Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 112 Harry’s New Godfather

Throughout August, people in the British wizarding world were busy.

Under the leadership of Rufus Scrimgeour, a resolute and continuous self-examination action was launched, starting from the top management of the Ministry of Magic to the most junior clerks.

Fire a large number of redundant employees who are fishing in troubled waters and doing nothing.

There are also a group of guys who want to take cards, pay bribes and accept bribes, and they are sent to Azkaban to amuse themselves according to the law.

For this reason, many families with ancient heritage complained. In the past, they were the largest financial backers behind the Ministry of Magic.

In the past, in order to appease them, the Ministry of Magic paid many positions and asked them to arrange family members to work in the Ministry of Magic.

Scrimgeour's first strike was on them.

Naturally, these families refused. In the past, they placed family members in the Ministry of Magic not just to find jobs for idle people.

More importantly, they want to plant their own thorns and spies in the Ministry of Magic.

There is nothing more reassuring to them than the connection between blood and family.

Under the family concept of prosperity and loss, no matter what the Ministry of Magic does, they can't hide it from them.

From the most neglected Muggle Issues Mediation Committee to the most important Auror Command, it can be said that the entire Ministry of Magic has been infiltrated into a sieve by these large families that actually control the magical world.

Now, when Scrimgeour comes to power, he will attack them as soon as possible. How can these families agree?

Their informants have all been expelled or sentenced. If the Ministry of Magic takes action against their family next time, how will they have time to react?

Scrimgeour had no intention of taking action against them. After all, many of these families were large industrialists, and their industries affected all aspects of the magical world.

It is not appropriate to settle accounts with them until society has completely settled down.

However, Scrimgeour's concession made these families push forward, and they regarded this tolerance as something to be bullied.

One by one, old but not dead old guys, wearing tall hats and holding golden staffs, lingered outside the door of his office all day and night.

There are even people who are using this year’s event funds to make excuses.

Scrimgeour didn't say much, but when they came to ask for an explanation again, he dropped a thick stack of materials in front of each family representative.

After everyone got the materials, their arrogant attitude disappeared instantly.

He bowed down and praised the good governance the Ministry of Magic was doing with a smile on his face.

No way, what Rufus Scrimgeour photographed in front of them was evidence that the major families were colluding with Voldemort overtly or covertly.

These families, which have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, may not necessarily do other things, but they have always been good at standing in line.

Ever since Voldemort first emerged in the wizarding world decades ago, they have been intentionally or unintentionally involved with the future Dark Lord.

If it weren't for the tacit approval and even funding of these families, how could Voldemort have risen so quickly.

Fifteen years ago, on the day Voldemort was defeated, they suddenly became the mainstay of the wizarding world.

But this year, after Voldemort was resurrected.

They started their usual head-shaking strategy again, placing their bets on both sides, but here they were determined to follow the Ministry of Magic's lead.

Over there, they secretly contacted the Death Eaters, always ready to surrender to the Dark Lord.

They did keep it secret enough, but no matter what, Gretel saw these things clearly in his memory.

Any pile of evidence that Scrimgeour throws out can make that family the target of public criticism in the magical world.

Three days later, no one came to the Minister's office to disturb Scrimgeour, the new Minister of Magic.

However, for a Minister of Magic who controls the entire country's magical world, how can he be free?

Moen just managed a small Moldova, and had comrades with Dawn to help him handle government affairs, so he had more personal time recently.

Rufus Scrimgeour was still new to taking charge of such a large country in England, and he was already busy with all kinds of government affairs. He was overwhelmed by internal and external problems.

However, food is not something that can be eaten in one bite, and things cannot be solved overnight.

After firing a large number of public officials, the daily operations of the Ministry of Magic seem to be somewhat stretched.

So, at the end of August, the Ministry of Magic began the most ambitious recruitment drive in the past few hundred years, adding a wave of fresh blood.

Let nature take its course, Dawn's comrades transformed and became a member of the dedicated civil servants of the British Ministry of Magic.

Seni Dilgo also resigned from his position as a member of the Moldovan Ministry of Magic and became Scrimgeour's office assistant.

One in the east and one in the west, two ministries of magic echo each other, weaving a large web for Dawn's future changes.

However, it is more radical than exploring the Ministry of Magic of Moldova that integrates into the Muggle world.

The British Ministry of Magic doesn't have much to do in terms of building a new era.

Their main task is to enlighten the people.

Let the wizards realize that they are no longer the masters of the world.

The center of the world has long since moved from the magical world controlled by wizards to the Muggle world, which relies on economy and technology to make great progress.

Not many people in Europe and the Americas at the far end of the ocean where Grete set foot were clearly aware of this.

At least, most of the wizards Gretel came into contact with were still immersed in the fairy tale world above wizards.

Not many wizards realize that the wizarding world has fallen behind.

America is beyond the reach of Grete now.

