Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 21 Why did you say that name!

"Shen Feng has no shadow!" A familiar voice sounded outside the crackling fire ring.

When hearing this voice, the expressions of the people behind the water curtain suddenly loosened.

Even the twin brothers who hated Snape the most in the past felt that the voice of Snape chanting a spell was like the sound of nature.

"George, lend your hand." Kyle's weak voice sounded.

George didn't know why, but looking at Kyle's raised palm, he imitated his posture and raised his arm.

"Water Escape! The Great Waterfall Technique!" Kyle's palm and George's palm suddenly collided, and George suddenly found that the magic in his body was being continuously drawn away.

The water wall surrounding the four suddenly swelled and turned into a raging flood that pressed down on the surrounding fire curtain.

The raging flames were unable to struggle in front of the massive water, and were quickly extinguished, and the transpiring water vapor filled the forbidden forest.

Through the weak light, Kyle saw the dark shadow standing not far away, as well as the headless corpse lying all around him.

Those are werewolf corpses.

"Professor Snape! It's great to see you!" Hagrid's face tightened.

George and Fred looked relieved, "Saved!"

"Are you alright?" Snape still had that 10,000-year-old zombie face, but Kyle could hear a trace of concern in his flat tone.

His eyes were locked on Kyle's right hand behind him.

Snape pulled Kyle's hand, and with the light of the fluorescent spell, Snape saw the injury on Kyle's arm clearly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

This kind of injury, let alone an eleven-year-old child, even if it is placed on an adult's body, few can bear it without changing his face.

After magically cleaning the melted rubber from Kyle's hands, Snape took a bottle of potion from his pocket and poured it on Kyle's badly burned right hand.

The original burning sensation faded, replaced by a cool feeling soaked in ice water.

I saw that the redness on his arm due to the burn quickly faded away, and the scorched black part of the burn was quickly scabbed over, and the entire arm was healing quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Kyle's right hand recovered.

Although he has not fully recovered, it has no effect on him.

Kyle raised his eyebrows. This potion is really convenient. He suddenly thought of learning how to make potions with Snape.

If there is a potion to strengthen his body, as long as his body is strong enough to withstand lightning...

Or maybe there is a magic potion that can directly make him immune to lightning...

If it wasn't the right time or the right occasion, Kyle would want to give Snape a slide to kneel down: Professor! I want to learn potions!

"Let's go," Snape turned his head and walked outside the Forbidden Forest after initially treating Kyle's arm. "There may be other nearby..."

Suddenly, a beam of red light cut through the air, hitting Snape between the lightning and flint, knocking him out.

The wand in Snape's hand rose into the air, swirled in the air, and fell somewhere unknown.

Just before everyone could react, several rays of light flew out of the darkness and landed on several people one after another.

Kyle, who thought the battle was over, relaxed his vigilance when Snape treated him. Facing this sudden sneak attack, he failed to react, and was also hit and flew out.

Kyle slammed into a tree heavily, and his head was dizzy. When he came back to his senses, he was bound by the rope woven by the confinement magic.

George and Fred, like him, were tied together.

Hagrid fell to the ground not far away. Judging from his still heaving chest, he should not have died, but just passed out.

"Severus, I finally waited for this day." A strange voice came from beside him.

It was a black-haired wizard, tall and straight, with a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were like icy cold ice.

"Professor Tom?" Fred instantly called out the identity of the attacker when he saw the attacker's face.

"Professor!?" It was Kyle who asked the question.

George explained in a low voice, "He's our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Kyle doesn't care what kind of professor he is or not. Now depending on the situation, the other party seems to be the enemy, and it is important to get out of trouble quickly.

"Fred," Kyle turned his body sideways and turned the ninja bag around his waist towards Fred's direction, "I have a knife in my pocket."

Tom Hiddleston came out of the dark with a vengeful look on his face, and approached Snape step by step, "Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day?"

Snape's voice, whose wand was drawn, did not fluctuate much. "You brought the werewolf? Why?"

"Of course, for revenge, you won't forget your identity, right?"

The tip of Tom Hiddleston's wand glowed a miserable green.

"Former Death Eaters... Severus Snape?"

Seeing the light from the tip of the staff, Snape calmly said, "Don't hurt them."

"I'm not going to kill them, I'm just going to kill one of you, oh no, and Bellatrix Lestrange, I'll find her in Azkaban sooner or later."

Hearing Tom's words, Snape closed his eyes reassuringly, preparing for death.

"Lily, I can finally see you again." A tear fell from the corner of Snape's eye, leaving a shimmering wet streak on his face.

The imaginary green light did not come upon him, Snape opened his eyes slowly, only to see Tom swooped up and grabbed his robe viciously.

"Why did you say that name!" Tom Hiddleston barked hysterically at Snape. "Why did you say that name!"

Snape, who was pinched for breath, finally spit out a sentence: "That's the name of the person I love the most!"

Tom Hiddleston let go of his hands dejectedly, "That's the name of my favorite person too."

Snape fell to the ground and supported his body with his elbows. He saw the movements of Kyle and others in the distance, "Can you let me die before killing me?"

"For Lily's sake, I'll tell you why!" Tom Hiddleston picked up the wand he had just thrown on the ground.

At this time, Fred finally took out the dagger from Kyle's ninja bag without disturbing Tom.

"Do you remember the Hemsworth family that you and Bellatrix killed thirteen years ago?" Tom's face showed a look of pain.

Fred cut the rope tied to Kyle's hand.

"My favorite, Lily Hemsworth...when I finally got up the courage to confess to her..." Tom said in his sad voice.

Kyle had gotten up from the ground and approached Tom silently from behind.

George and Fred, who were also unshackled, didn't dare to breathe.

"Do you know how I felt when I went to her house and found a Dark Mark floating above her house?"

Snape's eyelids trembled imperceptibly, his eyes wandering, as if he had been reminded of a certain memory.

"I watched you and Bellatrix leave her house with my own eyes... Now, as one of the murderers, you are about to be executed..." The pained look on Tom's face disappeared, replaced by imminent revenge The joy of success.

Kyle's hands formed a tiger print, and a trace of electric light danced silently on his fingertips.

"After killing you, I will go to Azkaban, as long as I kill you again..." Tom's expression instantly stiffened.

The two fingers "stabbed" into his body precisely and quickly.

Seeing this scene, Snape, George, and Fred all felt a little tight.

With a perverted, twisted smile on his face, Kyle shouted loudly behind Tom: "Thunder Dun Millennium Kill!"

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