Hollywood Lover

Chapter 135 The moment in life is enough

As the camera moved away from the Sphinx, a huge group of ancient Egyptian buildings appeared in the picture after moving aside. The statue of Anubis with a dog's head and a human body, huge stone pillars, huge burning flames, and busy crowds. Although the picture is only a few seconds, it reveals the prosperity of ancient Egypt in front of everyone.

In the theater, there were bursts of low voices of exclamation from time to time. Obviously this special effects shot really shocked some people's hearts.

A strong exotic atmosphere blows over us.

"Wow, this is so beautiful. The Egyptians are simply too great. It's hard to imagine how they pruned such a huge building thousands of years ago!" A polite-looking audience couldn't hold back Make a sound.

"Shut up! You idiot! You interrupted our movie watching!" A strong man behind him shouted angrily.

The polite man immediately covered his mouth and did not dare to make a sound.

The shots arranged by Zhang Dongcheng, unsurprisingly, achieved an impressive effect.

At the same time as the voice-over came, the scene of Pharaoh Seti I driving four horses also appeared in the camera.

The camera changes again, and dusk comes. The back of the high priest Imerton played by Jason Statham, the protagonist of the villain, appeared. He stood on a high platform with a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth, looking down at the busy crowd below.

Then it was Anksu Nam's turn to appear. Here, Zhang Dongcheng changed the original scene. It is no longer the wide hall aisle, but has become a long corridor like the years.

Anksunam, played by Patricia, walked forward with steps as light as a cat.

The voice-over came. "Anksunam! The pharaoh's concubine, the forbidden concubine! The pharaoh doesn't allow anyone to touch her!"

A simple statement laid the groundwork for the following plot.

Anksunam's seductive and sexy body, and the look of looking down on all living beings, made it a little more noble out of thin air.

The fatal allure is perfectly presented in front of the camera. Delicate curves, gold dye applied to the skin, and body paint. It made her seem to be the most delicate and beautiful rose in ancient Egypt, appearing alive in front of everyone after thousands of years.

Gudoo! Gudoo!

The sound of swallowing saliva came one after another in the theater. Countless men were amazed by Patricia's appearance and made instinctive movements.

"Oh! God! She's so beautiful! She's perfect!" A man with long hair, his eyes wide open, stared at Anksunam in the camera in a daze, and his throat kept moving up and down.

At this moment, Patricia instantly captured the love of countless men.

Even women lost their jealousy in front of Patricia. If a person is a little stronger than others, then he will get countless envy, but if he is too strong, others will only be envious of him.

After Anksunam walked through the corridor, the statue-like monks in the corridor suddenly moved, walked to the gate and closed it.

And at this time, Ankesunam finally came to the place where he was dating Imerton. The two looked at each other with passionate eyes, and couldn't help but give each other a deep hug.

On the other side, Pharaoh pushed open the door that was not closed and broke in alone.

After Anksunam and Imerton's affair was discovered by Pharaoh, the two joined forces to kill Pharaoh. When the pharaoh's bodyguard rushed in, Anxunam committed suicide protecting Imerton.

"My body already belongs to someone else!" With firm eyes, Anksunam instantly raised a knife and stabbed himself in the lower abdomen to commit suicide.

In order to revive his lover, Imerton risked the world, led his men into the tomb and took away Anxunam's body.

And he rushed to Hamnata, the city of the undead, all day and night, trying to cast a spell to resurrect his lover.

Underground of Hamna Tower, Imerton summoned his monks to start the ritual of resurrecting Anxunam.

Twenty bald monks knelt around Anksunam's body. Constantly prostrating, the sound of chanting is endless.

Imerton, holding a huge book with a black cover, walked slowly to Anxunam's side. Distribute the scriptures and start chanting mantras.

On the far ground facing Imerton, a pool that looked like a sewage pool began to churn. A shadow of a ghost floated up and flew towards Anksu Nam.

