Holistic Fantasy

: 698 Your existence is more important than the world

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'gs big wet', 'witch horse here', ‘poké touch n’, ‘xhq998’!)

The next day, Noah woke up in a strange feeling. :.

The sky outside is already a little bright, but it is obviously dawn, and there is still some time from the real dawn.

Originally, at this time, Noah should still be right in his sleep.

However, in his sleep, Noah felt that his hand seemed to have a strange pain, and Noah browed and woke up.

At first glance, Noah saw the ceiling of the apartment room he rented yesterday.

Around, nature is the room of Noah.

Yesterday, when Noah rented it, although it had not had time to buy daily necessities and daily necessities, but also necessary items such as beds, this apartment itself was equipped.

Therefore, Noah's first choice is to sleep.

Don't look at Noah, it seems to be quite spiritual.

In fact, because of the strangeness between the worlds, almost seven or eighty percent of the world was destroyed, and the impact of Noah was quite large.

If you don't adjust the state, Noah is worried that it may really affect himself.

In this world, Noah must be cautious.

After all, because of the disaster between the worlds, every world is in an unstable state. Like Noah, it carries the existence of huge external forces. If it is too powerful and does not belong to the world, it will definitely The unstable world has an impact.

Therefore, before the world adapts to the existence of Noah, Noah is better not to use the power.

This time, about a month or so.

That is to say, in the first month of entering the world, Noah is best not to use power.

Of course, the best way to say this is because of Gaia and Alaya.

"Listen, Xiao Noah. Although you try not to use power in a month, but once you encounter something that threatens your own situation, then you must not hesitate to play your direct If the world is destroyed, if you are safe, you can fix it, but if you have an accident, the world can't be repaired anymore."

"Your existence. More important than the world."

"Million, don't forget this."

This is what Gaia and Alaya finally left for Noah.

Indeed, from this perspective, the existence of Noah is more important than the world itself.

Therefore, if necessary, even if the world will be destroyed, for the safety of Noah, Gaia and Alaya are solemnly telling Noah, do not hesitate. Directly exert its full strength.

Of course, it is in an emergency.

If it is not to threaten the extent of the life of the person and the people around him, Noah feels that he should not use the right to use it.

In the absence of the ability to use, Noah can use only the three magics that strengthen the magic and fairy tail.

The preparations for the three magics of the fairy tail are too long and can only be used as a card.

In this way, the power that Noah can use is only to strengthen the magic, and naturally be cautious.

"With the use of intensive magic, my strength is probably comparable to Mila and Elasure. How much does it reach the s-class wizard and the most superior demons?"

Noah considered it a bit and probably understood his current level.

"It is still necessary to pay attention to it."

Thinking about it, Noah straightened up and looked at his own hand that felt a little different. Immediately, the brow is a pick.

In the right hand of Noah, the guild coat of the fairy tail is quietly branded on it.

On the left hand of Noah, there is a trace like bruise.

That trace was not there until Noah fell asleep yesterday.

"It turns out that..." Noah's mouth is hooked.

"Is this the holy mark of the curse?"


Simply put, it is the magic crystal that can emerge on the body.

As I said before, the Holy Grail, which exists in Dongmu City, will attract the spirit from the outside of the world. Let them act as a follower to help the magician who is the master to fight and win the Holy Grail War.

However, what to say, those heroes are heroes born from various myths and legends, and it is highly probable that they will not obey the master's orders.

In order to solve this situation, the curse was born.

It has the absolute command of obedience to the spirit of the follower, and is the exclusive mark of the participants of the Holy Grail War.

When the Holy Grail is about to be born and the Holy Grail War is about to unfold, the Holy Grail that exists in Dongmu City will give some signs to the magicians who have the ability to become participants, the so-called holy marks.

The curse is transformed from this holy mark.

As long as the magician with the holy mark begins to summon the spirit as a follower and summon it, then the holy mark will be turned into a spell, giving the participants three absolute rights to the slave.

Even the curse will, to a certain extent, turn the command itself into power.

Commands like giving me the power to destroy the enemy will turn the spell into a huge magic, enhance the power of the follower, and give me the command to let the followers pass through the space and come directly to the master.

Therefore, the curse is quite precious.

Obtaining the holy mark of the curse, it means that Noah was selected by the Holy Grail, and it is now possible to begin to summon the followers and truly become participants in the Holy Grail War.

There are only seven people who can participate in the Holy Grail.

If there are seven people who have summoned the followers, then even if there is a holy mark, then it is impossible to call the spirits and participate in the Holy Grail.

In this regard, Noah is not in a hurry.

"According to the description in memory, during this time period, the Holy Grail should have just gathered to summon the magic of the seven followers, and began to choose the participants. I am now getting the holy mark. It is estimated that the first one is selected?"

Then, it is not too late to wait until the evening to call the followers.

"However, the Holy Grail is indeed true, and I actually engraved the Holy Mark on me. I was worried that I would be messed up..."

The holy mark is the predecessor of the curse.

The curse is the crystallization of magic.

Well, as far as reason is concerned, this crystallization should not be engraved on Noah, the sorcerer who can immunize all supernatural powers except the mysterious force that is effective for God.

As a result, the stigma was still engraved on Noah's body, which really made Noah feel relieved.

In addition, the curse is integrated with the magician's magic loop, and the Holy Grail forms a spell by injecting magic into the magic circuit of the participant's body.

Noah, there is no magic loop.

However, the Holy Grail still gave Noah Stigma.

It seems that the key to forming a curse is not on the magic loop, but on the magic.

Noah has no magic loop, but has extraordinary magic, can still let the Holy Grail choose?

"How to say is also a hole that can lead to the roots, although it is only a small means for Gaia and Alaya..."

With such a feeling, Noah opened the quilt, got up and walked out of his room.


When I came out of my apartment, the sky was already bright.

Noah took the map and followed the map instructions to the nearest street and found a restaurant.

Although there is a kitchen in the apartment, there is no food in the refrigerator.

No way, Noah can only go to the streets to fill his stomach.

However, it is not so much a restaurant, but a coffee shop?

Noah often travels between various worlds, and often entertains. She does not have the opportunity to cook for herself. Therefore, it is generally more to eat outside, and it is customary to go there.

After ordering a cup of black coffee and a pasta, Noah sat down and held his chin. Through the glass window of the restaurant, he looked at the pedestrians coming and going from the street outside.

At one moment, Noah suddenly saw a glimpse.

On the street where the man came and went, the pedestrians suddenly rioted.

Just because there are a couple of men and women standing next to the street, it seems that there is a dispute.

Do not.

It is not so much a dispute, it is better to say that only the male side is yelling at the woman's side, but the female side is head down and silently bears.

Seeing this pair of men and women, Noah frowned, and glanced at the male side, and immediately looked straight at the woman.

"That girl..."

Seeing that the man seems to have more and more excited trends, Noah's brows wrinkled deeper and deeper, and stood up. (To be continued.)

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