Holistic Fantasy

: 2015 was dragged down and implicated?

(Thank you for the 1000 rewards of 'Zero's Magic' and 'Rebellion'! and 'windsky斩', 'Looking at you again, 'Snow Xiangtian', 'The problem that can be solved with money is not The problem ', 'Jingling emerges' reward!)

Under Bell and Lily's gaze, Noah took a look of Hessian's hand and walked into the room, closing the door tightly, so that Bell and Lily could not hear the dialogue inside. .

Bell and Lily are very curious about what Noah wants to say to Hurstwood, but knowing Noah’s expression, it must be very important.

Therefore, Bell and Lily can only look at the door in front of themselves, and they have not responded for a long time.

The silence was restored throughout the living room.

Until recently, Bell was somewhat reluctant to believe in it.

"Is the head of the team really planning to withdraw from the Yi?"

"...this is also a way of no way." Lily looked very open, but the expression was still a bit heavy.

"Only in this way, this time the storm can be safe and sound."

Whether it is Bell or Lily, it is very clear.

Noah will make such a decision, but he is not willing to be involved in the Yi.

The evidence is that, in the face of the punishment of the so-called guild and the censure of the gods, Noah has always been an indifferent appearance, and only arranged on the things of the Yi.

Noah said yes.

He is special.

It is not Noah who thinks so.

All Eulers know that Noah is special.

Because, even without relying on the grace of God, Noah has a strong strength.

This matter, among the gods, is no longer a secret.

Because of this, Noah is special.

If you change someone to do something that is blasphemy, then the Lord God will immediately recover the gift of giving, and return this person to its original shape.

Without the power, facing the entire Oulari adventurer, this person can only be shackled and allowed to be disposed of by the guild and the gods.

Canoya is different.

Even without the grace of God, Noah, who still has strong strength, once revenge, which one of the gods who have sealed the power of God has the power to fight back?

Since Noah has already committed the taboo of blasphemy, what is the so-called killing a few gods?

In other words, the gods are refusing to noah, and they are afraid of urging Noah and provoking Noah’s revenge.

At that time, with the strength of Noah, the whole Oulari really had to be stunned and greeted the real gods at dusk.

The gods do not want to see such things.

Because these gods also hope to stay in the lower bounds.

The guild does not want to see such a thing.

Because once the gods of Oulari have suffered a major blow and most of the adventurers lose their favors, the guild will surely suffer huge losses.

After all, the guild relies on the monopoly of the magic stone produced in the underground city, relying on the circulation of magic stone products to all parts of the world and become rich, with today's status.

If a large number of adventurers are missing into the underground city to explore and bring out a large number of magic stones, the losses suffered by the guild will definitely be extremely heavy.

For this reason, the guild and the gods are absolutely unwilling to force Noah to die.

It’s so urgent that it’s really good for noah.

It is precisely because of this that the guild and the gods need to hold meetings and talk about it.

In fact, the guild and the gods are not willing to offend Noah to be too sinful.

Unfortunately, the taboos committed by Noah are also unnegligible.

Noah must be punished.

Moreover, it is still a punishment that can make other adventurers feel scared.

If Noah smashes God but does not get punishable, then the whole Oulari will definitely be chaotic.

For example, once Noah is not punished, such a dialogue may occur.

"Does God not have to be punished?"

"What else is that scary?"

"Since people are stunned, there will be no accidents, then we will not have to respect those gods in the future."


"I am really anxious, then I am also a god, and I will not be punished anyway."

The above dialogue, even if it does not appear in real life, will become the voice of all people.

Just as the existence of the law is necessary, only telling everyone, after breaking these laws, will the crimes be effectively suppressed.

Therefore, Noah must be punished.

In this way, the security of the gods can be guaranteed.

Once someone has set a precedent without being punished, the gods will become less secure in this world.

In this way, on the one hand, it is necessary to give Noah sufficient punishment. On the one hand, it is necessary to take care of not to push Noah to the urgency. The guild and the gods must have been guilty.

According to this situation, the guilds and the gods who can't do anything will definitely find Hessian and even find the troubles of the entire Hessian Yi.

Noah saw all the developments, so he ignored the objection of Hessian and let Bell and Lily spread the news of his expulsion from the Hessian Yi.

For the adventurers, being expelled from the Yi is already a very heavy punishment.

After all, not everyone can be the same as Noah, after losing the ability value is still strong.

Therefore, this punishment is enough to restrain others.

If you have a god, you will be thrown out of the example of the Yi people. The adventurers who don’t want to be ordinary people will definitely not commit the same taboo. The guild and the gods also have opinions and people. Confessed.

Therefore, after learning that Noah was expelled from the Yi, the meeting between the guild and the gods was dissolved.

Since Noah has already solved the problem one step at a time, the fool will go to Noah's trouble at this time.

As for Noah, it is entirely possible to return to the Hessian Yi people after the wind has passed, and there is nothing.

The so-called shelter from the wind is what this means.

"That is to say, Noah's adults actually do not care about the punishment of the guild, just because we need to consider that we have to temporarily withdraw from the Yi..." Lily screamed.

"Lily, Bell and the Hussein adults have dragged down Noah's adults..."

Lily’s words made Bell bow his head and regret his face.

"Of course, if you really say it, the reason why it will become like this is because Noah's adults have killed God's relationship without any scruples. We are all implicated." Lily quickly turned a tone.

"So, no matter whether it is Noah or us, it is a lot of money, hahahaha..."

Lily’s laughter was extremely empty, and the atmosphere became a little uncomfortable.

Realizing this, Lily dropped her head.

"Sorry, Lily is not very comforting..."

"No...nothing." Bell shook his head.

"I shouldn't feel unwilling to be here."

Seeing that Bell and Lily apologized there, Chun Ji, who was in the corner of the living room, was also weak.

"No, not the two mistakes. The wrong ones are all little girls. It’s all because of the little girl. The adults will commit the taboos of the gods..."

With that said, Chun Ji’s expression has become sad.

"Sure enough, the daughter-in-law is a symbol of shattering, it will only harm people..."

This sentence has just fallen, and a door opening sounds.

"What do you say about one or two?" Noah walked out of the room and looked at Bell, Lily and Chun Ji, and sighed.

"If you want to blame yourself, let me know the situation and say nothing else. I will take it to myself. I will do it to Ista. Just because of my personal feelings, you have not done anything that causes this to happen. Do you understand?"

Noah’s voice made the three people in the audience turn their eyes.

Then, Bell, Lily and Chun Ji saw it.

In addition to Noah, Hurstwood also came out of the room.

However, the expression on Hessian's face is no longer as full as he used to be, but he is replaced by unbelievable and unbelievable.

Looking at such a Hessian, Bell, Lily and Chun Ji were really surprised.

What did Noah say to Hessian, and then shocked the goddess into this way?

Without paying attention to the surprise of Bell, Lily and Chun Ji, Noah’s straightforward announcement.

"I have three things to announce to you."

The faces of Bell, Lily and Chun Ji were all in full swing, and they involuntarily concentrated their spirits.

Under such circumstances, Noah began to announce.

"The first thing, I will leave the Yi people for a while, what time is this, I may not, but it is estimated that there should be a year and a half."

Unexpectedly announced, let Bell, Lily and Chun Ji both bowed their heads.

However, the following things made the trio once again surprised.

"The second thing, starting today, Chun Ji will join the Hessian Yi people and become a member of the Hessian Yi people." (~^~)

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