Moreover, the strength of the American Muggle government is not something he can measure now.

Even the dawn of dawn cannot guarantee that one-third of an acre of Europe will be traversed.

As the base camp for future reforms, Gretel must ensure that all the people are united, and at least most people can stand in the same camp as Dawn.

This can ensure the vitality of Shuguang's development and prevent it from losing the power to stand up and fight again after a setback.

Looking at the whole of Europe, the British wizarding world with Dumbledore at the helm is undoubtedly the top political and economic center.

Seni joined the British wizarding world with the purpose of cooperating with Rufus Scrimgeour to completely control the British wizarding world into Dawn's hands.

And then turn the whole of Europe into the base camp of the Dawn Rebellion.

As for Dumbledore, there is no need for them to worry. None of them, the core members of the decision-making group, do not know about parchment rolls.

For the great cause, Gretel can choose to cooperate with others, but it is absolutely impossible for him to give up Shuguang's interests.

The parchment clearly stipulates that Dawn enjoys the right to develop freely, as long as it does not initiate a war or persecute innocent people.

Dumbledore and the forces he controls cannot attack Dawn.

In other words, in the development stage of Dawn, as long as it adheres to peaceful and moderate ideas, it will basically be considered unimpeded in England.

However, even so, Sugon still chose stable and low-key development.

Every member must undergo comprehensive review to ensure the purity and discipline of the organization.

After eliminating the social unrest caused by Voldemort's resurrection, Gretel will fulfill another agreement he made with Dumbledore.

It just so happens that he also wants to eliminate the problem of personality worship that may exist in Shuguang's future development.

Dawn is not just his dawn, it is the dawn of all Dawn people, and it is the dawn of all wizards.

Personality worship may be a good thing for him personally, but when extended to the entire dawn, it is not so wonderful.

Gretel has always believed in the saying that when manpower is limited, there is nothing we can do.

Every decision he makes may affect tens of thousands of others in the future.

He knows that he is not a genius, whether in research, politics or economics, so he needs the correction of others.

Too heavy a cult of personality will suppress other people's thoughts.

It may be more conducive to the future to withdraw now and let the dawn grow wildly within the framework.

As the helmsman, what he needs to do is to control the direction and ensure that the big ship Dawn will not capsize in a certain wave.


September 1st.

The Hogwarts Express stopped on time at Platform Nine and Three Quarters at King's Cross Station.

This is also the first year that Harry has relatives to see him off at the beginning of school.

If the former godfather can be considered a relative.

After rushing past the hidden platform nine and three-quarters, Sirius pushed the luggage trolley and silently sent Harry to the front of the train.

"Harry, after seeing you off today, I will go to Siberia. I heard that wizards are being recruited there to explore the ruins.

The house at No. 12 Grimmauld Place is also left to you. It will be more convenient for you to live here after you graduate. Muggles have done a good job in community planning.

By the way, if you have a chance, don’t forget to give me a few calls..."

Sirius was a little nagging. He had never spoken so much since the death of his good friend James Potter.

Harry was a little silent. He didn't know what to say. He raised his head slightly, and his green pupils looked through the lenses at the godfather who had a vicissitudes of life on his face and was appointed by his father.

"Emm, Mr. Black," Sirius's eyes suddenly dimmed when Harry's voice came out.

Harry's heart softened. In the past year, he had really regarded Sirius as his father. He felt a care from Sirius that he had not felt in the past ten years.

But somehow, Gretel left in Harry's mind the memory of Snape from another timeline who was willing to sacrifice his life for him.

That restrained but passionate love is far more passionate than the intermittent warmth of getting along with Sirius on this timeline.

In fact, if we switch to the original world line, how can Sirius and Snape compare their contributions together?

They all sacrificed their lives for Harry, and life is worthless.

But there is no way, who makes Sirius not Gretel's teacher? What Gretel wants to make up for is his teacher's regret.

Sirius is just an indifferent passerby.

Moreover, Gretel brought the soul of Lily Evans back to the world, and Lily Evans had great objections to Sirius.

The child entrusted by the couple has been looked down upon for more than ten years and has never had a peaceful life.

Even escaping from prison, the first purpose is revenge.

If it was James Potter who returned to the world, Harry wouldn't have to be so entangled.

Even if Gretel left him the memory of Professor Snape, his father would not take away his good brother's godfather status.

"Mr. Black, that is your house, and I am not eligible to inherit it.

If possible, we try not to contact you. You know my mother, she hopes that I can keep my distance from you.

And, my current godfather is Snape, Severus Snape. "

Sirius was speechless for a moment. To be honest, if Dumbledore hadn't confirmed that the soul was really Lily, he would never have believed it.

After all, Lily was so gentle back then. Like Potter, she was already his relative.

Thinking again of what Lily Evans said the day she took Harry away from No. 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius gave up his struggle.

