Hogwarts Kryptonian

Chapter 194 A suspicious coincidence

Riding a broom and following the instructions on the parchment, Lu Yunkai flew for a whole night. At dawn, he finally arrived at the edge of a dense forest that looked a bit eerie.

This is the closest one to Sophia among the four giant tribes marked on the map.

Lu Yunkai, who landed on the ground according to the instructions of the parchment, looked at the forest in front of him and couldn't help but think of the Forbidden Forest outside Hogwarts.

There are eighty-nine similarities.

But only this kind of forest can stop the curiosity of Muggles to go in and find out!

With this understanding, Lu Yunkai strolled into the woods.

Almost as soon as his feet entered the woods, danger came.

A huge stone appeared out of nowhere and hit Lu Yunkai on the head.

The momentum is strong and heavy, but also very fast.

Thanks to Lu Yunkai's reminder from Krum, he had long been prepared to be attacked at any time. Without any hesitation with the wand in his hand, he smashed the big stone with a "Shatter to Bones" blow.

The broken stone did not cause much damage to Lu Yunkai, but the broken stone powder still made him look disgraced.

But it's just a matter of a cleaning spell.

Within two breaths, Lu Yunkai had recovered and continued walking inside.

Walking and shouting.

"Is this how you welcome guests?"

On one side, he took out a trumpet-shaped magic item from the system, put it to his mouth, and shouted.

"Please send someone to see me. I have no hostility. I just want to ask you something."

Pure English, after passing through the speaker, turned into an incomprehensible mixture of howls and screams.

That is the language of giants. The magic item in Lu Yunkai's hand was the magic item he found in the system that could translate languages ​​when he decided to find the giant.

Not expensive, but very practical.

Just like that, Lu Yunkai shouted and walked into the woods.

After walking for a while, finally, a huge figure appeared in the woods ahead.

And soon, it came to Lu Yunkai.

That huge body, which was five or six meters tall, with a head and four limbs, made Lu Yunkai immediately buy another earring from the system, which could help the wizard understand the giant's prophecy, and put it on his ear. .

giant. really. Apart from this name, Lu Yunkai could not think of a more suitable way to name them. Compared with them, Hagrid and Madame Maxime are children.

But the moment he saw the giant, a strange idea came to Lu Yunkai's mind: How did Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim's parents give birth to them? ?

The big man didn't seem to want to give Lu Yunkai a chance to comment on him. He pulled out a huge mallet from behind and smashed it in the direction of Lu Yunkai.

The force was stronger than the big rock just now.

Is this what Krum was talking about, those giants with bad brains who attack wizards directly? This realization flashed through Lu Yunkai's mind, the wand in his hand pointed at the gavel as quickly as possible, and the spell blurted out.

"Shattered to pieces!"

The mallet that hit him shattered into a pile of sawdust almost instantly.



Lu Yunkai's spell flew towards the giant.

It is useless to reason with people who are not smart. Lu Yunkai even doubted whether this giant could speak a word after meeting him.


The spell hit the giant, but nothing happened.

When the giant saw that his weapon was destroyed, he was furious. He turned his hand into a fist and waved it towards Lu Yunkai blankly.

Lu Yunkai quickly rolled over and hid to the side to avoid the fist attack, but the whistling wind of the fist still made him a little upset.

Acceleration potion, drink it. Acceleration spell, blessing.

Lu Yunkai's attitude was very serious.

From the moment he stepped into this forest today, Lu Yunkai never thought about negotiating things peacefully.

It's not that he is violent or has any superstitions about violence, but because Krum told him yesterday that these giants were once allies of Voldemort.

When he left Klum's house, Lu Yunkai didn't think there was anything strange about it, but as he was flying on the broom, the more Lu Yunkai thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out.

These giants complained against wizards because their activities were restricted by the International Secrecy Act, but why did they choose to support Voldemort, who was ranked third, sixth, or ninth among wizards?

Could they still think that Voldemort looked down on Muggles, who were also humans, and could he still look down on existences like them that were not even human beings? ?

Therefore, their support for Voldemort was definitely not because of the same ideas or any promises Voldemort gave them, but because they were frightened by Voldemort's power.

In other words, reasoning is far less effective than using fists to deal with these bully giants. Only by defeating them can we have a good conversation.

And now this is the first level.

After drinking the potion and using the acceleration spell, Lu Yunkai, who had not slept all night, regained his energy and swung the wand in his hand at the giant in front of him as if it was free of charge.

However, I don't know if his magic power is too weak. The spell hit the giant's body and could only produce red spots. Apart from making the giant scream in pain and then become more and more violent, it could not do its job at all. Some effects.

The battle situation was a little anxious for a while.

"I'm warning you! If you don't listen to me carefully, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Lu Yunkai, whose patience was exhausted, dodged another round of giant fists, and raised a potion bottle in his hand with some annoyance, warning the giant.

