Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1042: Change of mind

"Will what is supposed to come always come?..." After hearing Master Gu Yi's words, Lin Rui lowered his head and murmured to himself.

Lin Rui actually couldn't completely agree with Master Gu Yi's words. If it were before, when Lin Rui was still very weak, maybe he would think this sentence is correct. Because at that time, even if Lin Rui knew the development of the plot and wanted to change the plot, he didn't have the power to make any changes. But as Lin Rui's strength increases, he already has the strength to shake up the original plot.

Especially with the recent major events, Lin Rui has used his own power to change the original plot to a great extent. It can be said that Lin Rui is now fighting against the power of this world. Moreover, he succeeded several times.

"Master Gu Yi, do you really think so? Even though you possess an artifact like the Time Stone that can see the past and the future." So, after muttering a few words to himself, Lin Rui suddenly raised his head and looked at Gu Yi the mage asked.

"Huh?!" Master Gu Yi seemed surprised when he heard Lin Rui's questioning.

Master Ancient One was not surprised that Lin Rui knew that he had the Time Stone. Anyway, he already knew about the Betrayer and Dormammu. Knowing that the Time Stone was with him was not that surprising. Master Gu Yi was surprised that Lin Rui's question at this moment was a question about the future he saw. It's like Lin Rui, this magical young man, has the ability to change the future.

"That's right. Didn't I just see the infinite possibilities in this young man? Otherwise, I would not have let the earth mage lineage interact with him." After being surprised, Gu Yi thought silently in his heart.

In fact, Master Gu Yi, who possesses the Time Stone, has already seen countless stories about his future. Among those about his own future, the Ancient One didn't end well. Therefore, Gu Yi actually already had some not-so-good ideas regarding Lin Rui's mention that the betrayer would take action this time. However, after hearing Lin Rui's question, Gu Yi felt that there were other consequences.

"That's a good question! Even if the future I see doesn't have a good outcome. But, who can guarantee that the future will be like that? I will create a winner's ending!" Under Lin Rui's questioning , Master Gu Yi suddenly said with renewed energy.

"Uh... Master Gu Yi, have you really seen so many bad endings?" Lin Rui, who had just asked, asked in a daze after hearing what Master Gu Yi suddenly said in high spirits.

It turned out that Lin Rui's question just now was just to ask the ancient master if he had seen anything about the future with the time stone. However, Master Gu Yi's answer made Lin Rui very embarrassed. According to Master Gu Yi, he has seen the future with the time stone. And obviously, in those futures that Master Ancient One saw, the results were not very good.

"But it doesn't matter. As you just said, the future is uncertain. You will definitely be able to create a victorious ending!" As if he felt that he had said the wrong thing, Lin Rui quickly added another sentence.

Ancient Master: "..."

"Forget it, let's just do what we can. As for you, you came here to remind me of this matter. Do you want to help us deal with the next troubles together?" Didn't dwell on what Lin Rui just said. , Gu Yi continued after being silent for two seconds.

"Yes, this time I want to fight the upcoming crisis with the Earth Mage lineage. Although this crisis comes from threats from other dimensions, the ultimate victim is still the Earth. And, now that I already know,

Then you mages cannot be allowed to face such a crisis alone. "Hearing Master Gu Yi's question, Lin Rui replied in a serious tone.

Although Lin Rui didn't know if the earth had ever encountered similar threats from other dimensions before, this time, Lin Rui didn't intend to let the earth mage face it alone. Moreover, the main mission released by the system is to let Lin Rui protect the earth three times. So this time is obviously the first time, and Lin Rui cannot stand idly by.

As for how powerful the traitors of the mage lineage and Dormammu are, Lin Rui has not never thought about it. However, Lin Rui knew that their alliance would encounter more crises in the future, so it was better to face these guys with special powers now. Perhaps, their alliance will grow a lot in this coming crisis. After all, after the dark elves invaded the earth, their alliance every

The growth of each force is still very obvious.

"You have to think clearly, the enemies you are going to face this time are not the terrorists, mad scientists, or the dark elves you have experienced on Earth. The enemies you will encounter this time are powerful enough to subvert your past. Based on your imagination, fighting them may be more difficult than your fight with the dark elves." After hearing Lin Rui's answer, Master Gu Yi couldn't help but remind him.

"Don't worry, Master Gu Yi, I'm mentally prepared." Lin Rui nodded and said he understood.

"Then it's up to you. If a battle really breaks out, I won't save your life again." Without saying anything more, Master Gu Yi gave one last piece of advice.

"Huh? Again?" Lin Rui was curious about the words used in Master Gu Yi's words.

Last time Lin Rui was fatally injured in the battle with several high-ranking dark elf warriors in the London dimensional space, if the ancient mage hadn't appeared and reversed the time in that area, Lin Rui was saved. Perhaps Lin Rui is already gone. Of course, because it was a reversal of time, Lin Rui had no way of knowing that Master Gu Yi had rescued him, and Master Gu Yi obviously wouldn't say anything more.

"Okay, anyway, thank you for coming here to remind me. Otherwise, I might still be caught off guard by that guy Casillas. Moreover, now is the critical moment for the selection of the new generation of Supreme Mage. Casillas Choosing to cause trouble with Dormammu at this time is obviously to disrupt my plan." When Lin Rui was confused, Master Gu Yi continued.

"Master Ancient One, do you really want to select a new generation of Supreme Mage? Since you are already prepared, the other party's evil deeds will definitely not succeed, so you are still the Supreme Mage." Regarding the current selection of a new generation of Supreme Mage , Lin Rui was still a little confused.

Perhaps it was because the Ancient One Master really saw his bad ending in the future, but Lin Rui still felt that the current Ancient One Master would not die unexpectedly like in the original plot. How ironic it would be to die at the hands of his former student.

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