Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1019 Wakanda

Buzz buzz~

On the African continent far away from the United States, a space portal suddenly appeared out of thin air on the road on the edge of a grassland. After the space portal appeared, two figures quickly walked out of it. Needless to say, the two people who came out of the space portal were Lin Rui and Bucky.

Compared to the initial space teleportation, now they have obviously adapted to the process of space teleportation. However, it may be that the current space portal is more stable and there will no longer be that strong suction.

Ta da~

After coming out of the space portal, Lin Rui and Bucky stepped on the dry land of the African continent, making a different sound than before in the city. Before the space portal behind them disappeared, Lin Rui and Bucky could already feel the hot environment here.

Before coming to the African continent, Lin Rui and Bucky made another space teleportation after leaving Canada. However, the previous space teleportation place was also in a city, and the environment was not as hot and dry as here on the African continent.

"It seems that we have arrived at our destination. We just don't know how far it is from the city. I hope it's not too far." Lin Rui said to himself while taking off his coat.

Bucky, who was standing next to Lin Rui and looking at the surrounding environment, did not take off his clothes even though he was also very hot. As a super soldier, it would be extremely incompetent if he couldn't bear the heat. Just after Lin Rui muttered to himself, Bucky had already seen the phantom of the city in the distance.

"Is that your destination?" When Lin Rui finished taking off his clothes and was about to take out his mobile phone to continue checking, Bucky stretched out his finger and asked.

As for why Lin Rui took him to Africa, Bucky also asked during the space transmission. However, Lin Rui didn't explain much to Bucky, he just told him that it would be easier for him to avoid SHIELD's search here in Africa. Also, Bucky might make new friends here. As for what kind of people Bucky would meet and what kind of friends he would make, Lin Rui did not explain clearly.

"Is it over there?... It seems so." After hearing Bucky's words, Lin Rui quickly made a judgment based on the location of his mobile phone.

Wakanda really exists in this world, and it is a very rich and famous country in Africa. Unlike the African countries in Lin Rui's original world, Africa on this earth does not seem to have so many wars and is not very poor. As for Wakanda, the country is not only very wealthy, but its technological development is not much worse than other mainstream countries in the world.

Moreover, because Africa is rich in land resources, Wakanda is also rich in many items that are not found elsewhere on the earth. Beyond diamonds and gold, there's something special. However, only special people can access those things. Therefore, whether this Wakanda is the cover of the hidden country on the earth or not, it is powerful and wealthy enough.

"That's right! That's the capital city of Wakanda over there!" When the location on the phone was displayed, Lin Rui said with certainty and surprise.

After leaving Maple Park in Canada, Lin Rui and Bucky were teleported to the European continent. After experiencing two space teleportations, Lin Rui has quickly become familiar with the energy of the Rubik's Cube space teleportation. Therefore, after the third time, Lin Rui finally accurately located near the capital of Wakanda in Africa.

"With our speed, we should be able to reach that city before dark." After hearing Lin Rui's confirmation, Bucky looked over there and said.

Although they could see the city in the distance while standing on the road, the distance they could see was far away. Even if Lin Rui and Bucky's physical fitness was far beyond ordinary people, such a long distance would still be enough for them to run for a long time. Of course, if there is other means of transportation, the time will be shortened a lot. Bucky still remembered that Lin Rui had casually transformed into a flying skateboard before.

"It doesn't take that long." After hearing Bucky's words, Lin Rui shook his head and said.

The weather is so hot and dry,

Lin Rui didn't want to run over, and he was a little reluctant to take the car. And Lin Rui didn't plan to use the flying skateboard in the portable space. It wouldn't be good if someone saw that kind of thing. Therefore, Lin Rui continued to stretch out his right hand that was still holding the Rubik's Cube.

"This time, I think I can locate the city very accurately." Holding the Rubik's Cube tightly, Lin Rui said seriously as he stared at the city in front of him.

"Are you sure?" Bucky asked after hearing Lin Rui's words.

Although Lin Rui's space teleportation technology has indeed made great progress, at least Bucky no longer has to roll out of the space teleportation gate. However, Lin Rui doesn't seem to be that skilled in position selection.


Without answering Bucky's words, Lin Rui directly used the Rubik's Cube to open a space portal.

"If you don't believe me, you can go in and take a look first. If not, come back and I will keep this space portal." After the space portal appeared, Lin Rui looked at Bucky and said.

As Lin Rui became more and more proficient in using the Rubik's Cube, this space portal became very stable, and they could all see the situation on the other side through this space portal. After hearing Lin Rui's words, Bucky took two steps forward, then stretched his head to see if the opposite side was his destination.


However, just when Bucky walked to the front of the space portal and stretched his head to look, Lin Rui, who was standing behind him, suddenly raised a foot and kicked Bucky on the butt. Although Bucky noticed Lin Rui's kick the moment it happened, Lin Rui's kick was much faster than Bucky's reaction. When Bucky turned a little, Lin Rui's foot had already kicked him on the butt.


After a soft sound, Bucky was kicked directly into the air by Lin Rui, and the direction he flew out was facing the space portal in front of him.


"Jackson!..." Bucky shouted while looking at Lin Rui standing outside while flying feebly into the space portal.

Bucky also roughly guessed the reason for Lin Rui's sudden move. Perhaps, this is the difference. However, this was not the moment of separation that Bucky had hoped for.

"Barnes! Goodbye! But don't worry, we will meet again!" Hearing Bucky's shout, Lin Rui, who had just withdrawn his feet, waved his hands and shouted the same.

This time, Lin Rui called Bucky by his last name. However, Bucky never told Lin Rui his last name. Lin Rui also shouted this deliberately at the last moment. He wanted Bucky to know that he knew his identity very well.

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