Hollywood Lover

Chapter 149 Kung Fu and Gun Fighting

In fact, when he first left England for the United States, Zhang Dongcheng knew that the girl was Halliwell. Only her character of a cruel queen can make such a bold move.

"Halliwell!" Zhang Dongcheng called the girl's name with deep meaning.

Halliwell's body suddenly trembled, it turned out that under the seat, Zhang Dongcheng had boldly grabbed the girl's catkin.

"What are you doing?" Although Halliwell's heart was pounding, he still pretended to be nonchalant.

Holding hands with Zhang Dongcheng under Victoria's nose gave her a taboo feeling like having an affair. A kind of joy and sweetness mixed with the guilt of taking away the man who was a good friend made her feel extremely complicated.

Seriously looking at Halliwell's delicate face, Zhang Dongcheng was thinking about something. After a while, he asked seriously: "Have you ever thought about developing into the film industry?"

"Movie?" Halliwell didn't expect Zhang Dongcheng to ask such a question after holding back for a long time. While feeling a little disappointed in my heart, I was a little thankful and said, "Of course I have plans. But these conflict with our plans, so we can only get them in the future!"

"Oh!" Zhang Dongcheng said, even if he knew this, he felt a little bit disappointed.

Soon, during the chat between Zhang Dongcheng and Halliwell, the car arrived outside the uncle's house smoothly.

As the driver along the way, Victoria, who had never spoken a word, suddenly jumped out of the car. And said to Halliwell who chatted with Zhang Dongcheng all the way: "You can go back, as we agreed!"

Halliwell snorted dissatisfiedly, and came to the driver's seat sullenly. After Zhang Dongcheng got off the car, he said goodbye to him and drove away.

Zhang Dongcheng couldn't turn his head around. What's happening here?

"Are you wondering what the hell Halliwell and I are doing?" Victoria's quiet voice came.

Nodding blankly, Zhang Dongcheng asked puzzledly: "Yes! You all confused me!"

"Isn't that simple?" Victoria rolled his eyes at him coquettishly, and said bitterly: "On the road, you belong to her, and I'm just the driver. Now you belong to me, and she and I each show our charms and compete fairly!"

Zhang Dongcheng was stunned, what is this?

Although he thought so in his heart, Zhang Dongcheng knew very well that all this was because of the way the two girls expressed their love for each other.

fair play? Maybe this is the best way to go? Zhang Dongcheng thought wretchedly in his heart, but kept his face serious.

"Mr Smith!"

Just when Zhang Dongcheng and Victoria were about to go to their cousin's house together, a surprise call came from the next door.

Looking around, I saw a young blonde woman teaching a little girl to water the flowers. The mother and daughter are naturally JK Rowling and her daughter Jessica.

"Miss Rowling, long time no see!" Zhang Dongcheng greeted her with a smile.

Seeing Victoria next to Zhang Dongcheng, J.K. Rowling smiled kindly. After greeting each other, there was not much communication.

Uncle's house is quiet. He and his aunt have already returned to China. Although there is still more than a month before the Lunar New Year in Huaxia, the couple left early. Because they can't stay in China for the New Year this year, they just happened to go back on New Year's Day.

After having dinner with Victoria at night, Zhang Dongcheng sent the reluctant Victoria away, returned to his room and began to work on the script of The Matrix.

The Matrix is ​​a great movie, but it also has its own deficiencies. From the perspective of a later person, Zhang Dongcheng can easily find that he wants to use his own ideas to supplement these deficiencies. .

Zhang Dongcheng even had another idea. Among the future movies he knew, there was a movie that was similar to The Matrix in terms of plot and setting.

But the current special effects methods are unable to produce that kind of effect. This movie is "Inception". Shot in 2009 and released in 2010! Once released, it was widely acclaimed, with a double harvest at the box office and word of mouth. And in some ways, the two movies have a lot of similarities.

Both tell real and imaginary stories, the difference is that one is expressed in dreams, and the other is expressed in virtual worlds. At first glance, it may seem that there is a big difference, but when you think about it carefully, many of the bridges can complement each other.

Everything remains the same, whether it is a hacker or a dream thief, it is a world outside the world, with a completely different worldview.

But for all movie fans, the ideological nature of the film is one aspect, and the ones that really affect the box office can only be ordinary audiences who chew popcorn and call for friends, just for the movie that can give them the strongest sensory stimulation.

And The Matrix fully satisfied their ideas.

