Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1141 Trust

In the Dawn, Star-Lord and others were standing at the front of the cockpit and looking through the glass at the space battleship from Earth flying parallel to the Dawn. Star-Lord was still surprised that Lin Rui actually received his distress signal and came to support him. After all, when he met Lin Rui on that alien planet before, the other party clearly told him about the development of the earth and that it was impossible to have such a thing as an aerial battleship.

However, thinking about what happened when the Dawn broke through the black fog just now, Star-Lord felt that the aerial battleship in front of him was not that surprising. Originally, although Rocket Raccoon still had three super energy batteries hidden in his hand, if they were detonated at close range, they would definitely blow the Dawn to pieces. However, at the last moment when the Dawn's defensive energy shield was completely swallowed up, Star-Lord took out a metal ball and pressed it hard.

The next moment Star-Lord pressed the metal ball, a translucent energy shield poured out of the metal ball, just enough to wrap up the main body of the Dawn. The defensive power of this energy shield released from the metal ball was stronger than the Dawn's 100% energy defense shield. Seeing that this energy shield blocked the black mist, Star-Lord immediately asked Rocket Raccoon to kill the remaining three A super energy battery was thrown out and detonated, which was considered a fight.

This time, Star-Lord won the fight. This translucent energy shield not only blocked the swallowing of the black fog, but also protected most of the main body of the Dawn from the huge power of the explosion of the three super energy batteries, preventing it from completely losing its mobility. Although the energy shield disappeared after blocking the impact of three consecutive violent explosions, and the metal ball also shattered in Star-Lord's hands, it finally pulled Star-Lord and the others back from a certain death situation.

And this magical metal ball with such powerful defensive energy is not actually owned by Star-Lord himself, nor was it obtained secretly like Rocket Raccoon, but was given to him secretly by Lin Rui when he and Lin Rui parted ways. Because they know that Star-Lord and the others will encounter various crises while wandering in the universe, especially when facing Star-Lord's stallion father, Star-Lord may even lose his adoptive father Yondu.

So when they parted ways on that alien planet, Lin Rui spent a lot of reward points to give Star-Lord this defensive item. However, not long after they were separated, Star-Lord returned to Earth, where he met Dormammu and accidentally used the metal ball.

"Now... we can finally have a big battle!!" The Dawn and the space battleship next to it have almost stopped flying. Drax the Destroyer, who was standing in front of the cockpit, clutched his knife tightly in his hand and growled. arrive.

Although Drax didn't know how to fight with something like black mist all over his body, it didn't stop him from feeling eager to fight. After all, he, the majestic Destroyer, was not willing to admit defeat before fighting. Even if he couldn't defeat the opponent, he would use the knife in his hand to cut a few cracks into the black mist.

"Yes, we can have a big battle. Moreover, now we have more teammates. Maybe these people from my home planet can give us some surprises." Hearing Drax's growl, Star-Lord He said with a hint of hope in his tone.

As for Gamora and Rocket Raccoon, they didn’t say anything.

Gamora has already given up on life and death, and now the meaning of living besides Star-Lord is to hate her adoptive father Thanos. If she could die with Star-Lord now, Gamora would actually have no resentment. Rocket Raccoon is constantly sending messages. He is still trying to contact other forces in the universe, hoping to find more powerful support.

There is also the tree man Groot. The branches he extended just now have been retracted. Groot knows that they will face huge threats next, but as long as he is with his partners, Groot will not be afraid of any threat.

Just when the attackers and others in the Dawn were ready for a decisive battle with Dormammu outside, in the E space battleship next to them, Rogers and others gathered around Lin Rui, who was studying the awakening. For Rogers and others, this operation was completely led by the Phantom Knight. And now that they have successfully rushed out of the earth and into this vast universe, and need to face such a terrifying opponent, they need to know what to do next.

Seeing his friends and allies surrounding him, Lin Rui's pale face under the phantom knight mask suppressed nervous emotions. This time, these partners and allies really put their lives in Lin Rui's hands. If Lin Rui cannot bring these guardians of the earth back safely, he will not forgive himself even if he dies.

"I don't think I need to repeat too much about the power of Dormammu. Everyone just needs to regard him as a being who can destroy a planet at will. Since everyone trusts me in this operation, then I will not I will make everyone sacrifice to protect the earth. Therefore, please follow my arrangements!" Lin Rui's eyes flashed with dark cyan light as he glanced at his surrounding partners and allies as he spoke.

"Phantom Knight, go ahead, I'll listen to you this time!" After Lin Rui finished speaking, Tony was the first to express his stance.

While speaking to support Lin Rui, Tony was also staring intently at the young man in front of him who he had watched grow up. From the beginning, he could only fight against the mafia family on the streets to now rushing out of the earth with the guardians of the earth to resist cosmic threats. The Phantom Knight has grown faster than Tony could have imagined. Of course, Tony was relieved in addition to recognition.

"Don't worry, we have completely trusted you since we followed you here." After Tony's statement, Professor Charles continued.

"I support you too." The last person to answer was Captain Rogers. It was not easy for Captain America to say such words on such an occasion.

After getting everyone's replies, Lin Rui showed a slightly relaxed look in his eyes. Then, he continued, "In that case, please equip everyone with Mr. Stark's latest steel suit. Then, Thor, Bob, and Dr. Banner, I need you to come with me."

After Lin Rui finished speaking, everyone dispersed. Under Jarvis's quick arrangements, everyone was armed with the latest steel suits. After that, Lin Rui arranged for them to stay in the cockpit. As for Lin Rui, he took Thor, Iceman Bob and Dr. Banner towards the rear cabin.


After Lin Rui arranged the positions of his friends, Dormammu, who was drifting "slowly" behind them, was also approaching.

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