Hidden Corner

Chapter 449: 449 Golden City Three

Chapter 449 449 Golden City Three

 Unknown dead ends.

Closes of blue flames emerged out of thin air all around, and the blue light they released became the only light source here.

The big bear stood in the center of a desolate and cold palace.

 The palace is black, with rough walls unique to rocks everywhere. They are not polished or even patterned, just simple piles of large rocks.

 In some places, the marks of axes and hammers can even be seen.

 Irregular stone pillars became the only support for the palace.

 “Is anyone here?” Big Bear called softly.

There may also be other people in the blind spot. This is their experience after testing many times.

 And before she entered the blind spot, she had a bad premonition, but...


 Suddenly a scream flashed past her.

The sound was somewhat like some sharp object flying at high speed, and also somewhat like the howling of some kind of creature.

 The big bear hurriedly waved his hand and backed away, spilling a fleshy ball the size of a fist.

The round ball landed on the ground and began to swallow up the soil on the ground. In a few seconds, it expanded into a dark red hound half as tall as a man.

Hounds are no different in size from ordinary dogs, except that their heads are covered with densely packed eyes.

This is the Servant No. 1 cultivated by Big Bear, and it is also a biological weapon specially designed to deal with various unknown environments.

The hound shook its big head and began to explore and look around with its eyes full of forehead.

 ‘Go and check out the surroundings. ’ Big Bear ordered in a low voice.


 The hounds started running quickly, running around her in circles.

This is stepping on minefields to test whether there is any danger hidden underground.

  But on the third lap.


The hound paused suddenly and pounced on an empty space on the right.


Its teeth bit **** a two-meter-tall blue armored man who suddenly appeared.

The armored man has a seven-color round lens on his chest, and a long blue-black braid hangs from his head behind him. But at the end of the braid, there was actually a sharp black spike that resembled a scorpion.

Looking from a distance, the big bear can see that there are wisps of black air surrounding the sharp spikes. Obviously, if it is pierced, it is likely to die on the spot.

 Following that, on the left, another armored man emerged from invisibility.

 Then the third body, the fourth body

A total of six armored men surrounded the big bear. The weapon on the back of the head, which resembled a scorpion tail needle, swayed slightly, as if it was aiming automatically.

"Trouble" The big bear's expression changed slightly, and he waved his hand again, and the **** were scattered one after another. After falling to the ground, they swallowed the soil and turned into a multi-eyed hound.

 At the same time, she quickly retreated and took out a slightly squirming mass of dark flesh from her chest.

This time she did not throw it away, but held it in her hand, bit the fingertip of her other hand hard, and aimed the wound at the piece of flesh.


 The blood is swallowed and sucked into the flesh. Then two seconds later, he was thrown away.


 The piece of flesh expanded rapidly and became larger. In the blink of an eye, it turned into large pieces of silver hair. After falling to the ground, long strips of bones and limbs grew.

There was a muffled bang, and what was just a piece of meat a moment ago turned into a three-meter-tall giant wolf with silver hair and huge ferocious fangs.

His wolf eyes flashed with pale golden vertical pupils that were somewhat similar to Li Chengyi's.

 “Kill them!” Big Bear said coldly.

This time I came in too hastily. If I can escape temporarily by killing monsters, it would be worthwhile.

 After all, she had a large number of biological weapons in the laboratory and was unable to bring them. Even if the difficulty is increased next time, it will still be worth it.



A blue light flashed, and a multi-eyed hound was instantly pierced, thrown away, hit the wall, and turned into flesh.

 The other multi-eyed hound was grabbed by the armored man's arms, lifted up and tore into two pieces in the blink of an eye.

But the silver dragon wolf that had just been released was still fighting with the other armored men.

This powerful viral infection, which can theoretically reach the speed of sound and has a power of over 500 tons, was easily stabbed several times by the tail needles of the four armored men.

The spiked tail needle is obviously very poisonous, and the condition of the silver dragon and wolf is visibly weakening.

 The bear's face became increasingly ugly.

 “Stop them!” She gave the order, looked for a gap, and quickly ran away.


There was finally a loud noise behind him, and the silver dragon wolf bit an armored man in one bite and forcibly bit it into two pieces.

 But it’s useless.

The dead armored men were scattered on the ground. There was no flesh and blood inside. They were all armor fragments.

 ‘This is a super large blind spot! ’

 Seeing this, Big Bear felt cold in his heart and understood his situation.

 This situation will only occur if there is a very large blind spot.

 According to existing research, when the damage caused by outsiders to a dead spot reaches a certain proportion, an exclusion mechanism will be triggered. The blind spot will forcibly exclude outsiders for a short period of time.

But if it is a super large blind spot, the damage caused by ordinary people is at most equivalent to stepping into a small blind spot and breaking a brick, or even crushing some mud blocks, or even smaller.

If the proportion is too small, it will naturally not trigger the rejection mechanism

 Daxiong knew that this was the situation he was facing now.


 Find a safe place to hide first and quietly investigate the situation!

 She ran wildly along the rough palace.

 Suddenly, two armored men appeared directly in front of them.

Chichi! Two blue and black spikes, traveling at a terrifying speed of more than twice the speed of sound, instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters and stabbed into the chest of the big bear.