"Oh! Oh! Calling the soul! This is calling the soul. Could it be that the sewage pool communicates with hell? It's Anksunam's fool!" Countless amazed exclamations echoed in the theater.

"Oh my god! The priest Immorton is so powerful that he can bring people back to life!"

In Western mythology, especially after Catholicism became a unified belief, the legend of resurrection from the dead is very rare. Because there is only one person with this ability, and that is the Holy Son Jesus!

Imerton in the movie can actually bring people back to life. No matter whether these audiences believe in Catholicism or not, the legend of resurrection has given them a great impact, and instantly made them feel the power of Imerton. This method of communicating hell and resurrecting the dead was fully displayed on the screen of the 1996 movie, which made everyone's eyes widen, feeling incredible!

Just when the ceremony was about to succeed, a group of Pharaoh's guards rushed in. Destroyed Morton Soho Anksunam's ritual.

Imerton's expression was not surprise, not fear, but heartbroken, which once again made people feel the fierce and dangerous people like him, and the deep and incomparable love for Anksu Namu.

Anksu Namu's soul flew away from his body in an instant, and amidst misty and penetrating screams, he crashed headlong into the sewage and never moved again.

But at this time, few people spoke up for Imerton.

From an emotional point of view, they hope that Imerton will revive Anksunam, and then the two will live happily together, just like a fairy tale. After all, they are both talented and of the same age, and they really love each other.

But from a rational point of view, when the ghost appeared, it was too terrifying, like a cloud of purple-black mist, forming a terrifying portrait, attached to the corpse. It is really unacceptable, and I feel deep fear.

Even if they were resurrected, everyone would no longer be able to associate Anksunam with the seductive stunner before his death.

The camera flickers to show Imerton and his monks being tortured.

The scene of mummification of living people; the screams of countless people; although there was no bloody scene, it made people feel more frightened.

The sharp blade cut off the tongue, and the bandaged monk trembled violently and howled.

Countless people stared wide-eyed, even though they were terrified in their hearts, they wanted to see for themselves what the scene of torture was like. This kind of complicated mentality made them suffer.

"Oh! ****! The ancient Egyptians are so barbaric, they are simply beasts! They are fascists!" The polite audience who were amazed by the majestic and magnificent buildings of ancient Egypt just now couldn't help but He jumped up and cursed angrily.

At this time, the strong man behind him did not scold him, but nodded in agreement and said, "Man, you are so right, these ancient Egyptians are too barbaric!"

The two who were facing each other just now suddenly felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

When Imerton had his tongue cut off, he was wrapped in bandages and placed in a coffin. There was a sigh in the cinema. Obviously, some people felt sorry for this priest who would give everything for love, even killing the pharaoh.

A guy playing Anubis, the god of death, with a wolf-headed mask appears in the shot, holding a clay pot in his hand. Slowly came to the coffin where Emerton was. In the clay pot, fresh scarabs were poured over Imerton. Countless black bugs crazy crawlers. A dull, suppressed howl escaped Imerton's throat.

When this episode appeared, there were exclamations one after another in the entire theater.

Obviously, this scene of insects biting a living person really frightened many people.

"Oh! ****! Was ancient Egypt so cruel?"

"Poor Imerton!"

"That bug actually eats people! Oh! God!" Countless voices came. Apparently everyone was shocked by this final horrific criminal law.

I was shocked by the director's unparalleled imagination!

After the compact title passed, the plot officially kicked off. In front of the huge statue of Death, the words "Mummy" appeared, and then disappeared like yellow sand blown away by a strong wind.

The originally brightly colored Grim Reaper statue quickly weathered under the erosion of time, one ear was missing, and the smooth expression became bumpy.

In another movie theater, an ordinary American youth, who hadn't been scared away with the crowd at the Getty Center mummy incident that day, but stayed behind and almost discovered the truth, Allen, was sitting here.

