Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 10 The reason for the chaos

He was not possessed by a ghost, but the Pure Heart Curse in his blood took effect automatically.

The last few freshmen were also assigned to their respective houses. Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment, picked up the sorting hat and left.

Dumbledore stood up, looked at the students with a smile on his face, stretched out his arms to them, and said happily: "Welcome! Welcome everyone to Hogwarts to start the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I want to say a few words. In one sentence. That is: Idiot! Crying! Residue! Screw it! Thank you everyone!"

He sat down again.

Everyone applauded and cheered.

A sumptuous dinner suddenly appeared on the table, but in Chen Bin's eyes, it was just like pig food, just used to fill his stomach. Tsk tsk! Compared with the dark cuisine, we only had a few British dishes, but everyone ate so deliciously. Especially Harry's appearance of being reincarnated as a starving ghost, how does he look like a savior?

"It looks really good." The ghost in the wheel collar said sadly as he watched Harry cut the steak.

"Won't you come and have some?" Harry asked.

"I haven't eaten for four hundred years." The ghost said: "I don't need to eat, but of course I miss their deliciousness. I guess I haven't introduced myself yet? Nicholas of Mimsy Pington Sir, the resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower."

"I know who you are!" Ron suddenly said: "My two brothers told me about you - you are the 'Nearly Headless Nick'!"

Chen Bin ignored the ghost's performance of opening and closing its neck, and kept looking up at the stars after eating. "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? Who am I? I come from..."

At this time the topic turned to their respective families.

"I'm half and half," Seamus said. "My father is a Muggle, and my mother didn't tell her father that she was a witch until after she got married. This scared him a lot."

Everyone laughed.

"What about you, Aaron?" Ron asked.


"Aaron, are you listening?"

"Yes, my English name here is Aaron Naama." Chen Bin ended his daze.

"Oh, my father is a Chinese wizard and my mother is a British witch." Chen Bin said: "But I have been living in London not long after I was born in Xiangjiang. You can call me Chen Bin. Chen is the surname and Bin is the given name. At home, everyone They also call me by my Chinese name, so I’m not used to you calling me by your foreign name. I inherited my mother’s English surname, so I have the right to study magic here, but the registered name must be Aaron Naama. My family is similar to Ron’s Well, my parents are also from a wizarding family, but I have no brothers or sisters. I have lived in a very closed family since I was a child. My father opened a company like a Muggle in the Muggle society, and my mother controlled some family businesses at home. I never see my mother go out."

"Chen-Bin? Are you serious?" Ron asked in confusion: "I have heard people named Blacksmith, someone named Clearwater, and someone named Greengrass. But, there are really people named Trash. Bucket?”

Chen Bin stared at Ron quietly for two seconds, making sure that he really didn't understand and was not mocking, and then said patiently: "Chen-Bin is a Chinese name, Chen is the surname, and Bin is the given name. Bin does not mean trash can in China. , but both civil and military. Just as the name of a certain European country happens to be spelled turkey in English, but you can also guess that people in their country don't like others to associate it with this meaning."

"Uh... I'm sorry..." Ron blushed, feeling embarrassed.

Chen Bin knew his kindness, so he patted his shoulder and said, "It's okay, you didn't mean it, I can see it."

Bin is actually not that bad. The girl named Shiting is really unjust. The name is pronounced Shitting. Chen Bin had expected this kind of name, but he would not hide his name just for the sake of foreigners' associations!

There is even a surname in the island country called Mitarai, which is often called "toilet" by Chinese people. These three Chinese characters have two pronunciations in people's bird language. The pronunciation of the surname is the one on the washbasin of the shrine, which is completely different from the pronunciation of "toilet".

Meanwhile, Percy Weasley and Hermione were chatting about their classes.

"There are so many things to learn. I'm particularly interested in transfiguration. You know, turning one thing into another thing blablabla..."

"You should start with small things, like turning matches into needles or something like that..."

Harry interrupted Percy and Hermione's conversation. "Who was that teacher who spoke to Professor Quirrell?"

"Huh? The plot still follows the main line?" Chen Bin returned from his wandering around the world and started gossiping with great interest.

Percy looked in the direction Harry prompted and introduced: "Oh, you already know Professor Quirrell. It's not surprising that he is so nervous. That is Professor Snape, who teaches Potions, but he is not Offering to teach the subject - everyone knows he covets Professor Quirrell's work. Snape is very knowledgeable in the Dark Arts."

Harry stared at Snape for a moment, but Snape didn't look at him again.

By the end of the meal, the pudding was gone.

Professor Dumbledore stood up again, said some precautions, and then led the students to sing the school song. Everyone finally followed the prefect back to the dormitory.

The first year Gryffindor followed Percy through the noisy crowd, out of the dining hall and up the marble stairs.

Chen Bin followed the tired and full savior and passed through the door hidden behind the sliding board and curtain. The freshmen were already yawning and dragging their heavy steps up the many stairs.

