Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 796: Super Mobile Force

Swish, brush, brush!

"Are those!... the latest super-mobile troops formed by the headquarters?!" Commander Freese said to himself in disbelief as he looked at the individual figures falling directly from the clouds.

Since the aerospace aircraft carrier has the combined anti-gravity engine provided by Stark, it has directly transformed from a sleeping lion into a dragon that can travel around the world. After the aerospace aircraft carrier was officially put into service, SHIELD headquarters also trained a new group of elite talents specifically for this sky battle fortress. From technology to combat, SHIELD spent a lot of effort to equip it. .

As the general person in charge of the London branch, Frith also has an understanding of what special talents and special teams there are in the aerospace aircraft carrier. Although he has not seen it with his own eyes, he still knows the basic information. That's why Fries was so excited when he saw those figures falling from the clouds. Because those figures should be the latest super mobile force formed by SHIELD headquarters to cooperate with the mobile war fortress of the aerospace aircraft carrier.

"Super mobile force? Those guys dared to parachute in such weather conditions. They are worthy of being selected into the aerospace aircraft carrier!" Hearing Frith's soliloquy, the deputy next to him said with the same excitement. arrive.

The dozens of super laser beams fired in the first round of strikes were enough to shock these ground troops, and now the second round of strikes turned out to be high-altitude parachuting troops. If these fallen warriors were not strong, then no one would believe it.

"Hmm?! This height! Why haven't they opened their parachutes yet?" Under the gazes of Frith and the others, those figures did not open their parachutes even after they penetrated the clouds. At this time, it has reached a very dangerous height, especially in such bad weather conditions, an accident may occur if you are not careful.

"Commander, they... they don't seem to have plans to open the parachute!" Behind Frith's worried whisper, his deputy reminded nervously.

At this time, the figures in mid-air had landed at a height where the ground troops could clearly observe them. On the screen in front of them, each of the rapidly falling figures was equipped with weapons they had never seen before, and they were carrying a long metal plate on their backs, but they did not see a backpack with a parachute. The deputy said they had no intention of opening a parachute, but what he actually meant was that it looked like they didn't have a parachute at all!

"What's going on? Are these soldiers unable to fly?!" Commander Frith, who had also noticed this, had a serious expression on his face, but he still believed that there would be no chaos at the headquarters.

Didi didi~

Just when Frith and the others were worried about the soldiers without parachutes, a video dialog box suddenly popped up on the big screen in front of them. Then, a man in a suit appeared in the center of the big screen.

"Long time no see, Fries." The guy who appeared on the big screen looked at Fries, who was a little surprised, and then said with a smile.

"Long time no see, Colson." His eyes flickered a few times, and Fries responded calmly.

Swish, brush, brush!

Just when Coulson's figure appeared on the big screen in the rear headquarters of the ground forces, the newly formed mobile suits that were rapidly falling over the ruins of the battlefield outside had already made further movements. Originally, this team of only eighteen people descended in the same way as the Air Force parachute troops, but at this time, everyone put their right hands on the corner of the metal plate on their shoulders.



The moment they put their hands on the metal plate, the seemingly simple and heavy metal plate suddenly lit up with light blue lines. Then, amid the sound of metal buckles being released, the metal plate originally fixed behind their backs was grabbed directly in front of them with one hand.


The next moment, these soldiers stepped directly on the metal plate that was thrown in front of them. Click, click, click. Then, several metal buckle devices suddenly appeared where they were stepping on the metal plate, completely wrapping their tactical shoes and ankles.

Boom boom!

While the metal plate firmly controlled each warrior's feet, bright blue flames suddenly burst out from beneath its rear position. Then, under the propulsion of the jet flames, everyone's descent speed slowed down a lot, and the direction also changed. At this moment, the metal plate turned directly into a simplified version of a single flying skateboard!

Swish, brush, brush!

With their feet on flying skateboards, the eighteen newly formed mobile force soldiers landed several hundred meters above the battlefield below, divided into several groups, and pounced quickly. On the tactical goggles they wore, the position of the dimensional space in flight below was marked most conspicuously, and it was also the place they needed to focus on.

However, the dimensional space is not their target. Their target is the red dots marked with powerful energy reactions. Each red dot represents an enemy unit, and it is also the opponent that the mobile suits need to face for their first appearance.

Puff puff!

When each mobile team was still about a hundred meters away from the target, a row of gun muzzles was exposed on the front of the flying skateboard under their feet. Then, intensive firepower poured out.

While these mobile teams rushed down on flying skateboards and launched decisive attacks, several war beasts and dark elf warriors who had survived the first round of laser beam strikes also fought back.



"Is this the latest mobile force specially formed for aerospace aircraft carriers? It is indeed worthy of the word mobile!" Looking at the heroic postures of those mobile warriors on the screen diving on flying skateboards, Commander Freese's eyes revealed Said with a surprised look.

"That's right! After the aerospace aircraft carrier was officially put into service, in order to maximize the characteristics of the aerospace aircraft carrier and its role as a war fortress, we spent a lot of money to form this team!" After Frith finished speaking, Finally, Coulson, who had moved to the side of the screen, answered loudly and proudly.

In fact, without the alliance between Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Lin Rui, SHIELD headquarters would not have been able to develop so fast.

Without the anti-gravity engine provided by Tony, the aerospace aircraft carrier still doesn’t know when it can truly take off. Without an alliance with the Guardian Alliance, Lin Rui would not have been able to provide part of the Titan series of gene-enhancing potions in the Osborn Group's laboratory to SHIELD for them to form a special team, let alone an improved individual flying skateboard.

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