Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 688 (The Finale) Where the leaves are flying, the fire is endless

Three months later, Godric's Hollow.

When the war that swept the global magic world ended, many wizards in the British magic world chose to move away from Konoha Village and return to the place where they lived for generations.

Dumbledore made the same choice.

As one of the largest wizarding settlements in the British wizarding world, Godric's Hollow has also regained its original popularity.

This year's autumn seems to come at once, the weather turns cooler, but it is not too cold, and the pleasant temperature is quite suitable for sleeping in, the most beautiful thing in the world.

There was a loud noise from the restaurant downstairs, and Kyle opened his eyes in a daze.

Reluctantly opened his eyes with a gap to feel the light from the outside world, Kyle closed his eyes lazily again, intending to squint for a hundred million more times.

However, before he had time to take action, he was forcibly dispelled by a figure breaking in.

A chubby big cat that was burning with blue and fiery flames jumped onto the bed very quickly and pressed down on Kyle's stomach like the top of a mountain, almost crushing his two waists.

Kyle's exasperated scolding sounded in the room.


The next moment, the sound of glass shattering, accompanied by a shrill cry, Crookshanks, whose plump body was fed like a pig, was thrown out of the window by the irritable Kyle.

Being disturbed by Crookshanks like this, Kyle has no intention of continuing to sleep.

When he woke up, he subconsciously stretched his hands to the sides, but he felt empty. Only the brown hair and light blue hair remaining on the pillows on both sides indicated that someone had slept here last night.

Feeling the dazzling sunlight coming in from the broken window, after sitting up from the bed, Kyle stretched a lot.

When he got dressed and washed and came to the restaurant downstairs, it was already ten minutes later.

The restaurant was a noisy scene.

In front of the stove stood two old men with white hair.

Logically speaking, as a hundred-year-old old man,

It should be the appearance of a fairy, but these two old men wearing chef aprons and waving a big spoon, but they can't see the slightest bit of such demeanor.

Even after all this time, Dumbledore and Grindelwald still didn't get rid of their bickering habit.

"If you don't know how to cook, put it aside for me!" Grindelwald cursed, "Your talent in cooking is the opposite of your magic talent."

Dumbledore was not convinced at all, "Didn't I do a good job?"

He turned around and placed the miserable green pumpkin porridge in his hand, which was no different from a potion, in front of a blond girl sitting at the dining table. "Ariana, how about you try the breakfast I made?"

Looking at the pot of pumpkin porridge in front of her, which was no different from the blood of Mannoroth that Gul'dan drank, and was still emitting an ominous mist, Ariana's mouth twitched involuntarily.

She couldn't understand how her eldest brother boiled the pumpkin porridge to this color, and then she quietly pushed the pot to the other old man sitting beside him.

At this moment, she gave full play to the good character of respecting the old and caring for the young, "Let the second brother taste it first."

Although it was not the first time that Ariana called Albus the eldest brother and Aberforth the second brother, Kyle still felt quite weird.

When he was manipulating Snape to perform the art of reincarnation, he also resurrected Ariana, whom the Dumbledore brothers had been thinking about for so many years.


Then it became what it is now.

Ariana, who was silent at the time, was only fourteen years old when she died, so she reappeared in the world at the age of fourteen after being resurrected by Kyle.

This has led to the age gap between Ariana and her two older brothers reaching an astonishing hundreds of years.

Uh, Kyle's nephew is even a year older than her.

If you calculate it strictly, even the time when Kyle was frozen by Dumbledore's magic and stagnated, then Kyle is more than forty years older than her.

Facing this pot of "food" pushed by Ariana, Aberforth subconsciously wanted to say no.

But before he could speak, he was stared at by his elder brother who was an orc shaman.

In normal times, Aberforth, whose temper was as bad as a pit stone, would never pay any attention to Dumbledore's threats. On the contrary, he would roll up his sleeves and fight with Old Deng.

Dumbledore's long, unnaturally curved nose had been punched out by his own ruthless iron fist.

But now the person who pushed the food over was Ariana.

So Aberforth hesitated immediately.

Did he endure stomach discomfort for three days to eat this pot of dark food made by Albus, or did he forcefully reject Ariana's "kindness"?

After a series of complicated ideological struggles, Aberforth immediately pushed the pumpkin porridge in front of him when he glanced at another person sitting next to him out of the corner of his eye.

"Come on, child, let's eat this for you, let's see how thin you are."

Hearing the words of his pitiful father, Aurelius Dumbledore, who was resurrected together in Reincarnation, is Kyle's cousin, his face immediately turned as green as pumpkin porridge.

This pot of pumpkin porridge, like a potion, spun around on the dining table, but in the end it didn't enter anyone's stomach.

"Okay, okay," a gentle woman across the table stood up to stop the farce, "it's getting late, and Ariana won't be able to catch up with the Hogwarts Express."

Without showing any face to Dumbledore at all, with a wave of the wand in the woman's hand, the unidentified pot of pumpkin porridge was wiped off the table by the Vanishing Charm, leaving no trace.

At this time, the woman looked at Kyle, who was still watching the excitement at the door of the kitchen, "Child, sit down quickly."

She pointed to the seat beside her and motioned for Kyle to sit next to her.

Kyle looked at the long table next to the long dining table, the space reserved for him between Xiao Nan and Hermione, and wanted to go there, but the woman's face showed an irresistible look.

Even as the fourth-generation Meguro Demon King in the magic world, at this moment, Kyle did not dare to disobey his mother.

"Okay, Mom."

