Holistic Fantasy

: 2028 Is this method used to spoof?

(Thank you very much for the ‘F 7’, ‘真.龙虎王’, ‘no wind and the sky’, ‘HJAkeno’ reward!)

The weather was very good during the day when the Rocky Dais decided to travel to the underground city.

The gentle sunlight pours down from the sky, illuminating the tower of the white wall standing in the middle of the city, the Tower of Babel.

In front of the Tower of Babel, a group of heavily armed people are concentrated here.

This group of people is like occupying this site, and there is a big piece around it.

The adventurers who planned to go to the dungeons all seemed to be surrounded by the crowds, surrounded by people and pointed at the group.

If you take a closer look, you can find out.

In front of the group of people, a banner depicting a clown pattern is waving in the wind.

People can form groups only under the banner.

This sentence does not know how many times it was heard in the box, but now it is presented in the most realistic way in front of Noah in another world.

In this way, Noah gathered here with the rest of the Rocky Dai people, mixed in the crowd, and exerted the advantage of the public face to the fullest. In terms of appearance, it did not attract anyone's attention at all.

Next to Noah, carrying a huge cylindrical backpack, Refias, who is a supporter, also stood.

"Oh..." Refia seems to be still angry with Noah, a dissatisfied look.

"Why do I have to act with Mr. Noah?"

"Because we are all grassroots members?" Noah teased this sentence.

"The expedition is definitely based on the first-level adventurers. Can our Lv.4 and Lv.3 be only supporters and act as guards when conditions permit?"

As Noah said, first-class adventurers such as Ace, Ou Na, O'Neill, Finn, Rivilia, Gareth and Burt stood at the forefront of the team. Bear the baptism of the eyes surrounded by adventurers.

In the eyes of others, the Rocky Yi expedition, these first-level adventurers are the undisputed protagonists.

As for Lv.4 like Noah and Lv.3 like Refia, it is really only a negligible team member in the eyes of others. At this time, I can't get the limelight at all.

After all, the original deeper area from the 37th floor is not the area that Lv.3 and Lv.4 adventurers can enter.

Therefore, when the expedition, the first-level adventurers are the real protagonists, and the supporters are played by the members of the Lv.3 and Lv.4 in the Yi nationality.

In other words, all of the Rocky Dais who intend to travel to the underground city, except for the first-level adventurers, are all Lv.3 and Lv.4 supporters.

In this case, Noah and Refia, which are also Lv.3 and Lv.4, naturally have no special features and can only be mixed in the crowd.

In fact, there is a huge backpack behind Lian Noah.

Therefore, Noah emphasized that he is only a supporting role, he just came to mix the experience, put a soy sauce, and drop the props.

Refia was blocked at once.

It is obvious that this big man in front of him is the real card in the whole Yi nationality. Actually, like himself, carrying a backpack and acting as a supporter, how can he feel embarrassed?

I thought that when I reached the deep area, I was afraid that I could only become a supporter. The companion around me could play a hidden killer in the underground city. The mood of Refia became extremely complicated.

Refia is carrying Ess.

Of course, even if only a little bit, Refeia hopes to catch up with Aisi.

However, the man beside him is the one who is shackled by his own object.

After waiting for the dangerous deep area, if Miss Ess is in danger, is this man fully capable of saving his own shackles?

What about yourself?

Not only can you not help yourself when you arrive, but may you drag the team's hind legs?

In fact, the same thing has happened many times, and Ess did not know how many times he saved Refia.

It is because of this that Refia will marry Ess, hoping to stand by the swordsman and fight alongside it.

However, at the moment, that can't be done at all.

Thinking of this, Refia's mood is really complicated.

In this case, a sound suddenly spreads into its ear.

"Don't worry, as long as there is a heart that goes forward and never gives up, you will never become cumbersome."

Refia glimpsed a little, and the conditioned reflexes raised his head and looked at Noah.

Looking at his sly Refia, Noah smiled and reached out and licked the head of 揉雷菲亚.

"You are the heir to Rivia, and you are a little confident about yourself."

It was said that Refia opened her mouth slightly, and then she slammed her face and jumped open, avoiding Noah’s magical hand, stuttering and screaming.

"You... are you using this method to trick Miss Ess?! I won't be fooled!"

"Ha?" Noah was on the spot.

Not only Noah, but even the surrounding Yi people's companions turned their eyes and looked at Noah and Refia. The expression was a weird, and they began to whisper.

"Dreig is really playing Miss Ess's idea?"

"After all these days, I have been doing Miss Ess’s rivals..."

"It's really enviable...no, it's anger."

"That's right…"

All of a sudden, Noah changed from a seemingly amazing melon to a high-profile existence.

Both the male and female members of the team gave Noah a look of enemies, and Noah felt a little stomachache.

At this time, a loud voice sounded.

"Everyone pays attention!"

The noise in the team all stopped.

Everyone has closed their mouths and looked ahead.

I saw that under the banner of the Rocky Dais, the three heads of Finn, Rivilia and Gareth were lined up and faced everyone.

The serious expression made everyone look like a soldier and straightened up involuntarily.

"From now on, our Rocky Dais will go on an expedition!"

Finn stood in the middle of Rivilia and Gareth and began to speak as the head of the Yi nationality.

"This is not our first expedition. I believe it will not be the last time. Therefore, as before, due to the number of people, the team is divided into two groups. The first group is led by Rivilia and goes directly. The second group is led by me and Gareth. I will leave after about three hours and go to the 18th floor of the security floor to meet!"

The area of ​​the dungeon is getting bigger and bigger, and the upper floor is quite crowded.

In order to be able to travel smoothly and carry out large-scale expeditions, it is necessary to travel in groups.

"Considering that there is a floor master in front of the 18th floor, the first-level adventurers all join the first group, responsible for first knocking down the floor master. After the meeting, we will go to the 50th floor in one go!" Finn's eyes swept over the scene. Everyone, the voice becomes more loud.

"Our goal is only one, that is, the floor has not arrived - the 59th floor!"

The rhetoric from the head of the Yi nationality has made everyone's heart slightly ignited, and the adventurers around them are equally shocked and heart-wrenching.

After all, there is no floor where the Yi people have arrived.

If the Rocky Dais can really complete the 59-story crusade, the meaning is definitely not a big deal.

"Yes, the significance of this expedition is significant." Finn's tone became heavy.

"But, only when you come back alive, you can enjoy that glory. If you die, then nothing will happen."

In a word, everyone is in silence.


Only when you live can you enjoy glory.

If you die, even if you become a hero on the head of other people, it will only be praised by others, and you will not hear it.

"Live it! Compatriots!" Riveria's voice began to ring.

"Only if you live, you are the best!" Gareth's heavy voice rang like a resounding voice.

"Our goal, in addition to reaching the unreached floor, must be survived!" Finn's voice is once again piercing everyone's heart.

"Can you do it?!"

Some people’s hearts are beginning to have an impulse in the place.

Can you do it?

Then ask?

At this time, is there not only one answer?

Looking at everyone's eyes, there was a fight, and Finn smiled with satisfaction.

"Good! Let's go!"

Under the call of Finn, the next second, the full of fighting screams resounded through the clouds.

The expedition begins here.

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