Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 143 Determined to go to America

Those who play with time will be played with by time.

There was once a fearless traveler who traveled back in time a year ago.

No one knew what he had done. When he came back, a tragic explosion occurred in the Muggle world.

Thousands of Muggles died at one time, and he died shortly after the time travel ended.

The last words are those who play with time, will be played by time.

Other time travelers who traveled for more than five hours also suffered varying degrees of injuries.

The most minor one was that he spent more than half a year in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, and after recovering, he lost his memory of time travel.

There are records that he often encountered inexplicable injuries in the second half of his life.

People say it's the curse of time.

No one knows the specific reason, but people in the magical world finally know that five hours is a red line that cannot be crossed.

Thinking about himself again, Grete felt very desperate.

A timeline of centuries, hundreds of years, he was worried about doing something casually.

It may lead to him being swallowed up by time, and his birth may become a paradox.

Before, Gretel knew that time was something that could not be controlled.

So even if he came into contact with magic particles, he didn't think about time.

It’s not that he doesn’t know that Shuguang’s ideals are easier to realize at any time in history than in modern times.

However, he cannot do so.

People who just do small things will have various situations in their lives.

If it were him, Dawn would be such an important thing.

The emergence of dawn, at any time in history, will leave a mark on historical records.

If there had been a glimmer of hope in the past, success or failure, the world would have definitely changed.

Granted, this would be easier.

However, Grete had never seen an organization like the dawn of time in any book or message.

Since the past time does not exist, now that we have returned to a few centuries ago, Gretel really does not dare to do anything unnecessary.

His safety is second to none, those relatives and friends, teachers and seniors, those who work day and night to create a new era.

For any of them, because he did something he shouldn't have done in the past and caused them to disappear, Gretel felt that he could not forgive himself.

If he disappears, the correction of the timeline will cause the dawn to disappear.

Their long-term efforts may be in vain.

It's not that Gretel is boasting, but this is the fact.

If the dawn does not exist, the only future for the magical world can only be that the jade will disappear and the jade will disappear.

So what does his long-term effort to travel across the world mean?

On the way back to the little mute shelter, Gretel's mood became heavier as he walked.

Stepping into history and looking forward to the future, being down-to-earth is what Shuguang should do.

Traveling through time was not what he wanted.

This was an accident from beginning to end.

He just wanted to put away the temporal stabilizer.

Who would have thought that the contact between the panel and the time stabilizer would explode into a black hole.

He was also sent to the seventeenth century.

Suddenly, Gretel's feet were firm.

After experiencing a black hole, his brain, which was blurred by the aftermath of the black hole, finally remembered that he went to get the stabilizer because he listened to Fred King's advice.

That old goblin whose life was about to come to an end, he said that the first time he met Gretel was in the seventeenth century.

That's now!

Gretel clearly remembered that in the history books recorded by Muggles, Charles I was the king of England in the seventeenth century. To be precise, he was the king of Scotland, England and Ireland.

Of course, Great Britain has not yet become the empire where the sun never sets.

The current empire on which the sun never sets is still Spain in its golden age. At the end of the 16th century, Spain was briefly defeated by Great Britain.

But then they regained their place in the Anglo-Spanish War, letting the whole of Europe know that Spain was the well-deserved overlord.

But it doesn't matter, since the middle of the seventeenth century, they began to go downhill.

Great Britain will replace Spain as the new country on which the sun never sets, and will become the first country that everyone thinks of when mentioning the sun on which it never sets.

Looking at the time, we are now in the final stage of the Anglo-Spanish War. As a defeated country, the Stuart dynasty has to pay Spain a considerable amount of war compensation.

This is why a pirate-like captain can become a noble with just a ship of gold.

It is true that the value of gold is there, but if there is not the threat of this war that is related to Charles I's own pocket.

Even if they send a few more ships of gold, they still won't be able to win the status of a noble from the hands of the old nobles.

It was at this stage that the new aristocracy began to emerge.

They succeeded in breaking into the aristocratic system of Great Britain by lavishing money and showing a barbaric attitude.

The old aristocrats, whose families have a long history of holding power, on the one hand look down on this group of nouveau riche, on the other hand they are jealous of the overwhelming wealth.

In this sticky and ambiguous attitude, the new aristocracy gained its own identity, and by relying on the route, it gradually divided its own rights from the old aristocratic system.

This is not just the case in Great Britain. The emergence of the Golden Empire has caused a group of new nobles to emerge throughout Europe who have no background but are sufficiently luxurious.

Since the first ship of gold crossed the ocean and returned to Europe, the decline of America has changed from a concept to a matter of time.

At this time, although the wizard was living in embarrassment, it was not miserable.

America is such a good pot of soup, so they will not miss the opportunity to get a piece of it.

Going to America has become the unified goal of everyone in Europe.

Whether it's gold or resources, whether it's buying and selling or plundering, everyone is rushing towards endless wealth.

Of course, serious white wizards, they huddle in a no-man's land to recuperate.

The only ones who can be active in the outside world are dark wizards who are not tolerated by the magic world.

If there are too many lice, it doesn't itch, if there are too many debts, there won't be any worries, that's what they are talking about.

Anyway, the world is very big, white wizards don’t like them, and they don’t like white wizards either.

Rather than being criticized by white wizards in the magical world, it is better to go to the Muggle world.

Those nobles and wealthy businessmen are afraid of the power of magic, but they also envy the convenience and power of magic.

In order not to be harmed by wizards supported by others, and in order to harm others and gain profits, many people used gold and silver to support a large number of wizards.

