Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,078 Book Stealing and Accident


The heavy magic book fell on the wooden coffee table in front of Stephen Strange with a muffled sound, and also shook up some fine dust. It can be seen that no one has read this magic book locked on the bookshelf for a long time.

"I hope I can gain something..." Looking at the magic book in front of him, which was obviously thicker than the magic books he had read before, Stephen Strange whispered with twinkling eyes.

Then, Strange began to look through the magic book that he took out from the Stone Palace Library using special means. However, after reading the first few pages, Strange suddenly raised his head, stopped and continued reading. Because he felt that this magic book was not what he wanted.

Buzz buzz~

Strange raised his head and waved his hands quickly a few times. After a slight wave of magic, a ray of light golden light fell on the thick magic book on the coffee table.


The next moment, this thick magic book with a strong sense of history started to turn pages automatically, as if it was really endowed with magic. At the beginning, the magic book turned pages very slowly, as if it was based on Strange's browsing speed. However, at the end, Strange, who already roughly knew what the magic book said, sped up the page turning speed. More than a dozen pages per second was normal, and Strange's eyes were not flashing with light gold. of light.


At such a page-turning speed, the magic book with hundreds or even thousands of pages quickly turned to the last page and was then covered with writing. After quickly flipping through the book, Strange slowly lowered his outstretched hand, and the pale golden light in his eyes gradually disappeared.

"Although it does introduce several powerful advanced magics, it still doesn't say how to create a mirror world..." After closing his eyes for two seconds and then opening them again, Strange thought silently in his heart.

"Since it's not in this book, then get another one! You'll find it for me sooner or later!" The first magic book didn't have what he wanted, and Strange wasn't too disappointed, instead cheering himself up.


After meditating for a while, Stephen Strange once again stretched out his hand to outline the Rubik's Cube space portal in front of him. This time, his target was still the row of bookshelves stored in the magic **. However, before the second magic book, Strange sent back the one he had just finished reading.

In this way, Stephen Strange "borrowed" magic books from the Stone Palace Library one after another under the king's nose.

And it has not been discovered by the king yet. And the hard work paid off. When Strange took out a magic book for the sixth time and opened it for a quick browse, the magic book in front of him that was automatically turning pages suddenly stopped. Because, there is a missing piece in this book, and it is a very important piece of magic.

"Huh? Could this be..." Noticing that there was a missing piece of content in the book, Strange murmured very curiously.

Then, Strange began to read carefully from the front page of the book that had not been torn out. After spending nearly an hour, Strange finally looked at the front of the torn page.

"It turns out to be a summoning magic... It seems to be a forbidden magic that summons something from other dimensions..." After carefully reading the pages near the torn page, Strange looked at himself solemnly. Said something to himself.

Since learning that there are special people like mages on Earth, Stephen Strange is no longer the arrogant neurosurgeon with superb medical skills before. He has also learned a lot about the nature of the world. Therefore, when Strange saw that the magic book in front of him recorded something that was summoned from other dimensions, Strange instinctively sensed something not good.

"The most important part of the summons has been torn off. Who tore it off? What is he going to do?" Stellan glanced at the page that had been torn off and only a little bit of the edge was left. Qi muttered in a deep tone.

Unable to think of a reason, Strange could only helplessly shake his head and close the magic book. At this time, Strange did not know the existence of the traitor of the mage lineage. Because Master Ancient One has no intention of involving these very potential and talented young mages in the incident between the Betrayer Master and Dormammu now, unless the matter has developed to a point beyond his control. At that time, the entire mage lineage will be mobilized.

"Forget it, let's continue looking for magic about the mirror space." Strange frowned and muttered as he closed the magic book, and then waved his hand again to outline a small magical space portal.


Putting the magic book with a missing page back in its place, Strange pulled out another magic book with great skill. In this way, Stephen Strange read all the magic books that he was not qualified to read from the library again and again, but Wang Leng, who was guarding the library, did not realize that Strange was Little moves. Of course, it is also possible that Wang deliberately pretended not to know.

And in the process of peeking so many times, Strange still found his goal: the magic that builds the mirror world. After finding this magical magic, Strange did not waste any time and immediately started researching it in his residence.

I have to say that Strange is a genius. It is undoubtedly very difficult for ordinary mages to learn the magic of constructing a mirror space. It takes a lot of experience and a long time to gain anything. However, Strange only used the Rubik's Cube according to the methods in the magic book, and he was able to barely create a space of strength on the third time.


With his left hand resting on the elbow of his right hand, his right hand straightened and his palm facing forward, a series of transparent glass-like space barriers built by the power of space appeared out of thin air in front of Stephen Strange.

"These are!..." Trying to control the space barriers that appeared in front of him, Strange's eyes emitted a unique light and he shouted in surprise. Because he seemed to feel something special from these space barriers.


And just when Strange had just constructed several space barriers, a magical space portal suddenly appeared next to him. Then, Wang rushed out quickly with a serious look on his face.

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