Hollywood Lover

Chapter 157 This is unprecedented!

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"Okay, I'll make a purchase contract for you now." Yang Xiu smiled slightly. This was her tenth purchase contract today.

The same situation is happening in many branches of East West Bank. Both Americans and Chinese are attracted by this fund method and begin to try this new investment method.

And when the first movie, The Matrix, was fund-raised and filmed, they regretted it a year later.

"I'm sorry, why do I not trust Smith and Zhang so much, I should sell everything! 50% return!"

"Hurry up and find out, what kind of movie does Smith want to make, and how much money I have to buy this time!"

"I FUCK, and I was snatched away?!"

Well, let’s not mention the investors who couldn’t get the fund a year later and are dying of pain, let’s turn our attention back to the United States at this time.

Zhang Dongcheng no longer begged big capitalists and big film companies, he teamed up with the bank and began to integrate funds from small investors to create films by himself!

After the news came out, the entire Los Angeles was in an uproar. Especially in the entertainment industry, this news was like a depth bomb, causing huge waves.

This unprecedented way of raising funds is an eye-opener for everyone. It even made the headlines on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, a financial newspaper, the next day.

"Unprecedented film funds, what the future is, it is difficult to discern!"

"An astonishing news came out yesterday that Chinese-American director Smith Zhang, who directed The Mummy not long ago, rejected the olive branches of countless large companies and founded an independent film company by himself, but his first film adopted a A New Way of Fundraising!

It is not yet known how effective this short-term fund raising method will be, but it can be predicted that if this method is successful, it will definitely spread to all walks of life in a very short period of time.

We are no strangers to funds, but this kind of short-term investment fund is uniquely groundbreaking!

First of all, the threshold for this kind of film fund is extremely low! Most of the fund's operations require the investment of large sums of money, which undoubtedly closes the door to many ordinary people.

But the short-term film investment fund created by Smith Zhang has no such shortcomings. According to the film fund released by East West Bank, the minimum purchase price is one thousand dollars, which is affordable by almost any family.

Second, release redemption regularly. The film fund has its own operating cycle, from the start of filming to the end of the release, it only takes a few months at most a year. It can be redeemed automatically after maturity. This undoubtedly reduces the risk of investors and greatly shortens the time for their income.

As we all know, film is a lucrative industry. According to the ratio of investment income given by Smith, this is definitely a good way of fund operation.

Although after analysis, this kind of short-term fund does have many unique innovations; as for whether the operation mode of this kind of fund can be successful, it needs to be proved by facts! "

But not everyone can see the deep meaning of this aspect.

"Film fund, grandstanding!"

"As a profiteering film industry, while making money, the corresponding risks are also great! If the film fails miserably at the box office after its release, how will Director Smith repay the money of these investors?

oh! Never say he is rich. If he is really rich, why bother with this short-term investment fund trick to raise money? This kind of fundraising method with a legal cloak is too risky. It is recommended that ordinary people should not participate in it. Otherwise, it is likely to lose everything! "——Los Angeles media information!!

The two brothers, Gavin and Ander, have completely become Zhang Dongcheng's black fans. Being entangled in lawsuits, they are still trying their best to think of a way, aiming at Zhang Dongcheng almost without thinking!

Regardless of what these media say, some Americans who have seen the operation of investment funds have already begun to buy this fund. The return rate of the fund is a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 50%. In other words, if you invest 1,000 U.S. dollars, you can get 1,500 U.S. dollars when the movie is released!

Except for Cameron, a fine-tuned guy, and a few directors among commercial film directors, it is rare for a shooting to take several years. The vast majority are wrapped within a few months, produced within a year, and released in theaters.

The maximum investment period is one year, but you can get a 50% rate of return. This investment ratio far exceeds other investment methods of banks.

Compared with stocks that may lose their money, this fund model has the lowest guarantee and is very popular with conservative investors.

Although the establishment of East West Bank is not very long, it has a good reputation throughout California and even the United States. This is also one of the important reasons why some people start buying funds.

Zhang Dongcheng had long expected that the plan of the short-term film investment fund would cause disturbances, and Zhang Dongcheng did not feel any surprise about it. The current turmoil is not yet at its peak, and the real test has not yet come.