 With a soft sound, Big Bear opened the spikes with lightning in one hand, jumped up, and quickly grew large black scales all over his body, and hit an armored man on the head with a heavy palm.

 The armored men collapsed and scattered.

Without waiting for a reaction from the other side, the big bear spread his body, turned, and flew in the other direction, disappearing deep into the palace in the blink of an eye.





                              ha In the faint sound of footsteps.

Li Chengyi walked slowly through this golden building complex step by step.

He did not fly or jump randomly, nor did he speed up. This was because he was worried about accidentally touching some unknown trap or mechanism.

 Faced with any unknown place, moving slowly and observing carefully is the only way to go.

 One arch bridge after another passed over his head.

Every time he passes through a bridge, Li Chengyi will have an inexplicable weird feeling, as if he has passed through a special membrane.

 It was just that the feeling was so weak that he doubted whether he had an illusion.

  After all, psychological suggestions can also have a considerable impact in many cases.


With the sound of subtle footsteps, Li Chengyi crossed the last ninth arch bridge.

 The front suddenly becomes clear.

 A rectangular golden staircase appeared in front of him.

 The steps go all the way forward, extending to a circular gate more than ten meters high.

The door is open, and inside is a piece of golden translucent light, like a portal, which keeps running.

Li Chengyi glanced at both sides.

To the left is a forest of tall towers, densely packed with at least dozens of them at a glance.

Each building is at least as high as a hundred floors, and most of them emit dark radiation fluctuations.

 Thermal radiation is the simplest radiation, and even ordinary people can sense it. In addition, there are electromagnetic radiation and other unknown radiation.

Li Chengyi couldn't tell. He could only judge from the flow and distortion of the air that many of the towers there were still functioning.

 Withdrawing his gaze, he looked to the right.

To the right is a golden square surrounded by a circle of auditorium-style buildings.

 There is a golden pool in the shape of stacked disks in the square, but there is no water in the pool, only white clouds instead, constantly pouring out of it.

Shops and shops on all sides have their doors closed, with only various signboards reflecting a faint golden light.

 The flat ground was empty. It should have been a lively place, but at this time there was only white clouds and mist flowing from the pool.

From Li Chengyi's point of view, he can see that at the end of the square directly opposite is a large shopping mall.

The shopping mall has five floors, and each floor is filled with densely packed black hollow doors and windows. Golden eagle-like statues can be seen at regular intervals on the eaves.

 The ornate pillars are carved with patterns similar to garland vines.

 ‘Now it’s time to choose: Should we go to Tallinn or the shopping mall? Or go straight forward and enter the suspected portal? ’

 Li Chengyi stopped where he was, lost in thought.

 After a slight pause, he decisively walked towards the high tower forest.

 To find information, you should naturally go in the direction of the research type.

Leaving the main road of golden steps, he slowly moved forward to the left.

Walking on the streets between the towers, he felt an inexplicable sense of novelty.

 The golden street is divided into three parts.

 There are sidewalks on both sides with street lights.

 In the middle is the driveway, with gorgeous arabesque patterns on the ground.

The street lights are still on, with soft golden light shining down, and even a faint warmth.

Li Chengyi felt comfortable at first, but as he continued to go deeper, he entered the shadow area between the towers.

 Different marks began to appear on the ground.

Large cracks appeared on the floor tiles, some streetlights flickered flickering, and more and more ferocious claw marks and holes began to appear on the walls of the tower.

  Some cluttered items gradually appeared on the sidewalk.

Clothes, leather suitcases, shoes, hats, crutches, and some broken golden bits and pieces.

 Everything is golden.


 Suddenly Li Chengyi stopped and looked down at the ground.

 A golden book fell on the ground beside the base of a street lamp.

There is a broken brooch beside the book. It is the simplest rose brooch.

 He bent down, wrapped his hands in a layer of death energy, and gently picked up the book.

 On the cover of the book, there is a line of Black Sea text written in white text.

 "Collected Poems of Yongla".

 ‘A collection of poems? ’ Li Chengyi dusted off the cover and gently opened the first page.

 ‘To my dear niece, Missileen. ’

I flipped through it at random, and found that the collection of poems was full of praises for my niece’s beauty, innocence, innocence, and cuteness.

 It's just that most of them have ambiguous meanings hidden in them. It's obvious that the person who wrote this collection of poems has admiration in his heart.

Li Chengyi flipped through it in disgust and was about to throw it away when he found a scrawled message on the last few pages.

˜Messages are mixed in the margins of the collection of poems, written in blue ink, which is particularly eye-catching.

'Dear Misilian, the Secret Tower Society's research on Eternal Darkness has come to an end. The confrontation between the Lady of Glory and the Green Mother has lasted for thousands of years, and now it is no longer sustainable. We received the lady's final report and had to deal with the Holy City. Make a pure migration. ’

'Migration requires screening, and sinners cannot board the ship. If you really love me, you can take this collection of poems and go to the Glory Linzhou No. 3. The censors there are my brothers. When they see this collection of poems, they will let them go alone. You get on board. ’ — Love you Rowena.

 (End of this chapter)

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