I don’t know whether he had already experienced the power of Lu Yunkai’s spell, or whether he didn’t understand Lu Yunkai’s words at all. The giant didn’t mean to stop at all. He pulled up a sapling that was not too tall from the side and swung it at Lu Yunkai. come over.

"I didn't want to kill, but you forced me." Lu Yunkai directed the tree with the wand in his hand, and shattered it with a crushing spell, and then threw the magic potion in his hand at the giant.

The crisp sound of a bottle breaking. Then, there was a scream.

When the giant saw what Lu Yunkai threw, he didn't care at first. He instinctively waved his hand and tried to knock it aside. However, the potion bottle broke when touched, and the potion inside spilled out.

The six-meter-tall giant sat on the ground holding his hands.

Then it started rolling.

"This is the least powerful way to say hello. If none of you can speak properly, I have some more deadly things here." Lu Yun dodged, passed the giant thing rolling around on the ground, and shouted loudly into the woods. shouted.

The sound spread far through the speakers.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" The giant, who had lost his mind due to the pain, rolled towards Lu Yunkai and smashed his fist down again.

This time, Lu Yunkai took out his favorite and most expensive medicine from the system and threw it out.

Suddenly, a huge shadow flashed between Lu Yunkai and the giant.

First there was a bang, then there was another thud, and then silence.

The originally angry giant looked in shock as the huge javelin, which was more than ten meters long, was pierced between the two of them.

He watched helplessly as the tip of the javelin dissolved and disappeared at a very fast speed. The javelin without the tip fell heavily to the ground, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust.

The giant's eyes looked at the javelin that quickly disappeared in a pool of black liquid, with a shocked expression.

"I still have a lot of these things. Don't force me to throw them on you again." Lu Yunkai glanced at the javelin, and then looked into the distance, "Can someone come out who can talk to me properly?"

"What on earth are you here for?"

In the jungle in the distance, an equally huge figure came out.

The expression is very serious.

When the giant who attacked Lu Yunfa before saw this giant coming out, he quickly got up and left with big strides.

It simply made Lu Yunkai think that the two of them were enemies or something.

But it's obviously impossible. The later giant saved the life of the previous one!

"I'm here to ask you if anyone has seen this thing." Lu Yunkai took out the wooden sculpture of the Eye of Horus from the space bag.

The giant who came out later looked at the thing in Lu Yunkai's hand and tilted his head.

For a while.

"It's the emblem of another giant tribe." The giant who came out later replied, "Where did you find it?"

"Tribal emblem?" Lu Yunkai frowned slightly.

"But that tribe was killed a few years ago because they opposed your secrecy law." The giant's voice was cold, "Okay, this thing in your hand has nothing to do with us, you can leave ”

"Where is the tribe you mentioned?"

"I told you that I have all been killed by you..."

"Wait a moment!!"

Suddenly, a voice that sounded obviously older came from behind the later giant.

"Clan leader? Why are you here?"

"Wizard, can I see what you are holding in your hand?"

"Clan leader!"

"you shut up!!"

That old voice was majestic.

A stooped giant, who still looked six meters tall, walked out of the woods.

He held a wooden staff seven or eight meters high in his hand, and his face was covered with wrinkles like an old human being.

"Are you the clan leader?" Lu Yunkai looked around at the elderly giant.

"I am the leader of the Kalan tribe." The old giant nodded, "Can I see the wood carving in your hand?"

"Here." Lu Yunkai handed over the thing in his hand.

The old giant glanced at the young giant next to him who came out later. The young giant came to Lu Yunkai's side in two steps and stretched out his hand to take it. He called it into the old giant's hand very respectfully.

The wooden sculpture that was originally quite big in Lu Yunkai's hands was as small as a sesame in the giant's hands.

The old giant looked at the circle of wood carvings.

"Where did you get it?"

"Someone gave it to me."

"Send it away?" The old giant looked at Lu Yunkai, "Didn't he tell you what it was?"

"No." Lu Yunkai said sincerely, "But he told me that it was made by a giant."

"Yes." The old giant nodded, "This... I made it myself."


Why don't I believe it?

Lu Yunkai's brows wrinkled slightly.

"I gave it to a wizard back then. He was of great help to me." The old giant handed the wooden sculpture back to the young giant beside him, then stared at Lu Yunkai, "I promised him that someone will hold this wooden sculpture in the future. If you come to me, you will become a distinguished guest of our tribe, and I will do anything for him unconditionally. So... what are you here for?"

"Unconditionally? Anything?" Lu Yunkai frowned even more tightly.

What kind of help did that wizard you mentioned help you to get such a promise from you?

Are you kidding me?

"Yeah." The giant nodded, "We are different from you humans. We keep our word. Tell me, what do you want?"

"...I would like to ask you some questions about giants, if it is convenient..."

"You come with me."

The old giant turned around and walked back into the forest.

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