Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,214 The protagonist is determined

This was the plan that Lin Rui had been pondering in his mind a long time ago, but he had always kept it in his mind and had not implemented it. However, with the establishment of the Earth Federation, Lin Rui finally had the confidence to implement this plan. Of course, the launch of this plan is also based on the fact that Lin Rui, his allies and partners, and the strength of the earth have greatly increased.

If Lin Rui's strength was still at the level it was a few months ago, it would be impossible for him to launch this plan. After all, if the Rubik's Cube cannot be well controlled and the space power inside is used, the earth may suffer heavy losses when the Kirita army arrives. To use the Rubik's Cube better requires the improvement of Lin Rui's own strength, which can be regarded as a foundation of strength.

After deciding to start this seemingly crazy plan, Lin Rui first did not discuss it with Tony or Captain Rogers, but found Rocky and chatted with him first. After all, the only protagonist of this plan is Loki, and the other male supporting actor is the stupid big guy Thor. If Loki is not willing, this plan will not be launched.

After talking about the entire plan with Loki, Loki didn't make any suggestions for the plan except asking about Lin Rui's trust in him. At least, Loki's attitude so far seems to be pretty good to Lin Rui.

Don't look at the fact that Loki always opposed Thor in Asgard, even wanted him to be exiled, and competed with him for the dispensable succession to the God King of Asgard. In fact, everything Loki did was just to get the attention and attention of God King Odin and his brother Thor. Loki's feelings for Asgard are no less than Thor's, and he is willing to give Asgard everything.

Moreover, with Loki's intelligence, he naturally knew why Lin Rui chose him as the protagonist of the entire plan. The second prince of Asgard has not dealt with the eldest prince since he was a child, and he also has the blood of the Frost Giants, Asgard's mortal enemy. He has tried to unseat the eldest prince Thor more than once. It would be completely reasonable to say that when Thor was about to officially ascend the throne, he completely fell out with Loki and ended up fighting so hard that Loki lost the universe.

During the fight between Thor and Loki, Thor received support from the Earth because of his friendship with the Earth. This was also the main reason for Loki's rapid defeat. It is easy to understand, then, that Loki harbors a grudge against the Earth.

Therefore, except for Loki, he really couldn't think of anyone on the entire earth and Asgard who could fill this role. After all, besides the God of Trickery, who else can act calmly in front of a terrifying being like Thanos?

"So, are you qualified to be the protagonist this time? Not doing insignificant pranks with Thor in Asgard, but teasing the most powerful person on the big stage of the universe!" Staring closely! Looking at Loki, Lin Rui finally asked seriously.


When Lin Rui finished these words, Loki had already stood up from the bench.

Facing the warm afternoon sun, Loki slowly opened his arms and bathed in the warmth of the earth.

"Yes! What does the petty quarrel in Asgard and this atrium mean? I want to perform a big play! Of course I want to go to the big stage of the universe! I, Loki, will act in this play!"

I don't know whether he was inspired by Lin Rui's last words or because Loki finally ended his thinking and hesitation. When his tall body blocked the sunlight that originally shone on Lin Rui, he suddenly let out a cry similar to that before the war. A declaration of bold ambition.

At this moment, the image of Loki standing in front of Lin Rui seemed to have changed dramatically. Loki, who was originally cunning, cunning, self-centered and selfish in everything, seems to have a character very similar to Thor, which is a character of sacrifice and fearlessness.

Seeing Loki standing up and hugging the sun and shouting, Lin Rui breathed a sigh of relief silently. If Loki is really unwilling to cooperate with Lin Rui in this plan, Lin Rui really has no choice. As Loki said, apart from him, there is really no one in Asgard and Earth who is qualified for this protagonist's position.

Loki's shouting naturally attracted other visitors in the park, but they just looked this way. The global situation is changing dramatically, and a handsome guy yelling in the park can no longer attract much attention.

After shouting, Loki stood for a few seconds and then sat down again, but the aura exuded by his whole body changed greatly with one blow. Of course, this change is a good thing in Lin Rui's opinion.

"So, what about the other supporting characters? Do you think they can cooperate with this play well?"

After sitting down again, Loki turned his head and looked at Lin Rui and asked. In Loki's view, this plan is bold enough. Although he bears the risk of the entire plan himself, if the supporting actors do not cooperate well, it will also affect the quality of the entire play. After all, Thanos isn't that easy to fool.

"Well, don't worry on the Earth side, we will all cooperate. But, on the Asgard side, do you think you should tell Thor all the plans?"

Hearing Loki's question, Lin Rui nodded, first confirmed that there was no problem on the Earth side, and then asked another question. Lin Rui was not very confident about Thor's acting skills. Lin Rui felt that it was up to Loki to tell him the plan completely.

"Him? Forget it, let's keep him in the dark. Maybe, in his eyes, I am a person who can do anything to fight for the throne."

In response to Lin Rui's rhetorical question, Loki frowned slightly and replied. Asking Thor to act with him, Loki felt that he could not act well at all. So, fortunately, Thor was kept in the dark. In this case, Thor will definitely take action against Loki when he seizes power. At the climax of the play, all Loki has to do is jump off the Rainbow Bridge.

Of course, this plan can be hidden from Thor so that he can completely follow his normal thinking to deal with Loki who made a big mistake, but it cannot be hidden from God King Odin. Without Odin's support, this play would not be possible. After Loki agreed to play the leading role, Lin Rui was sure that Odin would have no problem either. Perhaps, after the Dormammu incident, he really fell into a deep sleep.

"Then let's do it. You can make some preparations after you go back. Since this is a big show with the entire universe as the stage, the details cannot be ignored." After deciding not to tell Thor about this plan, Lin Rui officially Start this plan.

"Don't worry, these are the things I'm best at."


After finishing speaking, Loki disappeared directly in front of Lin Rui, leaving Lin Rui sitting alone on the park bench and sighing silently. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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