Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,209 Meeting Yongdu

Of course, the E-class aerospace battleship flew out of the earth and was discovered by Yondu, who was approaching. Yondu was still a little bit surprised that the earth, a low-tech civilized planet located in a remote location in the universe, could build such a spacecraft capable of interstellar navigation in such a short period of time. Unexpected.

More than twenty years ago, when Yondu came to Earth to take away Star-Lord, his spaceship did not disturb anyone on Earth. In Yondu's view, the earth at that time was a very low-level civilization with slow technological development.

After all, if a planet cannot be unified, it will be difficult for it to develop into the age of interstellar navigation. In other words, in Yondu's eyes, it was impossible for the original Earth to come into contact with cosmic civilization within a few decades. However, the silver-white spaceship flying quickly in front of him made Yondu change his judgment twenty years ago.

Sitting in the comfortable seat of the cockpit, Yondu quickly gave the order to slow down the forward speed. The giant spaceships of the Star Thieves group that originally rushed towards the earth at extremely fast speeds slowed down under Yondu's order, and finally approached relatively at a speed similar to that of the silver-white spacecraft opposite.

After the Star Thieves' spacecraft slowed down, Yondu also took the initiative to send a message to the spacecraft flying over from the opposite side. The purpose of Yongdu's trip this time is to find Star-Lord and tell him not to believe the lies about his biological father.

Originally, if there was no spaceship in front of him, Yondu had planned to find someone silently, but that was not possible now. Now that the earth has been able to build this kind of spaceship, we can no longer quietly come to the earth to find people. Moreover, maybe the other party also discovered Star-Lord.

"Hey! We are a fleet of other civilizations from the universe. We have no ill intentions towards the earth. We are just looking for someone." This was the message Yondu sent to the spacecraft, and it was sent in English.

After all, Star-Lord was abducted from the Earth, and the Yondu spacecraft's database naturally contains a lot of information about the Earth. It is no problem to send an English message.

As expected by Yondu, the other party responded quickly after receiving the message. However, when Yondu saw the content of the message, he was even more surprised.

"Yondu, long time no see. I'm Jackson, do you still remember me?"

Looking carefully at the reply message displayed on the screen in front of him, Yondu reached out and touched the smooth head equipped with a sensing arrow device. After a second, Yondu's confused eyes lit up, he remembered!

"Jackson! It's that guy. It seems like his identity on Earth is really not simple! If it's him, then Star-Lord must have known about it if he came to Earth!" Putting his hands down from his head, Yondu whispered softly Talking to himself.

When Lin Rui and Deadpool were accidentally teleported to an unknown alien planet in the universe,

First they met Star-Lord and his party, and then when they encountered the S-class creature, they met Yondu and his party who were looking for Star-Lord. Finally, under the threat of S-class creatures, they got to know each other briefly.

Therefore, when Lin Rui replied to Yondu's message, he quickly remembered it. Moreover, after thinking of Lin Rui, Yondu had directly broadcast the video call invitation.


After a quick exchange between the two spacecraft’s intelligent systems, Yondu’s video invitation was quickly accepted. Then, a somewhat familiar figure appeared on the screen in front of Yondu, but his face was covered.

Although he didn't know why he had to cover his face in the spaceship, Yondu could tell at a glance that the person on the screen was the Earthling he met on the alien planet before.

"Hey! I didn't expect it to be little brother Jackson! I haven't seen him for nearly a year. I miss him so much!"

When he met Lin Rui on the alien planet where S-class terrifying creatures were sealed, Yongdu also saw the various methods of this young man. So no matter what the other person's status is on Earth now, based on what Yondu recognized about Lin Rui before, he should also greet him with a smile at this time.

"Yondu, what you said is obviously fake." Hearing Yondu greeting him with a smile, Lin Rui in the cockpit of the E-class aerospace battleship also smiled back.

Lin Rui didn't mind Yondu calling his name when he was wearing a phantom suit and covering his face. Anyway, this spaceship was under Lin Rui's control, and the people who could board this spaceship were all reliable super soldiers. , Lin Rui is just used to wearing the phantom suit now.

"Haha...Jackson, are you here to greet me? I'm so proud of you!" After a haha, Yondu continued.

Yondu's attitude would not have been so good before he met Lin Rui, or before such a spaceship flew out of the earth. You know, Yondu is also very famous in the universe, and most of his reputation is due to some very cruel deeds. However, the situation is different now. In order to reduce the occurrence of accidents, Yondu thinks it is better to be friendly.

"Welcome you, that's it. Besides, I also know why you came so far to Earth this time." After hearing Yondu's words, Lin Rui continued.

In the original plot of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Yondu gave Star-Lord his last space energy protective suit in order to save him. In the end, he was completely exposed to the space environment and died. Therefore, Lin Rui still has some respect and affection for Yongdu.

Now Lin Rui has reminded Rocket Raccoon and Drax, and given them something that can cause a lot of trouble to Egg. If they can go smoothly, they may be able to solve this crisis without Yondu's help. So, Lin Rui doesn't mind letting Yondu be a guest on Earth for a while, and it can at least save him from being killed in the plot.

After hearing Lin Rui's words, Yongdu's smiling face changed. If what Lin Rui said is true, it means that Star-Lord has already been here, and that Ego has also been here! This is not good news!

"What do you know?" Although he felt that Lin Rui must know something, Yondu still asked.

However, Lin Rui on the screen did not answer immediately, but waved to Yondu.

"Let's talk about it after we meet."

It turned out that while Yondu and Lin Rui were chatting for a while, their spaceships were already very close, and they would meet in about ten seconds.

"Okay! I'll wait for you to come over!"

A minute later, the E-class aerospace battleship flying out from the earth stopped in front of Yondu's Star Thieves spacecraft team. The E-class aerospace battleship, which still has a slight size advantage compared to the Dawn, is nothing more than a child in front of Yondu's giant spaceship.

After the two ships came into contact and connected the hanging ladder corridor, Lin Rui came to Yondu's ship.

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