He didn't have much interest in horror movies, but after the mummy incident, he completely changed and became a crazy fan of mummy. He is very interested in the movies that are noisy in the media.

Today, I bought two movie tickets early and invited my long-awaited girl Susanna to watch the movie.

Fortunately, Suzanne finally agreed to his invitation. In Allen's view, this is a sign that he and Suzanne are about to fall in love.

Suzanne is a cute and sexy girl who is the head of the cheerleading team at school. Although she is only sixteen years old this year, the characteristics of fast-growing Caucasians can be seen in her body.

With a protruding, sexy and hot figure; a warm and generous personality coupled with those beautiful eyes that seem to drip water, Suzanne's suitors can be found everywhere in school.

Girls at this age always like some artistic movies. In her opinion, the movie was just too boring. It's just a small trick to show off some torture and love.

As a horror film, but to show off some love, it is simply an act of disregarding priorities.

"Alan, this movie is so boring." Seeing this, Susanna was very different from the excited audience around her. She yawned coquettishly and said boringly, "Let's go back!"

"Come on. Suzanne, don't you want to know what will happen to Imerton?" After finally getting the chance to watch a movie with Suzanne, how could Alan let it slip away like this, with a bit of bewitching tone in his tone said the taste.

Although she disdains this movie, Suzanne, who doesn't want to disappoint Allen, can only agree depressedly, and can only stay with a face of reluctance.

On the screen, there was a scene of O'Connor and the others fighting against the desert thieves, and they were retreating steadily.

When O'Connor dropped the rifle, took out two revolvers from his body, and shot the enemy left and right without missing a shot.

Immediately there were whistles and applause in the cinema.

"Oh! That's cool! O'Connor, yes! Fuck them to death like this!" Some extroverted men who were easily infected by heroes shouted.

The United States is a country that worships western cowboys, although the most popular era of cowboy films has passed. But for this kind of revolver in hand, the method of defeating opponents one by one with a single shot will still make their blood boil.

O'Connor fought and retreated, beckoning Benny who had left him and fled.

Then Benny left O'Connor and drilled into the underground cave alone. And shut O'Connor out. Cursing came one after another in the theater.

"Damn it! This Benny is such a villain, why did O'Connor kill this damn guy with one shot!" Allen, who was immersed in the movie, felt the same way, wishing he could get in and take a gun to kill Benny.

As the plot progresses, when O'Connor and his party arrive at Hamna Tower.

There was an uproar at the scene, the picture in the camera is so beautiful! It is almost like a myth, and some people even think from this picture whether Avalon, the sleeping elf kingdom of King Arthur, is so magical.

After a period of twists and turns, the protagonist and his party finally came to the underground of Hamna Tower. Next, the warden, who had been cursed constantly before, was drilled into his body by the scarab and crawled directly into his head. Unable to bear the pain, he kept screaming, and finally committed suicide by hitting his head on the stone wall.

Such a picture made the whole movie theater gasp. It's too scary, how can there be such a scary bug in the world! Thousands of years, but still survived.

Allen's pretty face was slightly pale. He never thought that this bug could get into a human body like this, and he couldn't help saying to Susannah beside him with a slightly trembling voice: "Susanna, this bug is really powerful. !"

At some point, Suzanne's attention was completely immersed in the movie, and she could clearly hear what Alan beside her said. She just kept screaming in a low voice. "Oh! Oh! God! It's scary, it's exciting, this bug is so cool!"

This girl was born with an adventurous gene in her blood. I don't know when it started, I forgot that I wanted to leave the movie theater just now, and my mind completely started to follow the plot. He had long forgotten Alan beside him.

Seeing such a terrifying and weird picture actually made Susannah excited, and Allen didn't know what to say anymore. He seemed to feel that he had done something wrong. He went to watch a horror movie with Suzanne. She seemed to be not bad at all. Why didn't she come into my arms?

Not to mention how regretful Allen was, the plot of the movie finally ushered in a major turning point.

