Hollywood Lover

Chapter 102 The Rhapsody of Shareholding Movies!

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, please leave a monthly ticket for me, I will break out according to the situation, thank you! ! !


"It's not necessarily true. Many movies have accompanied Lao Ben, but there is no such thing as a 50% profit!" Adaman shook his head.

"Let me ask you, if someone signs a contract with you, stating that after one year, all your investment will get a 50% return, or give you a 50% return every year, would you Will you be tempted? Of course, the 50% here is just an example." Zhang Dongcheng smiled and talked freely.

"Of course I will be tempted, but I also want to see what kind of project it is and how much it needs to be invested. If I have to invest all my money, I will still think about it." Adaman thought about it seriously, and then gave Come up with the answer that you think is foolproof.

"Well, my investment is one hundred dollars, and you can buy as many copies as you want. You can buy ten million dollars, or just one hundred dollars. Will you give it a try?" Zhang Dongcheng slowly threw out the final answer.

"One hundred dollars? Then I can give it a try. If it's really that good, it's no problem for me to invest ten thousand dollars." Adaman didn't think about it this time, and said very proudly.

"That's good! That's the answer I want now, and most people are bound to give the same answer. How much is a hundred dollars? Not much at all, and anyone can afford it! Well, now I ask You, why can movies only be invested by film companies, or sponsored by independent directors? Why can’t ordinary people invest, and why can’t people who love movies participate?” Zhang Dongcheng became a little excited, and his tone became more serious. Even looked a little aggressive.

"Ordinary people don't know how to make movies, and they can't afford the money to make movies. Which big production is not tens of millions of dollars." Adaman followed Zhang Dongcheng's thinking and answered.

"OK, here's an opportunity. I'll pitch a movie, and I'll fund it from all interested parties. Maybe 10,000 people put in a hundred dollars each, and I'll have a million-dollar investment. If ten If I have 10,000 people, I will have an investment of 10 million U.S. dollars! If they are all as bold as you and dare to invest 10,000 U.S. dollars to me, then I only need 10,000 people to invest 100 million U.S. dollars! Everyone can With an annual interest rate of 50%, that is to say, after one year, they will have a net profit of 5,000 U.S. dollars!" Zhang Dongcheng's words were resounding, but like a thunderstorm in the desert, Adaman was shocked by this fantastic idea. I was stunned to think about it.

"You mean, joint-stock company?" Adaman asked tentatively.

"No, it's not a joint-stock company. I am the only one who owns the company. But movies can, I want to call it a joint-stock film!" Zhang Dongcheng explained: "I will divide the equity of each film, such as our "Mummy" Well, the investment of 80 million US dollars is divided into 800,000 shares, and anyone can buy it at will. After the release, after deducting the cost, I will give them 50% return on investment, but the extra piece, haha, Sorry, it's all mine."

At the end of the story, Zhang Dongcheng was so proud that he couldn't bear the smile on his face anymore, and quickly took another sip of beer.

This abacus is extremely accurate! A movie can be made without paying a penny, and a movie like "The Mummy" whose income is two or three times the total investment only needs to pay one-fourth to one-sixth of it to investors, while I can Net three-quarters or five-sixths net income without paying a penny!

Assuming that "Titanic" is filmed according to Zhang Dongcheng's method, with a total investment of 200 million US dollars, what is its global box office? 1.8 billion dollars!

Half of the 1.8 billion US dollars will be allocated to movie theaters, and the gross profit will be 900 million US dollars. According to Zhang Dongcheng, 50% of the 200 million US dollars will be distributed to investors, which means 300 million US dollars with principal and interest. 600 million dollars!

And these have not counted peripheral income such as DVDs!

What does this mean? It shows that Zhang Dongcheng does not need to beg his grandpa to sue his grandma, and try his best to please the boss of the film company, but to shoot as he wants, without paying a penny himself, and earning countless dollars!

This method, not to mention making money too easily, is simply going to the Fed's vault to grab money!

"I understand a little bit. You are like those real estate developers who sell unplanned flats. They start selling flats while guarding a vacant lot, and use other people's money to develop and manufacture. This is a completely empty-handed business with no profit at all!" Adaman He also became excited, rolling his eyes desperately, trying to follow Zhang Dongcheng's thoughts.

"It's somewhat similar. You got the answer right!" Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers loudly.

"But I still have some problems. If you do this, you are standing on the opposite side of all bankers and film companies. You will become a destroyer of the existing system. They will attack you and you will become the enemy of the world. , They will do everything possible to harm you, for example, sue you for illegal fundraising!" Adaman pointed out the most critical point.

