Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 82 Professor, I don't want to learn potions anymore

The Quidditch House Cup at Hogwarts is based on a round-robin points system.

Beginning in the second month of the new school year, each team will play against the other team twice, and then the top two in total points will play in the finals.

Because of the previous match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, the current Hufflepuff score in the Quidditch Cup is far ahead of other colleges.

But even so, Kyle and Cedric did not relax their training requirements.

Today is the seventh day of devil training.

After seven days of honing, Hufflepuff Quidditch players have come a long way.

At the very least, their goalkeeper Jack will no longer miss five out of ten goals, and the remaining five are all face-to-face situations.

After an hour of training, only two hapless Chasers had their arms broken by Bludgers and needed to be treated by Kyle.

The others couldn't be said to be unscathed, but they were only slightly injured, not to the point of breaking a bone. Hannah took care of it casually.

"Okay, tomorrow is our day against Gryffindor, and today's training should end early."

At 9:30 in the evening, Cedric voluntarily called off the training.

All the players cheered.

Leaving the training ground, Captain Jack proposed to go to the kitchen to have a late-night snack to make up for the energy and stamina they had consumed.

This proposal deservedly has everyone's approval.

"Kyle, where are you going?"

After slipping out of the Hufflepuff common room, Cedric stopped Kyle who was walking in the other direction.

"I have something to go to Snape, you eat first, I'll come back later." Kyle walked away without looking back.

He had planned to learn potions from Snape a long time ago.

Because of his magical power, even a wizard who usually doesn't pay much attention to physical exercise, his physique is much stronger than that of ordinary people among Muggles.

But this strength is also limited.

No matter how hard they exercise, it is impossible for a wizard to strengthen to the point where they can shatter mountains with one punch like those masters of Taijutsu in Pirates and Hokage.

But wizards have wizard solutions.

For example, there is a magical beast in the wizarding world called the Raem bull, whose blood can temporarily boost the strength of the drinker.

Although it can't break mountains with one punch, it's enough to wrestle with Captain America.

If it is refined into a magic potion, this effect can be preserved forever.

In addition to potions, there is another way to transform your body with black magic.

It's not that Kyle hasn't thought about this path.

But after he shared the idea with Grindelwald and Dumbledore, he was given a stern warning by the two old men.

Dumbledore also showed him a bald wizard figure without a nose, replaced by two jacks.

He told Kyle that it was Voldemort after he cast black magic transformation on himself.

Thinking that after casting black magic transformation on himself, he would turn into the same appearance, Kyle instantly gave up the idea of ​​learning black magic transformation.

Fucking black magic transformation, he didn't want to be bald at all, although that would make him stronger.

So the only way in front of him is to take the potion.

And as his physique becomes stronger and stronger, although the current power he can withstand is also increasing, the efficiency of lightning forging is still decreasing.

If he wants to maintain the efficiency of his body forging, he also needs to use a lot of precious potions to assist him in his cultivation.

With Grindelwald's potion level, although he can help him refine it, Grindelwald can't help him all the time.

So Kyle came up with the idea of ​​learning potion refining by himself.

Going to Snape to learn about potions is the best option.

As for learning alchemy and potions again, will it take up too much time for him?

In fact, Kyle is not very interested in learning alchemy in depth, and he doesn't need the magic stone to continue his life.

The most he wanted was to remodel, the sports car he parked in Bag End, and the tank Alfred got him.

In contrast, potions are more important.


Kyle came to Snape's office door, and before he knocked on the door, the door opened automatically.

"What are you doing here?" Snape, who was standing beside the cauldron cooking the potion, asked without looking up.

"Professor Snape, I want to learn potions with you!"

"Don't teach, go out." Snape raised his finger and pointed to the door, his tone was calm and indifferent.

Kyle put on a pleasing smile on his face, "Professor, don't be so inhumane."

"Go out." The old bat repeated with a blank expression.

When he thought that Kyle even dared to give him a set of Potter's shampoo as a Christmas gift after learning about his love-hate relationship with Dumbledore and Dumbledore, he wanted to give the bear child in front of him a gift. Hair upside down.

I don't know where this unfortunate child found such a set of shampoo, the Potter family's magic factory has been shut down for an unknown time.

Seeing Snape's unpleasant expression, Kyle's smile slowly subsided, "Then I'm leaving, Professor."

Snape didn't speak, just stared at him so quietly.

Kyle took two steps out and paused again. He turned around and said, "Professor, I'm really leaving."

Snape remained silent.

As he got to the door, Kyle deliberately mumbled at a volume Snape could hear.

"I originally wanted to tell you a way to let you see your beloved Lily again."

Kyle knew how deep Snape's love for Lily was, and as long as he used the news of the resurrection stone as bait, he was not afraid that Snape would not take the bait.

If he can develop the art of reincarnation or even reincarnation, he believes that even if Snape is to be a bull and a horse for himself, Snape will agree without hesitation.

"Come back!" Snape's reaction was not what Kyle expected.

But Kyle didn't stop, instead he quickened his pace and ran away.

If you come back when you say it, then I'll be very embarrassed.

Snape hurriedly followed Kyle out of the office, but he never exercised, how could he be Kyle's opponent in terms of physical fitness?

He couldn't catch up with Kyle at all, and could only watch the distance between him and Kyle grow further and further.

"Professor! I don't want to learn Potions!" Kyle turned his head and grimaced at Snape as he ran.

"Don't let me catch you!" Snape yelled viciously.

He jerked his wand out, trying to stop Kyle with a tripping spell.

But at such a long distance, after Kyle opened the first door, he could easily avoid his attack.

Snape can't use those powerful spells. He wants to stop people, not kill people, otherwise Kyle can still jump in front of him?

The two ran after each other in the castle.

Kyle, the villain, slowed down whenever he noticed that the distance between him and Snape was getting a little bit further.

When Snape was about to catch up, he took another step forward and continued to run.

In the end, Snape could no longer run, and could only stand in the same place panting, shouting angrily at the figure in front, "Kyle! Stop for me!"

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