Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 90 Let's eat barbecue tonight

For the next few days, Draco would run to Hagrid's cabin every day after class.

When he was in the castle, his relationship with Harry and Ron was still very tense, often tearing at each other.

However, in Hagrid's hut, several people were at peace with each other.

Kyle lost interest in fire dragons after seeing Norbert's ugliness, and he doesn't plan to follow a few people to send fire dragons on Saturday night next week.

Harry and the others have invisibility cloaks, and under his leadership, Hermione has also become a little night swimmer, and it is not a problem to secretly send Norbert away.

Kyle stopped Hannah and the two from going to send Norbert a ride.

Harry's invisibility cloak is not big, plus they have to carry a box containing Norbert, it is already the limit to accommodate three little wizards, let the Gryffindor trio go.

Draco wanted to go too, but Kyle didn't stop him.

Anyway, when something goes wrong, Slytherin's points will be deducted. What does it have to do with his Hufflepuff?

But before Saturday, a few of them ran into trouble.

Ron was bitten by Norbert. The dragon's teeth were poisonous. Although it was not violent, it successfully made Ron's bitten hand swell to twice its original size.

Kyle tried to heal him with palm magic, but it didn't work.

The principle of palm immortality is to promote the division and regeneration of cells, which is of no help to poisoning.

If he would be careful with the extraction technique, it would be easy to solve, but unfortunately he won't.

Dumbledore should be able to solve it easily, but unfortunately several people did not let Kyle tell Dumbledore about this.

"Why don't you go and see Madam Pomfrey?" Hannah suggested.

Ron rejected the proposal, afraid that Madam Pomfrey would see that it was caused by the bite of the fire dragon.

But after a few hours, he couldn't help it, and his wounds turned an unsightly green color, which forced him to be admitted to the school infirmary.

It was Gryffindor's trio who were supposed to send Norbert away, and now Draco had a chance to take Ron's place.


On Sunday morning, Kyle, who got up early for morning exercise, saw that Gryffindor's hourglass was almost bottoming out when he passed the auditorium.

The hourglass that represents the Slytherin score is also missing a lot.

isn't it? With an invisibility cloak and an old driver, can this still roll over?

When he returned to the auditorium for breakfast, he saw the little Beaver sitting beside the Gryffindor table with red eyes, bursting into tears, and the tissues next to him were piled into hills.

Hannah comforted her by the side, handing over a few tissues from time to time.

"What's wrong?" Kyle patted Harry on the shoulder.

A scowled Harry looked up and told Kyle what happened last night.

Last night, they escorted Norbert away smoothly, but in the process of coming down from the Astronomy Tower, they made the most stupid low-level mistake - forgetting to put on the invisibility cloak.

Kyle rubbed his temples helplessly, this kind of fatal mistake can be made, it's true...

Not saved.

In addition to waking up in the middle of the night and booing, and finding that Harry's bed was empty, Neville, who hurriedly came out to look for it, Gryffindor was directly deducted 150 points by the furious Professor McGonagall.

Luckily for Slytherin, only one Draco had an accident and only lost fifty points.

Now that this is the case, the current House points of the four Hogwarts houses is that Hufflepuff ranks first.

Well, even if Gryffindor and Slytherin were not penalized, Hufflepuff would still be number one.

Because a certain little devil is really good at scoring points, 50 points is almost the points added by the two-day course for Kyle.

If it weren't for his ability to do things so much that the points deducted were only slightly less than what he earned, Hufflepuff's academy points would have broken through the 2,000-point mark long ago.

Harry looked melancholy. "Professor McGonagall said we're going to be locked up tonight."

He pulled out a note that read: Your confinement begins tonight at eleven, find Mr. Filch in the foyer.

The signature is Professor McGonagall.

"You should be glad that it was Professor McGonagall who caught you." George appeared beside Harry at some point.

Fred nodded in agreement, "If you are caught by the old bat, he will probably punish you to go to his office and skin the dead toad."

Harry imagined the scene: alone in the gloomy basement office, with Snape and the dead toad.

His face suddenly turned white.

"Don't worry," George said in a relaxed tone, "Professor McGonagall will punish you at most to clean the prize gallery."

"At most, you won't be allowed to use magic and wipe those trophies with your bare hands."

Hearing this, Harry's heart finally let go.

"Hey, Sed!" Fred yelled at the figure at the entrance of the auditorium, "Go for a barbecue tonight!"


Night shrouded the earth like black velvet.

Under the influence of the Illusory Body Charm, four sneaky figures emerged from their respective common rooms.

They deftly avoided Filch, bypassed the professor patrolling in the castle, quickly crossed the lawn outside the castle, and walked towards the dark Forbidden Forest in the distance.

After a while, a bonfire was lit in a clearing on the edge of the forbidden forest.

Kyle deftly pulls out various foods from his storage bag.

The fried fish from the Black Lake, the fire-ash snake eggs stolen from Snape's office, the chickens Hagrid kept in the field outside the house...

The other three also helped with the ingredients.

With a wave of Cedric's wand, the scales were instantly removed from the fish.

Picking up a large iron skewer and threading the fish on it, Cedric put the seasoned fish on the fire.

"God has no shadow."

An invisible blade flashed, and the chicken that was still fluttering in George's hand lost his life in an instant.

"Thanks, Kyle."

After thanking Kyle, George took out his wand and completed a series of operations of bloodletting and dehairing the chicken in his hand in three or two strokes.

Fred stuffed the chicken belly with a bunch of unidentified fungi picked from the Forbidden Forest, and then George smeared the chicken with a thin layer of grease.

That's right, the two are cooking beggar chicken, which is how Kyle taught them to cook.

Because there was no lotus leaf to replace it, they could only replace the lotus leaf with vegetable leaves picked from the vegetable field outside Hagrid's hut.

I don't know how Hagrid planted it, but he was able to grow cabbage as tall as a human being.

Just as Cedric was busy grilling fish and the twin brothers worked together to make beggars, Kyle had used Transfiguration to set up a grill next to him.

The charcoal fire was burning brightly under the iron frame, and a few fire-ash snake eggs were thrown into the middle of the charcoal fire by Kyle to be roasted.

At this time, Kyle was using magic to direct the food to string on the iron stick by himself.

Looking at the skilled movements of several people, it is obviously not the first time to do this kind of thing.

Meanwhile, in the Forbidden Forest...

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