In the picture, Evelyn took advantage of the American archaeologist's sleep, stole the Black Book of the Dead in his arms, and recited the spell to revive Imerton.

Imerton, the high priest who sacrificed for his lover thousands of years ago, is finally resurrected and sees the light of day again! ! But what this moment brings is not joy, but bone-chilling fear.

At this time, no one mentioned whether Imerton was infatuated or not. They wished that the protagonist and his party would show their power immediately and eliminate this damned monster.

The lifelike mummy, with half of its head broken, still acts as usual, taking away other people's organs and tongues to satisfy its own resurrection.

Imerton approached Benny aggressively.

Poor Benny took out countless amulets and experimented with them one by one. All kinds of different languages ​​spit out from the mouth, people can't help but want to feel that this guy has really done enough work.

From Christianity to Buddhism, to all kinds of crooked gods.

This kind of funny scene, even if many viewers know Imerton's horror, they still laugh out loud.

This laughter seemed to dispel even the fear accumulated for a long time.

The movie continues, and everyone is watching excitedly, throwing popcorn in their mouths, and then shouting or laughing with the crew. A few people who want to go to the toilet can only bear it, for fear If you go out by yourself, you will miss the wonderful shots.

Allen longed for it for a long time. Whenever the horror scene came, he would open his arms, but Susanna never got into his arms. Instead, she jumped up excitedly, waving her arms and shouting "Hello" like a woman. appearance.

Unknowingly, Suzanne, who didn't like this movie very much at first, was completely attracted by "The Mummy" whose visual effects far surpassed the past, and her imagination broke through the sky. She couldn't wait to know the next development direction, a small face All flushed with excitement.

"Oh, God, Alan, you are right! This movie is so exciting! If I left just now, I would regret it!" Suzanne said to Alan while eating popcorn.

Then, like a reward, he kissed Allen fiercely!

Oh I am so happy! Allen smiled stupidly, took the opportunity to hold Susanna's little hand, and was so happy that he couldn't help himself.

As the movie continues, the reborn Imerton grabs other people's internal organs, forming climaxes one after another.

The scene of standing in front of the fireplace, the originally empty body being continuously filled, simply shocked the eyes of countless people.

"Wow! That's so cool! This is so cool!" Susannah excitedly grabbed Alan's arm beside her, and said, "Alan, you saw them, and Imerton was able to be resurrected like this! It's amazing!"

Allen was also very excited. On the one hand, he was for the movie, and on the other hand, he felt that his body was going to be stiff. Even Suzanne's crisp twin peaks kept rubbing against his arms, and he seemed to lose his feeling. "Yes... yes, Imerton is amazing!"

When Imerton ignored the bullet, knocked O'Connor into the air instantly, thanked Evelyn, and planned to kiss her. A white cat suddenly jumped onto the piano and let out a meow.

Imerton, who was invincible, fearless and even able to defeat O'Connor just now, seemed to have encountered some terrifying flood beast. He let out a dull howl, rolled his body, and instantly turned into yellow sand from the door flew out.

"Wow! Great special effects, this is so realistic, did you see it? Alan, did you see it just now? It seems that Imerton's face appeared in the yellow sand!" Susannah excitedly grabbed Allen's arm said.

Allen was so tired of Imerton. This damned priest, since he died, he should stay in the coffin, why did he come out to scare people, and even scare a beauty like the heroine Rachel!

When you hate something, you will like the opposite of him. At this moment, Allen is undoubtedly on the side of O'Connor and others psychologically. But for Suzanne's secret love, he nodded against his will.

With the development of the plot, Imerton became stronger and stronger, and his curse caused Egypt to appear in the top ten disasters recorded in the Bible.

As Imerton killed more and more people, his resurrection became more and more thorough.

Like the God of Vulcan descending, countless fireballs fell madly, and the whole city was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. This scene, which is comparable to a disaster movie, made all the audience hold their breath!