In the new version of The Matrix, Zhang Dongcheng has added more exciting action scenes and cool shots. The combination of Chinese martial arts and Western gun fighting techniques fully presents the 360-degree three-dimensional violent aesthetics peak, constructing the The super action scene that no one can imagine, in today's terms, is tyrannical and cool.

There is no need to mention the martial arts in The Matrix. Everyone knows that this movie once again brought Chinese Kung Fu to the fore. So, let's talk about the gunfighting technique that's new to The Matrix.

The earliest embryonic form of Gun Fighting should be from the comic "City Hunter". The name "Gun Fighting" is not named in the comics, but the use of guns by the protagonist Meng Bo in the comics is similar to the 2002 movie "Tearing Doom". "Peston is exactly the same, and he is also very chic.

The gun fighting technique first appeared in the 2002 movie "Tearing the Doom", and the developer was the priest and his regime in the movie. The first groups to use this technology were the priesthood, and the best person to use it was Peston, the ancestor of gun fighting.

What Zhang Dongcheng tailor-made for the new generation of saviors is the long-range gun fighting technique and the close-up Chinese Kung Fu. Any part can make the audience drool and enjoy watching it!

These pictures, which seem to be seen only after taking hallucinogens, appear word by word on the script. This movie will use unique and advanced aesthetics to let the audience truly understand that movies can also be so "cool", and even more so. Redefine what is called "cool" for movie fans.

Super blockbuster, superhero, that fearless cool!

revolutionary! Aesthetics of violence! Super imaginative visual experience, a complete world view and unforgettable characters, and now, the perfect film that can make the audience scream for it, The Matrix, is coming!

After fighting until the early hours of the morning, Zhang Dongcheng managed to finish one-fifth of the script. In desperation, he could only temporarily stop the work in hand, and fell into a deep sleep within a moment after returning to the bed.

In the early morning, Zhang Dongcheng was woken up by the loud ringing of his mobile phone.

After opening his eyes in a daze, Zhang Dongcheng reached for the phone, put it next to his ear and said, "Hello!"

"Mr. Smith!" Gibran's voice came from the phone.

Zhang Dongcheng suddenly became a little puzzled, why did Gibran call himself at this time? "Is it Gibran? Excuse me, are you calling because there is something wrong with the fund's plan?" This is what Zhang Dongcheng is most concerned about.

"No! No! No!" Gibran directly denied Zhang Dongcheng's worries, saying: "There is no problem, and I have successfully negotiated the cooperation with East West Bank. This time I am calling to inform you of the specific details. If If I disturbed your rest, I can only say that I am very sorry!"

"No! No!" Zhang Dongcheng shook his head and said, "I'm about to get up too. Gibran, please tell me the details!"

Gibran immediately began to tell Zhang Dongcheng how he cooperated with East West Bank.

After listening to his explanation, Zhang Dongcheng was pleasantly surprised. It was unbelievable that everything went smoothly, although the fund model had appeared long ago and had been allowed by law. But the short-term film investment fund created by Zhang Dongcheng is, after all, a variant product of a fund, barely considered a newborn product.

Whether this product can really be accepted by the public is still unknown, and it is right for the bank to hesitate, because it is related to the bank's reputation.

Gibran has basically negotiated all the details of the cooperation with East West Bank, but the rest of the matter is not up to him as a lawyer, and Zhang Dongcheng must personally come forward.

"Okay! Gibran, thank you so much. I will return to Los Angeles as soon as possible." Zhang Dongcheng promised.

After communicating with Gibran about the fund again, Zhang Dongcheng hung up the phone, stood up in a jerk, walked quickly to the table, and continued his work last night.

After being busy for more than an hour, Zhang Dongcheng finally couldn't stand his hunger, and ran to the kitchen to make breakfast.

In the next few days, except for the occasional date with Halliwell and Victoria, Zhang Dongcheng stayed at home for the rest of the time, constantly revising the script of the new Matrix. After his continuous improvement, this new Matrix has a very big difference in form and original version.

The core has not changed, what has changed is only more violent shots and crazy special effects arrangements.

And in the dates with Halliwell and Victoria, the two girls seemed to get better and better, and there was never a crash. No one had invited Zhang Dongcheng at the same time on the same day.

Time passed day by day.

On January 8, 1997, my cousin and aunt finally rushed back from China. It was also time for Zhang Dongcheng to leave.

Originally, he also planned to go back to China to have a look. Unfortunately, this period is the most critical period for Dongcheng Films. If he returns to China, the formalities alone will be enough to give him a headache. In desperation, Zhang Dongcheng had to give up temporarily.

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