In the face of reality, these are not the people at the bottom of society, and no one will pay attention to the orders of the church.

Only the ignorant people at the bottom of Muggle society will believe what the doctrine says: wizards are evil and must eliminate evil.

Go to the port and see if there is any large ship that does not have a separate high-level room for wizards.

On the boundless sea, one wizard can save the lives of an entire boatload of people.

Far away from the route and losing supplies?

No problem, the water is as clear as a spring, and a whole boatload of people can drink it.

A small pumpkin can be eaten by them for three days with an enlarging spell.

An empty ship is always faster than a large ship loaded with supplies.

A wizard can make them travel lightly.

The Golden Empire is on the other side of the ocean. Whoever arrives earlier will get more wealth.

Time is money. In this time period, this sentence is not a metaphor, but a reality.

Wizards are supplies, wizards are wealth.

Dark wizards enjoyed unprecedented respect.

Coupled with the generous remuneration, they are happy to work even for Muggles.

If what Fred said is indeed true.

He should be in America now, exploring the American market and collecting wealth from Muggles and wizards.

Because he had too many belongings on his body, he was targeted by a dark wizard and chased all the way. When he was about to die, he was saved by Gretel, and they agreed to meet again a few centuries later.

Gretel actually didn't think these words were credible.

But he had no other option for the time being.

Most of the members of Dawn are native Europeans, and Gretel is afraid that one of his actions will cause one of them to be swallowed up by time.

But if it's America, there won't be much of a problem.

Those dark wizards can never be the ancestors of their Dawn members. He can go to America to make arrangements.

You can also create other conveniences for the dawn of your own timeline.

To be honest, Grete felt challenged after seeing Wright Meyer and the research of Area 51 of the American Government.

So if we can put a little more stumbling blocks for future American governments, we can make the road to dawn smoother.

Grete is willing to take some risks.

Just need to consider the degree.

Fred, who had his life in his own hands, probably wouldn't lie to him.

So, since he can save Fred from the dark wizard in America.

This means that when he acts in America, he can be more relaxed, and time itself should not be too damaged.

Besides, the name Temporal Stabilizer gave Gretel some confidence.

Although this guy on the panel is occasionally good or bad, I have never tricked him so far.

Even if he didn't respond to his call, he didn't forget to give him a bonus.

Gretel believes that it is currently working hard to digest the time stabilizer, and Gretel's action will probably not cause any incalculable disaster.

Before making a decision, Gretel would still hesitate, but now that he had made a plan, he acted extremely quickly.

However, now, he still has to find a way to settle the little mute.

He had to repay the favor of a meal, not to mention the little guy saved his life.

As for where to go, Grete had naturally thought about it.

Kunlun is where Grete has decided to go.

Although, Gretel didn't know if the token he carried with him would allow him to get his wish.

But Grete felt he had to give it a try.

If there is anywhere in this world that can withstand the damage of time, the only one Gretel can think of is Kunlun, the most mysterious place in the world.

This magical holy land mentioned in various records and rumors must be able to protect the little one.

The garbage dump was right in front of him. Grete sensed it and found no trace of the little guy.

Gretel felt relieved.

It seems that the little guy hasn't come back from looking for food.

That little guy was really on guard.

His hands regained consciousness, which allowed him to endure the cold and huddled in the corner for half the night.

Now that he has regained his mobility, Gretel is afraid that the little guy will run away after finding out.

This is not nonsense, it is a fact that is very likely to happen.

His vigilance was something Gretel had never seen before.

Shortly after leaving the market, Gretel took the opportunity to stuff the food he was carrying into his own small space bag while no one was noticing.

After groping for a while, Grete took out a roasted chicken.

After a little thought, he controlled the magic particles and tore them into pieces.

Then he put away most of it, wrapped the smaller half hastily, and threw it into a relatively clean garbage pile.

That's the only way for the little guy to come back.

Gretel believed that with the little guy's level of meticulousness, he would not miss this delicious meal.

As for the matter of being taken away by others, Gretel is not worried.

The Muggle expulsion spell composed of magic particles can protect this place very well.

Until the little guy took away his carefully disguised food.

Before this, no Muggles would come here to throw away rubbish.


Gretel naturally believed that the wizard master who was now sought after by the Muggle captain would definitely not come to such a place where he would lose his status.

Regardless of their status or their generous remuneration, it is enough for them to enjoy a delicious meal at a high-end restaurant and bar.

While using magic to smooth out the marks caused by his entry and exit, Grete hurriedly retreated into the shelter.

Some small magic spells developed in order to exercise the control of magic particles helped Gretel to observe the little guy's traces.

The little guy's harvest today doesn't seem to be rich. Even if you don't look at the rotten vegetable leaves in the little guy's hands, you can tell that his harvest is very poor just by looking at the stinky face hidden under the hood.

Grete laughed mischievously while calculating the time it would take for the little guy to get here.

Don't worry, little one. From today on, you won't be hungry. From now on, I will feed you.

Seeing the little guy getting closer and closer to the shelter, Gretel controlled the magic particles to suppress the fluctuations of magic more and more obscurely.

He couldn't help but be careless. Gretel still didn't know what the function of the pointed horn on the little guy's head was.

But for more than a month, seeing the little guy's cautious appearance, Grete felt that he had to nip the hidden danger in the bud.

Otherwise, if the unicorn's horn could detect magic, the little guy would probably run away immediately.

Seeing the little guy slowly getting into the garbage from the other side, Gretel thought about it and canceled his observation magic.

There is no need to fail in order to observe the joyful expression of the little one.

Take risks when you should take risks, and be cautious when you shouldn't.

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