On the screen, Evelyn, who was locked in the room, was falling asleep, and a trickle of sand slowly entered the room through the keyhole in the door.

The fine sand was transformed by Emerton, and the sleeping Evelyn didn't know about Imerton's arrival, so she was still asleep. Imerton came to Evelyn's side, said Anksunam's name, and lowered his head to kiss Evelyn's red lips.

The moment the two kissed, Imerton's mouth turned into a mummy again. Evelyn also seemed to be awakened by this change, her eyes widened in fear, and she kept beating and pushing Imerton with her hands.

At this moment, O'Connor and Jonathan broke through the door.

Imerton was furious, and was about to go up to teach the two of them, but O'Connor held up the white cat in his hand.

Immorton, who was taken aback, turned into yellow sand again and flew away along the window.

"Oh, this Imerton is really disgusting." Allen still remembered the action of Imerton chewing the scarab just now, and his stomach seemed to be churning at the thought of this.

"Shut up! Alan." Susannah was furious, waving her little fist, and said, "If you dare to speak ill of Imerton again, I will never talk to you!"

In a short time, Suzanne has been completely attracted by Imerton. This priest who did not hesitate to be tortured for the sake of his beloved woman, and who basically restored his invincible image, undoubtedly captured the girl's heart in the shortest possible time.

A sixteen-year-old girl is looking forward to romance, and Imerton's approach is undoubtedly the most suitable person for her romantic setting. Maybe the Imerton played by Jason is not handsome, but his infatuation And powerful but captured countless supporters. Suzanne was just one of them.

Allen shrank his neck, feeling that he really couldn't understand Susannah's thoughts. How could a girl like a horrible and disgusting monster like Imerton?

Later, in order to find the news of the Sun Golden Sutra, everyone came to the Egyptian Museum.

And at this time, the final catastrophe was approaching. Countless people infected with boils and rotten boils became Imerton's puppets, and they called out Imerton's name. Brandishing a weapon and chasing after him.

Susannah almost jumped up from her chair in excitement, her beautiful eyes opened wide, she looked at the screen excitedly, and said in her mouth: "Go! Go! Hurry up and snatch Evelyn for Imerton, the resurrected him Lover!"

Allen was completely different. He stood firmly on O'Connor's side, and said in a hurry: "Run away! Leave quickly! The people from Imerton are coming!'

Fat Jonathan hilariously escaped the attack of the puppets, and after successfully starting the car and fleeing, Allen immediately cheered.

But Susanna looked unhappy, glanced at Allen beside her, and said arrogantly: "What's there to be happy about, look, Imerton will definitely catch Evelyn and resurrect his lover!"

"Oh! Suzanne, you are wrong about this. Don't forget, O'Connor and the others are the protagonists, and Imerton will definitely fail!" Allen said with some complacency.

Suzanne's heart sank when she heard this. Although she likes Imerton's role very much, she knows that what Allen said is true, there is no movie where the villain will win in the end.

But the plot didn't go as smoothly as Alan imagined, and the car was stopped by a group of puppets.

On the narrow road, in front of the car, there are rows of puppets with expressionless faces and boils and sores all over their bodies.

When this picture appeared, the entire movie theater was suffocated by it, and there was no sound.

Countless people began to show worried expressions, praying for O'Connor and others, wishing them a smooth ride through this difficulty!

"Look! Look!" Susanna said excitedly like a little girl who got candy, "I knew Imogen wouldn't fail so easily!"

Guessing wrong, Allen shrugged and said, "It's okay, Imerton will definitely fail anyway!"

"You!" Suzanne gritted her teeth, feeling as if she was riding a tiger, and said, "Let's wait and see!"

O'Connor, who had been a soldier, was decisive and stepped on Jonathan's foot, stepping on the accelerator for him.

The car rushed straight up with the sound of friction between the wheels and the ground, countless puppets were knocked into the air, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

"Good job! O'Connor! Kill these damn guys!" In the movie theater, a strong man suddenly stood up and shouted, then put his fingers in his mouth and whistled.

