Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1005 Coolie Falcon

Once the decision was made, Rogers sent a message via the tablet in his hand. Then, Rogers stood by the floor-to-ceiling window of the high-rise building of SHIELD headquarters and looked outside. Ever since Icebreaker came back to life and became the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Rogers liked to stand by the floor-to-ceiling windows of this high-rise building and look outside when he had nothing to do.

Although there are not many good views from the building of SHIELD headquarters, Rogers just likes this feeling and atmosphere. Just like Tony likes to wear a steel suit and fly to high altitudes and shuttle through the clouds when he's not doing anything, it's a different atmosphere.

Da da da~

After Rogers stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window for a while, there was a steady sound of footsteps behind him. Without turning around, Rogers knew it was the Falcon coming. The message Rogers sent just now was for the Falcons, and Rogers could tell who it was from the footsteps.

"Captain, why did you call me over?" Falcon asked directly as he walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and stood side by side with Rogers.

A few days ago, an incident of level A or above occurred in Rochester. When it was not convenient for anyone else in the Avengers, Rogers sent Falcon there. Falcon also saw a weird guy like Ghost Rider, and his flying wings were damaged in a battle.

After Falcon came back to report, he thought there would be some follow-up to that matter, but he didn't expect Rogers to tell him directly that someone had taken over. S.H.I.E.L.D. just had to deal with the aftermath, while Falcon was still in shock. However, in Rogers' explanation later, Falcon finally understood. After all, after that person takes action, SHIELD really doesn't have anything to worry about anymore.

"Falcon, have the flight wings been repaired?" Rogers didn't answer Falcon immediately, looking at him and asking.

Of course Rogers knew about the fact that Falcon went to Rochester to have a fight with that angry guy and lost the fight, so at this time he would first ask if Falcon's flying wings had been repaired. After all, there are two levels of combat effectiveness between falcons with flying wings and those without.

"Yes, it has been repaired. Moreover, the people in the equipment department seem to have upgraded it with some special functions. They said that they would let me experience it myself next time. They said that there will be surprises." Hearing Rogers' words question, Falcon answered with a smile.

After the Falcon came back, he sent the broken flying wing to the equipment department of SHIELD headquarters. After getting the Falcon's flying wing, the middle-aged scientific researcher with little hair in the equipment department had a slightly disdainful expression. Falcon's memory is still fresh in his mind, as if the Falcon's flying wings are something completely unattainable to him.

After Falcon stated that he would get the repaired flying wing back soon, the researcher assured Falcon that he would get a brand new flying wing in three days. Moreover, he will also give the Falcon's flying wings a major upgrade. After this upgrade, the Falcon's flying wings will have a major functional improvement, which I guarantee the Falcon will like very much.

Falcon just listened to what the scientific researcher said. His original flying wings were quite good. Although the function is relatively simple, Falcon has been using it for a long time, and it has always worked well with him. However, if it can really be upgraded to a higher level, Falcon will be happy to do so.

"Really? Although there are many lunatics in the equipment department, since they said they can upgrade you, it should be possible." After understanding Falcon's answer, Rogers nodded and said.

"Captain, why didn't you tell me to come here? Is there any new mission?" Falcon continued to ask without talking more on his upgraded flying wing.

"Oh, there is indeed a new mission. However, this mission may be a little difficult to complete." Looking at the Falcon, Rogers finally said about this mission.

"A difficult mission? Is it dangerous?" Falcon frowned slightly after hearing Rogers' words.

In the few short months since Falcon joined S.H.I.E.L.D., he has experienced dangers that far exceed those he encountered in the Special Forces. In addition to facing Hydra at the beginning, which is a deeply hidden organization,

Later, Falcon also came into contact with powerful mutants, as well as Killian's self-destruction threat from a crazy biologist who could not be treated with common sense, and then there was the invasion of dark elves caused by the Rubik's Cube incident. It is enough to be called an S-class incident within SHIELD.

Therefore, after experiencing so much, Falcon no longer feels that anything else is dangerous to SHIELD. No matter how dangerous it is, can it be compared to the invasion of extraterrestrial civilization?

It was precisely because of this that Falcon acted so calmly when facing the angry Ghost Rider a few days ago. If Falcon hadn't experienced so many S-class incidents, he would have been as surprised and shocked as everyone else when he saw the flaming skeleton.

"Uh...this mission actually isn't that dangerous..." Rogers said with some embarrassment after hearing Falcon's question.

"Huh? What's going on?" Hearing this, Falcon became even more confused.

"Falcon, you were not a member of SHIELD before. Therefore, it should be better for you to do this task than for others to do it. Moreover, I will fully support you."

"Okay, Captain, stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point. Who do you want me to deal with?"

"The former leaders of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Falcon: "..."

Just when Rogers was chatting with Falcon about his next mission at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in Washington, far in the northern city, Scott, who was rescued again by Lin Rui and Bucky, was already carrying several sets of Ant-Man suits. Back to Pym Technology. In the private medical room of Pym Technology, Scott met Professor Pym who had finished the operation and looked in good condition.

"Fortunately, I'm back. And I'm bringing a lot of trophies!" While saying hello, Scott walked towards the ward.

Although Scott was very embarrassed in last night's battle, and because he had no choice but to use giant mode, everyone in the city thought that a giant appeared. But now Scott is back safely, and according to Lin Rui, Darren Cross will not come out to cause trouble again. Therefore, Scott's mission was successfully completed.

"Well, you did a good job, I knew you could do it." Professor Pym was also very happy to see Scott back safely.

"Scott, congratulations." Hope, who was sitting beside the hospital bed, also smiled at Scott.

After hearing the compliments from Professor Pym and Hope, Scott walked to the chair opposite the hospital bed and sat down in a daze.

"But what happened to the two people who came to help you?" Just as Scott sat down, Professor Pym's voice came again.

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