That’s right, this gentle-looking woman is Kyle’s biological mother, the famous French Black Rose, the first black witch who followed the Dark Lord Grindelwald before Hermione Granger—

Vida Rozier.

Don't ask, ask is reincarnation.

Dotingly looked at Kyle who was sitting down beside her, a happy smile appeared on Vader's face, and then she turned her head and turned towards the one who was standing beside the stove and who robbed her husband from her. The old man cast a provocative look.

The atmosphere in the restaurant started to get weird at this moment.

Fortunately, Dumbledore wasn't so small-minded enough to care about a little girl in her forties, uh...

For a hundred-year-old old Deng, anyone under the age of seventy can actually be regarded as a child, so the statement of a little girl in her forties is actually correct.

A large group of people gathered together, in a burst of invisible swords, lights and swords, "happily" finished the breakfast served by the first generation of Meguro Lord, Mr. Grindelwald himself.


Half an hour later, London, England, King's Cross Station.

A large group of people strode briskly across the road to the massive, blackened train station crowd in the sound of cars, the exhaust of cars and the vapour of pedestrians glittering like cobwebs and floating in the cool air.

Although it was not the first time that she had seen the prosperity of the Muggle world, Ariana still showed an air of curiosity about everything around her.

Phoenix Fox stood on her shoulders, and the three-headed dog Lu Wei was in her hands. Ariana walked through the crowd and walked towards the partition between the ninth and tenth platforms.

Passengers who come and go all stare curiously at this strange girl with cheerful steps.

Dumbledore suddenly stopped her before walking through the secret passageway opened up by magic and stepping into the platform nine and three-quarters.


She turned around curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Remember to be kind to your future classmates during the trip, but don't be like Kyle, who has fought with classmates many times before even entering school."

Kyle, who was regarded as a negative teaching material, suddenly turned black.

He protested very unconvincingly, "How many times! Twice before entering school! And it was Draco who made the first move!"

"What about after admission?"

Kyle was arrogant and strong, "Do you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten? And it was a normal wizard duel. What can you say that they are not as good as people?"

Normal wizard duel?

Do you mean that on the Quidditch pitch, with a bat turned into metal material by Transfiguration, forcibly knocked out more than 40 Slytherin students?

Listening to Kyle's eloquent explanation, Xiao Nan and Hermione, who knew how bad the little devil was, covered their mouths and chuckled.

Ariana couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Seeing what Dumbledore wanted to say, Kyle grabbed him by the shoulder, turned him around and pushed him out of the station.

"Okay, okay, Hogwarts Express is about to leave. If you have anything else to say, you should wait until Ariana arrives at Hogwarts. It's not that we won't be able to see you in the future."

A pitch-black space door bloomed in front, and under the influence of the Confusion Charm, the surrounding Muggles turned a blind eye to such a strange scene.

Before Dumbledore could speak, Kyle pushed him into the space door opened by Huang Quan Hirazaka.

The next moment, his figure appeared in the headmaster's office on the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, and the space door closed in front of him at a lightning-quick speed.

In the blink of an eye, he became the left-behind old man again, and Dumbledore took a deep breath.

Your own child, your own, can't be angry.

The platform nine and three-quarters on the other side was shrouded in a large amount of white mist sprayed by the red Hogwarts Express train, and only many silhouettes of Mohu could be seen surging in the mist.

After passing through the partition wall, Kyle lost track of Ariana in the thick fog.

But he didn't feel worried at all, just the two magical animals beside Ariana, if anyone dared to provoke her, I'm afraid not the whole station combined would not be enough for Lou Wei to fight.


A long whistle sounded throughout the platform, and the train moved slowly.

As time goes by, the Hogwarts Express is getting closer to the end of its trip.

Finally, after the sky was completely dark, a huge village flashed with yellow lights in the dark night sky, and that was the terminal of this train——

Hogwarts Wizarding Village.

With a screeching screeching sound between the wheels and the rails, the train finally came to a stop on a richly decorated railway platform in the village.

The door opened, and countless students poured out of the train, including Ariana.

Among the crowded crowd, a giant with a height of more than three meters and a unkempt hair shouted loudly, "First-year freshman! First-year freshman come here!"

Rubeus Hagrid, the scarlet beast of Hogwarts, after the final battle with Slytherin, has now been discharged from the hospital, and once again shoulders the post of gamekeeper and new recruit. .

Fourteen-year-old Ariana was among a group of eleven-year-old freshmen. No matter how you looked at it, the height difference gave people a feeling of standing out from the crowd.

But she didn't care about that, and her eyes were full of excitement as she followed Hagrid's pace.

Following the journey of the Big Four, Ariana and many new students were led by Hagrid to the front door of Hogwarts Castle.

The gate of the castle opened, and a tall black-haired witch in an emerald green robe appeared behind the door.

The freshmen were led by Professor McGonagall through the foyer and through a double door at the back into the luxurious dining room, where the other Hogwarts students were already seated at the four tables in the Great Hall.

Looking at the thousands of candles floating on the star-like ceiling, Ariana smiled happily.

Finally, she, who had been tortured by silent boarding, was able to attend the magic school that her brothers had attended.

After a while, the sorting ceremony began.

Ariana was not unexpectedly assigned to Gryffindor House by Dumbledore in the form of black box operations.

After all the students had determined the academy's ownership, Dumbledore stood up, and the entire restaurant returned to silence at this moment.

"Where the leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow, and the fire will illuminate the village and cause new leaves to sprout..."


Finish the flower arrangement!

Shouldn't the new book be called "Hogwarts Ball"?

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