The action of this strong man seemed to be a signal, and then there were whistles and applause from the entire theater.

The waves of applause made the crew members sitting in the front row and You Rongyan smile.

The reaction of the audience was as strong as boiling water poured into a frying pan, which proved one thing, they succeeded! This mummy is completely on fire! In the future, they will become Hollywood's hot new actors!

Especially Jason, Andy and others who were determined to hang out with Zhang Dongcheng were so excited that their faces began to flush.

On the screen, the plot is still going on.

The applause rang for a while, and then slowly disappeared. After all, everyone still wanted to continue watching the movie. They kept applauding without saying whether their hands hurt or not. Do you want to continue watching this movie?

In the picture, although the car knocked some people into the air, there were really too many people in this group. Soon, the entire car was covered with Imerton's puppets.

O'Connor and others had to start a hand-to-hand fight.

One by one, puppets were punched and kicked by O'Connor and others and fell from the car, fell on the roadside stalls, and fell on the pillars. The battle was so fierce that people stopped breathing, and they were reluctant to blink, for fear of missing anything. a shot.

The sound of heavy breathing came and went in the cinema.

Soon, the only surviving American was dragged out of the car by two puppets climbing up from behind. In the end, he died at the hands of Imerton. And with his flesh and blood replenishment, Imerton was finally fully revived.

On the other side, the car of O'Connor and others hit the drinking pool again, and they had to abandon the car, and were surrounded by countless puppets in a small open space.

In the end, Evelyn was taken away by Emerton, and the librarian died heroically.

"Imorton is indeed the best! Haha... that's great! Resurrect your lover, Immorton!" Susannah was so excited that her pretty face was slightly flushed.

Allen on the side was a little stunned. What's happening here? Whenever the villain can overwhelm the protagonist.

"Alan, how is it? Have you seen it? Imerton is indeed the best!" Suzanne and You Rongyan said triumphantly to Alan beside him.

Allen curled his lips, and said unwillingly: "Imorton can only be proud for a while. He will definitely fail in the end!"

Susannah's face froze immediately, and she glared at Allen angrily. Jiao snorted and didn't speak.

Allen, who was attracted by the plot, gradually forgot that the reason why he watched this movie was to pursue Susanna, but for the protagonists, he kept bickering with Susanna.

The most shocking scene in the movie finally appeared.

O'Connor came in pursuit in a biplane piloted by Winston.

Imerton cast his jaw-dropping spell.

With a wave of both hands, countless yellow sand flew up from the ground, like a huge wave on a sunny day, overwhelming the biplane.

"Oh! God!"

"My God! How did he do it!"

"It's amazing! Could this be the power of ancient Egyptian priests?"

Countless exclamations and admirations resounded throughout the theater, Adaman, Jason and others sitting in the front row couldn't help smiling when they heard these exclamations.

During the filming of this film, there were many twists and turns.

Several times, Sanfan almost couldn't be released smoothly, but all these efforts, after hearing the audience's feedback now. They all feel worthwhile.

It's a pity that Zhang Dongcheng gave up the movie ticket to someone else. Not here, otherwise, everything will be more perfect when he is here.

After this short tens of seconds of plot, the truly jaw-dropping and dumbfounding scenes followed immediately.

In the yellow sand, a clearly recognizable face belonging to Imerton was pieced together from the yellow sand. There is a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

When O'Connor's bullets hit this big yellow sand face, they could only splash holes one by one, without causing any impact at all.

As Imerton opened his mouth wide, Huangsha's face also made the same movement, and in a blink of an eye, the plane was swallowed up.

Countless exclamations came.

"Oh, no way! O'Connor won't just die like this?"

"Oh my god! Imerton is too powerful. After all, O'Connor and the others are ordinary people. Can they really defeat this monster?"