After a period of preparation, the framework of the crew has been prepared. The director and producer are naturally Zhang Dongcheng himself. The special effects supervisor was handed over to Burton. The martial arts instructor is a group of Yuan Jiaban who just joined recently. The photography team is in charge of old Jack. As for lighting engineers and the like, they have already arranged their own arrangements.

Now it's time for the official casting call.

It's a pity that more than half a month has passed, but there is still no news about Keanu Reeves. This guy seems to have disappeared from Hollywood. This made Zhang Dongcheng a little dizzy!

Is it really necessary to change people?

Really unwilling Zhang Dongcheng decided, if he can't be found again. Then simply came a large-scale audition. Some second-tier male stars in Hollywood were invited. Pick one by one, hoping to find a guy who can replace Keanu Reeves.

"Hey! Smith, you asked me to find Hugo Weaving. I have already found him. He just doesn't have any schedule right now. But this guy doesn't have much fame, his box office appeal is mediocre, and his acting skills don't seem to be very good. Are you sure you really want him to play the most handsome Agent Smith?" Adaman refuted Zhang Dongcheng's decision to choose Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith from three aspects.

"Really?" Zhang Dongcheng stood up from the chair in surprise, put down the documents in his hand, and said, "Have you contacted him yet?"

"Of course!" Adaman went to the water dispenser to get a glass of water, and said, "I told him to come over for an audition this afternoon! That guy is going crazy with joy! I really don't know why you've taken a fancy to him. A little. Oh! I think I am much stronger than him!"

Seeing Adaman's narcissistic look, Zhang Dongcheng didn't care about him. I continued to think about other roles in my mind. In the film The Matrix, there are not many important characters. In addition to the hero and heroine, Murphys and Agent Smith, and Cypher the Betrayer. All the rest can be replaced.

Even the heroine, Zhang Dongcheng also has the idea of ​​replacing her, because Carrie Anne Moss, a Canadian actress, only participated in the filming of her film debut "Sabotage" last year. In terms of acting skills, Zhang Dongcheng really can't rest assured.

As for Murphys, if possible, it is best to find Lawrence Fishburne to play. In The Matrix, this guy played Morpheus absolutely brilliantly, leaving a deep impression on people.

Agent Smith's role, if nothing else, should be Hugo Weaving.

Within a few hours, Hugo Weiwen appeared in front of Zhang Dongcheng.

Compared with the cold Agent Smith in the movie, Hugo Weaving in reality gives people a kind, amiable, and loving feeling. He is a very sunny person, without the slightest gloomy temperament.

"Hello! Mr. Hugo! I'm Smith, the chief director of The Matrix!" Finally, an actor in his mind appeared, and Zhang Dongcheng shook hands with Hugo Weaving with some joy.

"Hi Director Smith!" Hugo Weaving said with a bright smile, "I was invited by Mr. Adaman to audition!"

Just from his explanation, it can be seen that although he looks very relaxed, in fact he is still a little nervous.

This performance made Zhang Dongcheng's eyes shine. The most important thing for an actor is to be able to sway freely. Hugo Weaving can show such a relaxed demeanor in a tense state of mind. Obviously his acting skills are very good. So all that's left is to see if he can pull off Agent Smith.

"Well, I know. Mr. Hugo, don't be nervous!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled and waved his hands. Then his expression gradually became serious, and he said, "Can you act out as a guy who is cold and has no human feelings?"

"Cold? No human feelings?" After Hugo Weaving closed his eyes for a moment, he quickly opened them again, and said awkwardly: "Director Smith, let me ask, is it the T-800 played by Mr. Arnold?" What type?"

Zhang Dongcheng's eyes lit up, and the Mr. Arnold that Hugo Weaving was talking about was Arnold Schwarzenegger. As for the T-800, it is Cameron's famous work, the robot in the Terminator.

In some respects, Agent Smith in The Matrix is ​​indeed quite different from a robot like T-800. But the difference is that there is an extra wave of evil in Agent Smith.

"Yes! You can refer to Mr. Arnold's performance, but I hope that in the process of showing coldness and ruthlessness, I try to show myself a kind of evil! It's like an evil robot agent, do you understand? Hugo Sir!" Zhang Dongcheng described Hugo again after affirming Hugo's description.

"Okay!" Hugo Weaving nodded vigorously, took a deep breath, and said, "I think I need to brew it!"

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