Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 32 The New Soul

"The man who has the power to defeat the Dark Lord is near...

Will be born in the family who have resisted him three times, at the end of July of that year...

The Dark Lord marks him as a rival, but he has powers the Dark Lord doesn't understand...

One of them must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live, only one survives...

The man who can defeat the Dark Lord will be born at the end of the seventh month. "

In Hogsmeade village, a small, dark, very dirty bar with a strong smell of sheep, Dumbledore, who was already white-haired, frowned as he listened to the woman in front of him almost sleepily. murmur.

Sybill Patricia Trelawney is the great-great-granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawney, a renowned prophet in the wizarding world.

However, compared to her elder Cassandra, Sybil's gift of prophecy has been greatly weakened over the generations.

Rather than making precise predictions about the future, Sybil is more of a psychologist's way—seeing people's traits with precision and then saying ambiguous words to fool others.

Dumbledore looked at the emaciated woman with large glasses in front of him, not knowing for a moment whether to believe her prophecy.

Seemingly feeling the suspicious gaze from Dumbledore, Sybill Trelawney, who was drunk with the bottle of wine, withdrew from the half-dreaming state in a trance.

"What happened? Why is my sherry gone?"

She couldn't remember what she said just now.

All she knew was that her wine bottle was empty again.

Sybill Trelawney tapped the bar counter, motioning for her boss to bring her another bottle of her favorite sherry.

Seeing Sybil's alcoholic demeanor, Dumbledore just a little firmed up his opinion of Trelawney - this is a liar.

The Dark Lord in her mouth, whose full name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, was a former student of Dumbledore.

So far, Albus Dumbledore has gone through two wars.

Coincidentally, the two wizard wars that caused turmoil in the wizarding world were both initiated by Dumbledore, known as "the greatest white wizard in the wizarding world".

The first wizarding war that Dumbledore experienced was known as the "Global Wizarding War".

The man who started this war was Gellert Grindelwald.

While traveling the world after being expelled from Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Grindelwald met the equally talented Dumbledore in Godric's Hollow.

The two heroes cherish each other and gradually fall into a love that is not accepted by the world.

In 1945, Dumbledore personally ended the war started by his lover.

And now, he's caught up in yet another wizarding war.

Although the scope of this war is limited to the British Isles, it is far less than the trauma it brought to the European wizarding world when Grindelwald was making waves in Europe, but it caused the wizards to panic no less than during the Grindelwald period.

It is now 1980, and it is the ninth year of the Wizarding Wars in the British wizarding world by Tom Riddle, who calls himself "Voldemort".

Dumbledore, who was nearly a hundred years old, was no longer as young as he used to be. His hair had all turned silver, and his whitish beard was long enough to be tucked into his belt.

He was supposed to enjoy his old age, but because of the inaction of the Ministry of Magic, he had to stand up and form the "Order of the Phoenix", a secret society to fight against the "Death Eaters" organized by Voldemort, provoking a great resistance against the Dark Lord. flag.

Now is a critical period in this wizarding war.

Dumbledore gradually felt powerless in the confrontation with Voldemort in the past few years.

Even if he is the greatest white wizard in the magic world, he cannot resist the erosion of time.

If the war continues to stalemate, the scale of war will fall to Voldemort's side. After all, Voldemort is decades younger than Dumbledore, and time is on his side.

Throughout the nine years of the Wizarding War, Dumbledore has always sought a way to defeat the Dark Lord.

This time, he deliberately squeezed out precious time to meet the descendants of the famous prophet Cassandra Trelawney at the Hog's Head Bar, just to hear some valuable prophecies from Sybil.

But looking at Sybill Trelawney like this, his trip was a waste of time.

Dumbledore sighed slightly, was silent for a moment, put down a few Golden Galleons on the bar, then turned and walked out of the bar.

Looking at the clear sky, Dumbledore's mood seemed to be covered by dark clouds.

However, as the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, he had no time to waste here worrying, and he had to return to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix as soon as possible to preside over the overall situation.

Dumbledore let go of his thoughts, thinking about the place he was going to go to, and his body gradually twisted into nothingness.

With a loud bang, Dumbledore disappeared from the Hogsmeade village.


The next second, Dumbledore's figure instantly appeared at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

A house-elf with bulging eyes the size of a tennis ball with ears as large as a bat greeted him.

House-elves are a race that was conquered by wizards in ancient wars. Every one is born with servile training and becomes a slave to serve the master from generation to generation.

They undertake all housework and are bound by their masters. They cannot disobey the master's orders at will. If they disobey, they must punish themselves.

For them, their supreme right is to obey the orders of their masters.

"The great Dumbledore, I..."

Dumbledore waved his hand a little distractedly, signaling the house-elves not to disturb him.

But the house-elf still didn't back down, "Sir, it's the one you asked me to guard..."

Hearing the house elf's words, Dumbledore's face changed instantly, "Kyle? What's wrong with Kyle!?"

The house-elf, frightened by the sudden change in Dumbledore's face, was about to open his mouth to explain to Dumbledore what had happened.

But the eager Dumbledore didn't wait for it to speak, and hurried to a certain room.

In a secret room protected by many guardian magics, Dumbledore stared at the baby wrapped in a cloud of transparent gel in the air, and could not help but delight in his face.

In Kyle's body, Dumbledore, the master of Legilimency, felt the fluctuation of consciousness for the first time.

Originally, what Dumbledore felt was nothing but a void.

This means that in Kyle's body, a soul was born!

Dumbledore, who was in ecstasy, quickly calmed down.

Now is a critical period in the fight against Voldemort. Kyle has changed from a soulless body to a complete person. This is gratifying, but now he has no energy to take care of Kyle.

What's more, Kyle's surname is Grindelwald.

The surname means a lot to the wizarding world, especially since Kyle is a direct descendant of Grindelwald.

Dumbledore thought about it for a long time and made a decision that was slightly difficult for him.

He wants to send Kyle to a safe place.

A moment later, an owl with brown feathers, clutching a letter tightly, flew out of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix and headed for the country on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Under the golden sunlight, the recipient's name on the envelope was clearly visible - Newt Scamander.

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