Chen Bin slandered the little wizard that he really didn't improve his physical strength. He took the train and sat down to eat all day, and he was exhausted even after not walking much.

The line suddenly stopped. A bundle of canes was floating in the air at the front, and the new students fell towards Percy.

"It's Peeves!" Percy whispered to the first-year students: "A ghost who likes to play tricks." He raised his voice and said: "Peeves - reveal yourself."

He was answered with a loud, harsh, popping sound like a deflating balloon.

Percy threatened to sue the Bloody Barrow and frightened Peeves away. Before leaving, he threw his cane in mid-air, which hit Chen Bin right next to him, but he dodged it.

Okay, this feud is settled, Chen Bin is very petty.

Then Percy reminded the freshmen to beware of Peeves and led everyone to the wall at the end of the corridor with a portrait of a very rich woman wearing pink clothes.

"Password?" she said.

"Dragon scum," Percy said.

The portrait swayed forward, revealing a hole in the wall.

Arriving at the Gryffindor common room, it's a cozy round room filled with plush armchairs.

Percy directed the girls into a door leading to the dormitory, and then led the boys into the boys' dormitory.

At the end of the spiral staircase, they were obviously in a tower - Chen Bin finally found his bunk: five beds with four pillars, hung with dark red flannel curtains, and the suitcase had already been delivered to the bed side.

Thinking of being assigned to Gryffindor, if it weren't for Lao Deng's mischief, Chen Bin would have broadcast Harry eating sex!

【Huh? Something seems wrong with the character? 】

Chen Bin: [Nonsense, if I don’t feed him, can I do it myself? 】

Harry, Ron and the other two classmates were already exhausted. They changed into pajamas one by one and fell asleep before saying a few words.

Chen Bin opened his luggage, took out the magic laptop, inserted the text message machine from the groove at the bottom, output a specific magic frequency, and then the laptop started.

Of course, this machine does not have the functions of a real computer. It is just an extension accessory for a text message machine. It still plagiarizes the appearance of the mature ultra-thin notebooks of later generations.

The function of Hahada only adds a magic camera, it can store 600 photos or 600 pages and can modify the text page. If you don't mind, you can draw pictures directly on the page. Being able to create 600 independent files is an epoch-making alchemical invention. This is actually just a variant of a large notepad. It doesn't even have an OS or a mouse. It is only modified to have this function based on the Magic Fairy Book.

Chen Bin sat on the bed and pressed the "reject ringtone button" (mute button).

Then, (╬) frantically pressed the "message prompt button".

╰(*°▽°*)╯: "Stop, stop, stop! Baby, what's the matter? Are you back in the dormitory?"

(╬◣д◢)! ! : What did you do to Lucius Malfoy while you were studying? Are there any other changes you're hiding from me? If you continue like this, I want to go back to my hometown! I don’t want to play anymore!

(⊙_⊙): I’m not hiding anything? Wasn't my life at Hogwarts written down in a book for you to read? You have studied it repeatedly for a long time, it should be safe?

ヾ(*`Д*): Draco Malfoy was sorted into Hufflepuff today! The villain in the campus growth story was recognized by Hufflepuff, who is known for his loyalty and honesty, for his kindness and honesty! Stop acting, go home, the novel ends early! End! The End!

(⊙ω⊙`): Impossible! When I was in first grade, Lucious was already in sixth grade, we didn't talk at all in school, and then he graduated!

(˙˙):...Wait a minute, you have a language trap! You didn't talk to each other in school, but you met him after graduation?

(\u003e_\u003c): Baby, don’t doubt mom. Mom has always kept herself clean. Your dad was the man who took away mom's first kiss and first time. Mom has always been devoted to him.

(Speech): Old driver, I suspect you are driving and are collecting evidence. Don't drive to divert your attention. explain! ! ! !

(▔ω▔): I had just stepped out of school that year. After graduation, I felt confused about my future and full of endless fear for the future. Wandering at the intersection of fate, I was engaged in an ideological struggle at that moment. Is it a compromise with darkness, or a cry for freedom...

╰(◣﹏◢)╯: Let’s get to the point!

(oω`o): It was a dark and windy night, and I was alone in the deserted Diagon Alley...

_: I will hand in my withdrawal letter tomorrow.

(﹏`): No, no, no, baby, I said everything!

After chatting for an hour, Chen Bin closed the magic laptop, rubbed his painful eyebrows, and looked at the ring next to the pillow that kept changing between mouse and ferret, dancing the cancan dance.

The story is really messed up.

It was said that Isabel planned to open a magic fashion store after graduation. She spent a whole day shopping in Diagon Alley looking at the shops for sale, but unexpectedly she found a figure hiding in the garbage in the corner. At the same time, a group of Aurors rushed over to ask if they had found any trace of the Death Eaters, and from the corner of her eye, she saw that the person in the garbage was none other than Lucius Malfoy, with a bloody knife in his hand. Death Eater Mask.

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