"There are many ways to avoid risks in this world. I have also thought about the crime of illegal fundraising you mentioned. I will leave it to the big law firms and accounting firms in the United States. They will think of a way for money. For example Union Bank issued funds with a rate of return ranging from 1% to 50%, telling investors the risks in advance, but in the end, investors found that they had indeed obtained a 50% return, and they would crazily trust me and invest again. As for becoming the enemy of the film company, haha, which one of the eight major film companies was not torn out of the bloody wind, if you want to step on them, you have to pay the price." Zhang Dongcheng curled his lips in disdain, expressing that he could no longer see Get on these guys.

"But I still don't understand one thing. Your idea is good, but there must be two basic conditions. First, you must have an extremely huge reputation, become famous in Hollywood, and earn a lot of money for every movie. Only in this way can we ensure that investors will trust you and invest in you. Second, you must really make money from every movie you share. Otherwise, you will lose money or face a lawsuit, and you, a director who wants to go to the moon to make movies, will go to prison. Filming!" Adaman stood up excitedly, but quickly sat down again, in his opinion, who can guarantee that every film invested by the company can earn a lot of money?

"So, I have to make "The Mummy" well, let the whole Hollywood see my strength, the second step, I have to make another low-cost and high-gross movie by myself, or use this method, let others make it. A movie like this is to prove that I have this ability. I can guarantee that every movie produced by my company can make money. I believe that in two or three years, with a population of 200 million in the United States, I will earn more than 200 million people. An investment of 300 million US dollars is easy!" Zhang Dongcheng said confidently, his eyes as sharp as a knife's edge.

Each investor invests 10,000 U.S. dollars, and only 20,000 people are needed to get 200 million U.S. dollars in funds. Compared with the 200 million people in the United States and the most economically developed country in the world, it is a matter of effort. However, the 200 million US dollars can produce several super-grossing movies, which will affect the box office revenue for a year.

What if we add the populations of developed countries such as Britain, France, Germany, etc.? Hey, it's not just a matter of imagination!

Besides, every movie must make money, so that investors can have real returns, so that they can have full confidence. How difficult is this matter for Zhang Dongcheng who has information about the future?

No filmmaker can guarantee that his film will make money. This is the unknown of the future. Even "Titanic", which has been at the top of the box office in the world for 12 years, was filmed because of money. And there are many difficulties.

In the original time and space, "Titanic" was filming, and she herself became a sunken ship in the ice sea. The initial budget of 75 million US dollars was all spent. They had to go around in circles, so they invited Paramount Pictures to cooperate in the filming, but soon Paramount also realized that they were in a thief's boat. In desperation, the two companies had to borrow money from outside banks to keep in touch. There was blood transfusion in the film crew, and the release date was pushed again and again, and it was nowhere in sight.

At that time, Hollywood was full of rumors that "Titanic" capsized, the film would never reach the cinema, and James Cameron's reputation would be ruined forever.

But Cameron continued to procrastinate and burn money carelessly. In the end, Paramount and Fox turned their faces on Cameron over the "burning money". So Cameron said that as long as he can be a director and make a movie, it doesn't matter if he is white, and gave up the director's share of the "Titanic" income.

In the end, Paramount and Fox poured in a total of 200 million US dollars in "Titanic", making it the most expensive movie in Hollywood history. To make a "Titanic", the money burned can build 22 "Titanic" Titanic"!

In other words, if Paramount and Fox are determined to terminate the filming or change directors, will there still be that big ship that is rampant in the world and sets off huge waves at the box office? The results speak for themselves.

The two major companies were worried about money, let alone Zhang Dongcheng, a director who is not very famous yet. He doesn't want to be deprived of his qualifications as a director by the film company when he directs a film, or be robbed of his beloved film.

But fortunately, he is a miracle. He knows which movie can make money, which movie will make the movie company lose everything, and then use the method of stock movies, Zhang Dongcheng can rise in Hollywood very quickly, making everyone in the world His eyes are all controlled by him, his backhand turns into clouds, and his hands turn into rain!

"I will let movies that absolutely make money appear, instead of being deceived by the directors' boastful superficiality, I will form the most powerful film company in the world, I don't need to ask for a penny of investment funds, my own The money will be invested in the film copyright competition, and I will sweep everything out!" Zhang Dongcheng pointed to his head and said to Adaman with great certainty.

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