Even though many people know that the protagonist in the movie rarely dies, and if he dies, it is in the final ending. But these viewers still couldn't help worrying about O'Connor's fate.

"Hey! Alan, did you see that? O'Connor and the others are dead?" Suzanne proudly said to Alan.

Alan's face was tense, his eyes never left the curtain, he shook his head and said, "No way! How could O'Connor die! He is the protagonist!"

"But Imerton is too powerful! He is invincible!" Susannah retorted plausibly.


The well-mannered man not far from Suzanne was also dumbfounded looking at the picture on the screen, with his mouth wide open, and said in horror: "Oh God! This is terrible! This priest is so powerful!! "

After the shocking scene, O'Connor and others finally escaped, but the plane crashed, and Winston, the captain of the Royal Air Force, also died here.

Then in the tomb, the monk of Imerton was resurrected. Under the order of Emerton, he came to hunt down O'Connor and others.

At this time, O'Connor and his party came to the pharaoh's tomb.

After O'Connor shot the reflective mirror smartly, a ray of light fell from the sky and was refracted by countless mirrors, illuminating the entire tomb.

The huge tomb of the underground palace is filled with all kinds of pure gold sculptures, among which there is even a life-sized golden statue of a maid.

Everyone was dumbfounded at the resplendent treasure house collected by the pharaohs of the past dynasties.

At this moment, the monks of Imerton came after him. A strange hand on the ground broke through the soil abruptly, exposing the entire arm, and then the stiff body slowly crawled out of the hole.

After a firefight, although the three killed many monks, their bullets were also exhausted. Had to retreat temporarily.

The compact plot makes people dare not even blink their eyes for fear of missing any details.

Finally, Emerton held the Black Death Book and began to revive Anksunam.

Evelyn was chained to an altar, and beside her was a tightly wrapped mummy.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a mummy than a statue. Because those cloth strips are too thick. It almost made Ankesunam's body fatter by more than a circle.

This time without the obstruction of the pharaoh's guards, Imerton successfully summoned the soul of Anxunam from the sewage pool.

When the purple-black ghost attached to Anksunam's body, the thick bandage was like cracked ceramics.


A snow-white hand emerged from the torn bandage.

In an instant, the entire movie theater fell silent, and countless viewers still remembered that seductive woman who looked like a Persian cat, her haughty demeanor, and her exquisite and delicate body.

Is the pharaoh's shackles finally coming back to life again?

Just when people hold such thoughts and wait anxiously. Half a charming face appeared. Impressively, it is Anksunam's.

But when Anksunam got out of the whole body, there was an uproar in the movie theater.

Anksunam, who has regained mobility, appears to be split along the midline. Half of them are alluring beauties with delicate skin. But the remaining half still retains the form of bandages and dead bones, rotting flesh and bones, wrapped in dirty cloth strips.

Half of this is the beautiful woman in the city, and the other half is the dead bones in the grave covered with bandages that seem to drip mucus. Such a super-contrasting image is extremely impactful, and it directly stunned all the audience.

After seeing Patricia's appearance, the Pink Skull is the scariest, and the scene in front of him is undoubtedly the true interpretation of the Pink Skull.

In an instant, countless exclamations came.

"Oh! God, it's terrible! Is this the Egyptian method of resurrection?" Allen stared at the image of Anksunam on the screen in a daze.

"It's unbelievable, how did Director Smith and Zhang Da think of it! This is too scary!!" Susannah, who had been waiting for Anksunam's resurrection and finally stayed and flew with Imerton, showed a shocked expression, and Zhang Da was surprised. He pursed his mouth, and gently grabbed the seat with his hands, his veins were so violent!

This is the effect Zhang Dongcheng wants. Compared with the ugly appearance of Anksu Namu in the original book, this half-beautiful and half-ugly form is obviously the scariest!

Unfortunately, Zhang Dongcheng, who was not in the theater, still couldn't see this scene.

