly strong suction.


Then, Bucky no longer resisted the suction of the space portal, and his whole body was blown up by the strong wind and floated into the space portal. A second after Lin Rui disappeared into the space portal, Bucky was also swallowed by the space portal.



After Lin Rui and Bucky both flew into the space portal, the space portal, which was not particularly stable, remained for a few seconds, and then quickly collapsed inward after swallowing some debris in the alley. Finally, it disappeared with a soft sound.

Except that Lin Rui and Bucky were missing, only the debris in the alley that was blown by the strong wind and some things that were sucked into the space portal showed that something happened here just now.

Outside this small alley, several street cameras were pointed here, and the changes in airflow in the alley just now were captured. However, these cameras were unable to capture what was happening in the alley.

In addition to those few cameras, there are also some inconspicuous small flying insects flying around the alley. Compared to the fixed positions of the cameras that were unable to capture what was happening in the alley, these little flying insects could barely see what was happening when the space portal disappeared in the strong wind just now. When these little flying insects saw the space portal disappear, the miniature cameras installed on them also simultaneously transmitted the situation here to the rear.


In the private medical room of Pym Technology, Professor Pym and Hope, who had been transferred from the hospital, were looking at the picture on the screen in front of them with shocked expressions. Just now, what was playing on the big screen pointed at Professor Pim's bed was the disappearance of the space portal created by Lin Rui using the Rubik's Cube. As a great scientist, Professor Pym had already determined that the disappearing silver door-like thing was actually a space portal just by looking at the shaking images.

"What are the origins of these two guys?! Could it be that...they are from extraterrestrial civilization?!" Professor Pym said in disbelief after taking two deep breaths to calm down.

Although Professor Pym, who has long retired from SHIELD, knew that SHIELD had a battle with Hydra a few months ago, he did not know that Hydra had space teleportation technology, nor did he know about the magic of the Rubik's Cube. The existence of items. Therefore, it was impossible for Professor Pim not to be shocked by the space portal that could transport two people.

"Maybe... they just happen to have this kind of technology. Extraterrestrial civilizations shouldn't be so easy to encounter, right?!" After hearing Professor Pym's words, Hope, who was sitting beside the hospital bed, frowned and said arrive.

Although a war against the invasion of extraterrestrial civilizations took place in London just a few days ago, the press conference of Captain America of SHIELD also announced to the whole earth the shocking fact that the earth has been invaded by extraterrestrial civilizations. However, there should still be no extraterrestrial civilizations on the earth. It would be too hasty to define the other party as an extraterrestrial civilization just by accidental space transmission technology.

"That's right! Since civilization has technology like Pym particles, why can't others have technology like space teleportation?" Professor Pym said with a twinkle in his eye after hearing Hope's reminder.

"In any case, the other party helped us. If it hadn't been for them, our plan would have completely failed this time, and it might have had unpredictable serious consequences."

"Well, it seems that the other party doesn't want to reveal their identity. However, since they helped us this time, they shouldn't be bad people."

"Scott will be back soon, maybe we can get more news."

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