The old village head and the villagers present memorized every word Han Fei said with their heart, and their serious attitude was like a pupil.

Han Fei was a little bit dumbfounded, pointed to soybeans and rice, and said, "Come here first."

Soybeans and rice were flattered and walked over quickly.

Han Fei said casually; "How is your hunting level?"

The two straightened their chests and said, "That's the leader in the village."

"Very well, you two follow me into the woods, and the others continue to dig the soil."

The old village chief said in confusion: "What is Girl Han doing in the forest?"

Han Fei said very directly: "I want to eat meat."

Everyone: "..."

Han Fei took the soybeans and rice and walked towards the depths of the forest. The more he went inside, the more lush the trees, but like the outside, no animal's shadow was seen. Soy tentatively said: "Han Girl, we have come in and searched deep before, but there are still no animals."

Han Fei said without caring, "Of course, because you are stupid."

Soybean's smile stiffened.

Seeing that the position was right, Han Fei stopped and unceremoniously ordered: "Quickly dig here, remember, the deeper the better."

Soybean looked around and said, "Miss Han, there is no such soil here."

"I know, you just dig it up."

Even though they were full of doubts, the soybeans and rice still obediently followed suit, and started to dig a big hole here.

After the hole was dug, some sharpened wooden sticks were inserted upside down, with the pointed end facing up, forming a simple trap.

Han Fei estimated the size of the hole and was very satisfied. Then she took out a small medicine bottle, which she exchanged with the system just now. Fortunately, this thing is not very expensive, otherwise Han Fei would rather have no meat. change.

After opening the bottle and sprinkling some into the hole, Han Fei hid the soybeans and rice without making any noise, and she herself also hid behind a big tree and crawled out half of her head to look.

Time passed by every minute.

The two big guys were not impatient, but Han Fei herself was impatient, she couldn't help poking the system.

"Are you lie to me? Or is this stuff expired?"

The system felt insulted and said, "What does the host mean? This is an insult to me!"

"Then you said, why hasn't it worked yet?"

You know, the porridge in the morning is considered porridge for the time being. It has already been digested almost. Although Han Fei wants to lose weight, she is definitely not so hungry and thin!

What's more, if you don't eat any meat, the villagers in this village are afraid that they are going to fall. Looking at the height of soybeans and rice, they are amazingly thin. I am afraid that they have suffered a lot.

"Host! It takes time! All the prey in this mountain are running around because of the grass. Even with animal powder, it takes time to be attracted!"

Han Fei reluctantly accepted this explanation and continued to wait.

Just when the soybeans and rice were a little unbearable, I finally heard some faint noises, as if something was running from a distance. The brothers suddenly became nervous. The familiar running vibration sound was an incredible Guessing poured into their minds, and for a while, a touch of excitement appeared on their faces, and their eyes were staring straight at the direction of the sound.

Han Fei is also staring, and at the same time full of anticipation, looking forward to what will become her dinner tonight.

Soon, the sound was getting closer and the ground was trembling. The thing that wanted to run must be a big guy. The face of soybean and rice changed from the original surprise to solemn. If the prey is too big, then it’s hard to say who the prey , But they don’t have any hunting tools now!

When the tree was lifted, the three of them could see clearly what the big guy rushing over was. It was a huge wild boar with a fat body. They exhaled the heat and rushed all the way.

Both soybeans and rice have turned pale. This kind of prey was what they liked to see before. There are many wild boars, and one is enough to eat for a long time, but now, it is deadly dangerous! Their impact was very strong, and if they were a little careless, they were pushed out, and they were half-lived without death.

But this thing is so clever, it is difficult to catch it with conventional traps!

After the wild boar rushed out, it stopped in place, as if sniffing something, and then rushed in one direction.

Soybeans and rice sigh, not good! That's Miss Han's direction!

Just when the soybeans and rice were going to protect Miss Han, the wild boar turned abruptly 180 degrees and rushed towards the trap. It thumped and made a loud noise, followed by a neighing pig cry. sound.

Soybeans and rice: "..."

Good cleverness!

Brother Pig, did you insult your IQ by jumping into the trap like this!

Han Fei didn't care about this. She jumped out with cheers, and rushed to the edge of the trap to look down, and saw that the sturdy wild boar had been stabbed with several large holes, and the blood was left all over. The next breath screamed, the whole body was full of blood, and it obviously wouldn't last long.

Soybeans and rice also came around. When they saw that the wild boar was really about to die, the two looked at each other, and at the same time looked at Han Fei dancing and dancing beside him in shock.

They are the best hunters, and naturally understand that the condition of the wild boar just now is definitely not normal. This almost suicidal death must have been done by Girl Han! The two remembered that after the trap was fixed, Girl Han seemed to have thrown something inside.

Han Fei, who was happy, noticed that the soybeans and the rice both took a step back, farther away from her, as if he had seen a ghost.

Han Fei: "..."

Is she over acting?

When the villagers heard the terrible pig cry and were attracted, the wild boar in the pit was so dead that it could no longer die, lying in the pit.

When the villagers rushed to hear the news, they lined up to look at the pit one by one when they learned that there was a prey. It was just a glance and then a smile. It was a kind of satisfaction that Han Fei twitched on one side of her mouth.

Waiting for the people in the village to return to the village against the huge wild boar, it was a sensation. Everyone from every household ran out and watched. Some of them were more emotional and couldn't help crying.

As if this is not a pig, but a pile of gold and silver treasures.

What Han Fei didn’t know was that the meaning of this wild boar was not just food, but also a kind of hope. Their waterside village has been unable to hunt for a long time. They can’t live without enough food and clothing. They simply can't live anymore. Seeing this wild boar now means that they don't have to be hungry anymore!

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