No one thought that Anxunam's resurrection would be like Imerton's resurrection, adding his own flesh and blood little by little. Imerton killed the Americans, but Anksunam needed to kill Evelyn as a sacrifice.

The appearance of the royal guards made the audience bursting with excitement. The super mummy, which was so powerful that it almost escaped the gravity of the earth, rampaged and was so fierce that the audience all forgot to eat popcorn, and their hearts were raised in their throats. inside!

The long sword opened and closed, Brandon and the royal guards fought together, the swords clashed, sparks flew, and the series of individual heroism most admired by Americans came to the fore at this moment.

After a fierce struggle that made the audience reluctant to blink their eyes, sometimes frightened, sometimes slapping chairs and laughing wildly, and fighting with all kinds of eye-catching jokes, Jonathan finally read the words on the cover of the Sun Golden Sutra. The spell, took away Imerton's control over the guards of the tomb, and killed Anxunam again.

An angry Imerton strode forward and grabbed Jonathan's neck, but the smart Jonathan stole the key skillfully

Then O'Connor attracted Emerton's attention, and Evelyn successfully found the spell to solve Imerton. Summon the Hellknight from the underworld, and take away Imerton's mana.

Zhang Dongcheng and Burton had discussed the scene of the Hell Knight for a long time.

At the top of the stairs on the screen, a black hole appeared in the void, and then four horses galloped towards them carrying the ferocious and illusory knight.

Imerton had no ability to resist at all, and was pierced through the chest by these four knights in an instant. A light gray soul shadow kept struggling, but was taken away helplessly.

Imerton screamed loudly, and hurriedly tried to catch up, but it was all in vain.

In the end, his lower abdomen was pierced by O'Connor's sword, and he staggered and fell into the sewage pool. The flesh and blood of his body melted, and he returned to the form of a mummy. In the end, he was silent and there was no more movement.

A series of tense plots only make people feel breathless.

"Death is just the beginning!" Evelyn on the screen said thoughtfully, looking at the pool.

"Oh! ****! Is this damn demon finally dead?" Allen wiped the sweat from his head. The fierce fight just now was really exciting and screaming. Show off his power, so that Allen's voice is a little hoarse when he speaks now.

"Imorton is dead!" Susannah said with a look of disappointment on her face. He said fiercely to Alan beside him, "Alan! It's all your fault, if you didn't always curse Imerton, maybe he would resurrect his lover in the end and be with him!"

Allen was dumbfounded, thinking in disbelief. "What does it matter to me? It's all set by the director. Even without me, Imerton will end up like this!"

It's a pity that Susanna, who was angry, was unreasonable and insisted on blaming Alan for Imerton's death.

Helpless, Allen could only endure this dumb loss.

Hamna Tower, the last city, was finally destroyed by the greed of Benny.

After O'Connor and others escaped and the movie finally ended, there was no sound in the movie theater for a long time.

As members of the crew, whether it was Adaman or Jason, they all nervously looked at the audience around them, and soon, deafening applause came. Countless whistles and cheers rang out.

"Awesome and cool!"

"It's really wonderful, the imagination of this movie is so rich!"

"I was breathless the whole time! This movie is so good!"

"It's definitely worth the ticket price. It really didn't cost me a whole two-hour queue! This movie is really good!"

Thunderous applause and tidal waves of praise finally came to the frightened film crew, making them hug each other excitedly.

"We made it!" Brandon jumped up from his chair. This is his first movie, and it's also his first movie as the protagonist!

Not only Brandon, but the other members were also too excited. Several crew members who were more emotional sat there stupidly, crying.

The pressure has to be said, it's really too great, only Zhang Dongcheng's tenacity can withstand it.

He can face countless people angrily accusing him without changing his face, he can keep silent in the face of anyone's provocation and secretly accumulate strength to defeat defeat, and he can clearly know whether the movies he makes can be won or not. The most sincere appreciation from the audience!

When all the audience applaud, when all the audience stand up and applaud continuously, this moment in life is enough.

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