Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 978 Professor Pym’s shock

A few hours later, Scott, who was on a plane again, had flown back from New York. On the way back, Scott did not tell Professor Pym what exactly his mission went through after entering the warehouse. Therefore, Professor Pym and Hope always thought that Scott just got away with it and did not complete the task.

"You are messing around! Do you know what a stupid decision it is to expose the Ant-Man suit like this?" Shortly after Scott returned to Professor Pym's private villa, Professor Pym's angry shout came from inside .

Obviously, Professor Pym was very angry about Scott's decision to disobey his order to retreat and insist on carrying out the mission even if he was discovered by the other party. This time Scott was very lucky and escaped in the end. If he had not escaped but was caught by Stark, then the technology of the Ant-Man suit and the secrets of Pym particles would probably fall into Stark's hands. This result is unacceptable even to Professor Pym.

"Hank, stop talking. Just let Scott come back safely. It's better than being caught. We will think of other ways to do the mission or something." Seeing Professor Pym's angry look, Hope persuaded him from the side. With.

Hope didn't think Scott's decision at that time was wrong. If it were Hope, she would definitely choose to fight again. However, they were unlucky this time. What was supposed to be an abandoned warehouse turned into a heavily defended base, with two such powerful warriors guarding it. With this level of defense, even the Avengers would have had no chance.

"Moreover, our intelligence was wrong this time. Otherwise, Scott should be able to complete the mission." Hope reminded Professor Pym while comforting him.

After hearing what Hope said, Professor Pym's anger subsided a little. Obviously, he also knew that he was also responsible for the failure of this mission. However, without the signal camouflage device, it would not be that simple for them to quietly invade the tightly defended Pym technology. Moreover, Scott has already visited Scott's base once, and it is impossible for the other party to let him invade again.

Listening to the conversation between Professor Pym and Hope in front of him, Scott's eyes flickered and he remained silent. When Professor Pym and Hope finally finished speaking, Scott spoke.

"Although I was indeed a little reckless in this mission, but...who said I failed the mission?" As he said this, Scott reached out and took out something from his waist.

Amid the surprised expressions of Professor Pym and Hope, Scott directly took out the signal camouflage device invented by Professor Pym in the early years. After dazzling the small signal disguiser in front of Professor Pym and Hope twice, Scott put it directly on the table and stopped talking.

"This!..." After carefully looking at the signal camouflage device that Scott took out, Professor Pym couldn't believe it.

"Scott, you really did it!" Seeing Professor Pym's expression, Hope knew that the small device in front of him was the goal of their mission.

"Thank you for your honor!" Scott said with a smile after seeing Professor Pym's expression and hearing Hope's words.

"How did you do it?" After holding the signal camouflage device in his hand and carefully observing it for a long time, and confirming that it was the one he invented, Professor Pym looked at Scott and asked in surprise.

Judging from the situation at that time, Scott should have little chance of getting this signal camouflage device. After all, no one knew what the warehouse had been transformed into. How could Scott, who had no clues, find such a small thing?

"Luck, and I have someone to help me." After hearing Professor Pym's words, Scott replied calmly.

"Help, noble man? Our communications have been cut off at that time. Who else can help you? Don't say that Stark suddenly let you go. Judging from the scale of the base, the secrets inside must not be unknown. Small, maybe it is the manufacturing base of the new steel suit." After hearing Scott's answer, Professor Pym said with a look of disbelief.

"I don't know if that base is where the new steel suit is manufactured.

But it is indeed a parts manufacturing factory. Moreover, the parts manufactured are also high-tech equipment with very high precision. "Without intending to tell all about the help he received from Lin Rui, Scott briefly talked about the situation in the warehouse.

"High-tech equipment? Have you recorded them?" Professor Pym asked with interest after hearing Scott's answer.

Although Professor Pym had previously criticized Tony's steel suit in a disdainful tone as being an extremely fancy technology, he actually still felt that the steel suit had its merits. Therefore, after Scott said that the warehouse was now converted into a factory, Professor Pym still wanted to know what the high-tech equipment parts looked like.

"I just took a few photos, and they are all in here." Knowing that Professor Pim would definitely be interested in the parts in the factory, Scott took out the USB flash drive that he had prepared long ago and said.

Quickly reaching out to get Scott's USB flash drive, Professor Pym turned around and walked back to the underground laboratory. The signal camouflage device has been retrieved, so their plan can proceed to the next step smoothly. Now, Professor Pym still wants to see what the high-tech parts that Scott photographed look like.

Seeing Professor Pym leaving quickly, Scott and Hope looked at each other helplessly, and in the end they could only follow him quickly. They still had to discuss the next plan. Darren Cross's experiment was so close to success that their plan had to get underway.

That night, Scott left Professor Pym's villa and returned to Louis' apartment. Louis and several other friends were curious about Scott's inexplicable absence these days. However, everyone got excited when Scott told them that he was about to do something big.

"Scott, you're not lying?! Are we really going to take action against Pim Technology this time?" Lewis asked excitedly, looking at Scott who was sitting on the sofa and preparing to rest.

"Is that Pim Technology's Pim Technology? The largest and most high-tech company in our city?!" After Louis spoke, another good friend repeated the question in equal shock.

"Yes, it's Pym Technology. Moreover, this time we are working with the founder of Pym Technology: Hank Pym." In order to get an early rest, Scott once again released a shocking news.

"Me!! Damn!!"

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