Indeed, he failed in his duties as a godfather.

Now that Harry has his mother again, there is no need for him, a sinner, to continue wandering in this sad land.

But from time to time, he would always ask himself doubtfully: "If I hadn't strongly recommended Wormtail to be the Secret Keeper, would everything have been different?"


Here Sirius looked sad and remained silent, but over there Harry waved his wand and boarded the train with a bunch of floating luggage.

Ron and Hermione, their fifth-year Gryffindor prefects, were responsible for welcoming the new students, and Harry had to help them find seats.

Ron couldn't wait to tell him this news on the day he received the Hogwarts opening letter.

On that day, Mrs. Molly specially cooked a big meal for Ron, and Ron finally got rid of his status as the bottom of the family.

Soon after the train started, Ron found the compartment where Harry was and rushed in.

Hermione followed him, frowning, "Ron, as a prefect, you have to set a good example for the new students, can't you calm down?"

Ron rolled his eyes at her and leaned directly in front of Harry's face, "Harry, look into my eyes and tell me what you told me during the holidays that your godfather became Snape. Is it real!

This question has been in my mind for more than half a month. If my parents hadn't said that you have other things recently and forbade me to come and disturb you, I would have come to ask for confirmation. "

After Ron finished speaking, he stared at Harry without blinking. He really couldn't believe that Snape, who always had the corners of his mouth turned downward and could only squeeze out sinister teasing words from between his teeth, would become Harry's godfather.

Let's not talk about his reasons, just talk about Harry. He clearly remembered Harry saying that Snape was the person he hated the most.

How did these two people, who couldn't hit each other and looked more like enemies than teachers and students, get involved?

Although Hermione didn't speak over there, her curiosity was clearly expressed in her widened eyes and turned ears.

Harry swallowed and nodded, "Yes, my godfather is now Professor Snape."

For a moment, Ron even forgot to breathe. After a long time, he silently turned his head to Hermione.

"Hermione, can you slap me and tell me that I'm actually dreaming."

Hermione was also in shock. After hearing Ron's words, she shook her head and sat down.

"Harry, tell me what happened during this holiday."

Ron also sat down next to Harry, casting a blank look on his face as he sought knowledge.

"It's all about Gretel."

Upon hearing this name, the expressions of the two people changed instantly.

Ron was confused and secretly delighted. When Gretel quit Hogwarts last school year, he was also shocked at first.

Later, many people called Gretel the biggest traitor in the history of Hogwarts.

Someone even touched the honor cabinet at Hogwarts late at night and put a traitor's sign next to Gretel's personal contribution award.

Ron didn't care. He didn't care if Gretel was a traitor or if he wanted to overthrow the wizarding world.

He only cares, it seems, that he doesn't have to worry about Gretel taking the position of Harry's best friend from him.

He was secretly happy about it, until today, he heard that name like a nightmare again.

For a moment, Ron's throat became a little dry, and he hesitantly said, "Harry, do you mean Mike Gretel?"

Harry nodded decisively, "Yes, I met him during the holidays, and he helped me find my mother."

Hermione's eyes suddenly became confused, "Harry, I remember that your mother was on the day you were born..."

"Yes, when Gretel helped me remove Voldemort's soul, he found my mother's soul in me..."

Harry talked for a long time before completely recounting what happened during the holiday from beginning to end.

Ron seemed to have been drained of energy, and leaned back on his seat with dull eyes.

He murmured silently: "It's over, I can't be Harry's best friend anymore."

Hermione on the other side frowned, holding a note and tapping her nails on the leather case.

In the center of the note, there is a piece of Dawn promotional page left behind by Penello.

She wanted to find Gretel in person right now and ask him why he didn't develop himself into a member of Dawn. Was it because she, Hermione Granger, didn't deserve it?

That day, the professors seemed to have encountered a scourge, asking everyone to hand in the Dawn brochure.

She delivered, but not completely.

With the flickering firelight, she could catch the sentence at a glance, allowing everyone to walk freely in the sun, regardless of wizards and Muggles.

She was immediately impressed, so when Professor McGonagall asked her if there were any flyers that she had not handed in, she chose to lie and claimed that she had handed them all in.

Just as she thought, the professor would not suspect a well-behaved student like her at all.

After that, she secretly studied all the books that Gretel had studied.

She had this memory, she remembered all the books that Gretel had read in the library in front of her.

Many of them were related to the relationship between wizards and Muggles. However, in the past, she only wanted to surpass Gretel, so she didn't study too many books that had little effect on her grades.

The more she researched, the more right she felt that Shuguang’s initiative was right.

For this reason, she temporarily put aside the development of the House Elf Association.

Gretel is right, human energy is limited, and in a limited life, it is the wisest way to put all your energy on the most important things.

Now, she would put her energy fighting for the freedom and treatment of house elves into fighting for the freedom of wizards to walk in the sun.

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