Hollywood Lover

Chapter 170 Five Nominations

After pondering for about five minutes, Keanu Reeves finally stood up and said, "Director Smith, I think I can do it!"

Hearing the words, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't wait to give orders, saying: "OK! Keanu, I believe in you, you can do it! Then everyone get ready. Continue to shoot this group of shots."

Following Zhang Dongcheng's order. This group of shots started the ninth reshoot.

Keanu Reeves lay down on the mechanical-style seat again. Here, Zhang Dongcheng replaced the chair with a semi-circular armchair design. After all, there is a cable plugged into the back of the head. You can shake your neck casually, and your mind might be mixed into a pot of porridge.

His redesigned seat has several mechanical rotating devices, which can ensure that when a person sits on it, all movements are completed synchronously with the chair, which improves the technical content of several grades.

Michelle Yeoh and Andy returned to Keanu Reeves' side.

Everything was ready, Zhang Dongcheng sat on the director's chair, stared at the position of the armchair with a strong sci-fi style, and said loudly: "Action!"

Neo, played by Keanu, suddenly opened his eyes on the seat, and he was panting violently. His eyes widened in horror. The eyes are full of complex emotions of doubt, fear, shock and eager to escape.

Trinity, played by Michelle Yeoh, put her hand on Neo's head, and said softly, "Neo, calm down!"

Neo's mood seemed abnormally irritable, waving his hands constantly and struggling, trying to get rid of the shackles of the tank played by Trinity and Andy. He urged impatiently, "Get rid of this thing!"

At Neo's urging, Trinity and Tank had to untie the chair for him.

Neo waved his hands indiscriminately, and said in disgust: "Don't touch me! Go away! Stay away from me!" While talking, he staggered backwards. His figure was shaking, as if he was drunk. There is almost crazy despair in the eyes.

Seeing Neo's eyes, Zhang Dongcheng's eyes lit up. His eyes turned slightly white, that lunatic-like denial of everything, it really brought Neo to life!

For a split second, the crew felt as if Keanu Reeves was really a person who had been living in an illusory world, and had just realized that everything he had experienced was false. The strong desire to wish to become a lunatic, or to say that everything is a dream, makes people fall in love with it!

Neo's body was shaking, leaning forward, waving his hands indiscriminately. Like a wounded beast, staring at Morpheus, Trinity, Tank and others in front of him.

"I don't believe you, I don't believe you! I don't believe it!" Neo kept muttering, and it took him a long time to vent all the strength in his body, and his body suddenly knelt down.

Cypher shook his head and said to Morpheus with regret, "He's going to go crazy!"

Morpheus, who got out of the mechanical armchair in an emergency, rushed over quickly, as if in order not to irritate Neo, he squatted halfway, and said softly: "Take a deep breath! Neo! Take a deep breath!"

At the end, Morpheus's tone also carried a helpless tone.

Neo's body twitched slightly, lying on the floor with a very strong sci-fi style, and vomited with his mouth open.

Immediately passed out.

"What's going on?" Zhang Dongcheng stood up abruptly, it seemed that during the period of vomiting, Neo needed to have something in his mouth first, right? Could it be that he really vomited?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Dongcheng walked quickly towards Keanu Reeves while shouting CUT. "Keanu, are you okay?"

Keanu slowly got up from the ground, his body was still shaking, as if his strength had been drained by the explosion of his acting skills just now. He waved his hand and said, "OK. I'm fine, thank you, Smith! Is this over?"

Seeing the tiredness on Keanu's face, Zhang Dongcheng was inexplicably moved. Movies can only be shot by these people's unremitting efforts, even at the risk of taking risks.

"Of course!" Zhang Dongcheng nodded vigorously, gave Keanu a thumbs up, and said, "Keanu, this is what you did just now! It's great!"

When people's emotions fluctuate violently, they will indeed produce a series of physical reactions, such as dizziness, nausea, and even vomiting!

Neo is just too involved in the drama now, and his mood fluctuates too much. So much so that I really vomited myself out.

After this group of shots that tested the most acting skills, the rest of the shots in the spaceship, whether it was acting or others, were not too difficult. Near the end of February, the shots in the spacecraft were completely done.

All that's left is to make up some backup shots, and then we'll be able to shift positions.

When Zhang Dongcheng was busy directing the crew members to make up shots, Adaman suddenly walked over with a mobile phone. There was a surprised expression on his face, his mouth was slightly open, and the white teeth in his mouth were shining.

"Hey! Adaman, did you find the money? Are you so happy?" Because the shooting mission went well, Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman were in a good mood and joked.

"Oh! Of course not!" Adaman shook his head, smiled mysteriously, shook the mobile phone in his hand, and then handed the phone to Zhang Dongcheng and said, "Smith, answer the phone first. I think you will soon Know why I'm so happy. Mind you, this call is from Mr. Carl from Universal Pictures!"

"Mr. Carl?" Zhang Dongcheng thought hard for a moment, but he couldn't figure out what Carl was looking for at this time.

After answering the phone, putting it to his ear, Zhang Dongcheng said to the microphone, "Mr. Carl, how are you? Can you call me for anything?"

"Oh! Smith, my genius director, congratulations!" Carl said, making Zhang Dongcheng even more confused. But what Karl said next made Zhang Dongcheng understand why Adaman was so happy, and why Karl congratulated himself as soon as he spoke.

"Smith, our mummy has been nominated for five Oscars in the 69th session. As the director of the crew and the screenwriter of the script, you have two nominations. Isn't this something to be happy about?"

"What?" Zhang Dongcheng was pleasantly surprised. For him, being nominated by Aosta is definitely an encouragement. Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Zhang Dongcheng asked: "Mr. Carl, besides my two nominations for director and screenwriter, what are the other three nominations?"

"Oh, in addition to your personal nomination, we also have three nominations for Best Supporting Actor, Best Visual Effects, and Best Costume Design!" Carlton paused, and continued: "I have already received the Oscar invitation Someone sent it to your Dongcheng Film Industry, because I know you are busy shooting a new movie, I was worried that you would delay your participation in the Oscar ceremony, so I called you specially, I hope I didn't disturb the shooting of your new movie! "

"Of course not!" After a while of buffering, Zhang Dongcheng's excited mood gradually calmed down.

After exchanging pleasantries with Carl, Zhang Dongcheng hung up the phone. The excitement over The Mummy's Oscar nomination quickly faded a lot too.

Because he knew very well that a purely commercial film like The Mummy would not be favored by the academy. The reason why there are as many as five nominations for the movie The Mummy is probably because the Mummy incident last year was too sensational.

Of course, the Oscars are not as fair and just as people imagine, and the winning films are also inseparable from the company's public relations.

And not only that, factors such as politics and personal preferences will also lead to jaw-dropping results in the attribution of Oscars.

For example, the person who is the least likely to win the prize wins the statuette instead. This has happened more than once!

"Hey! Smith! Are you okay?" Adama was a little confused. So, obviously being nominated for an Oscar is a very happy thing, but why Smith became indifferent right away besides being excited at the beginning ?

"What do you mean, of course I'm fine, and very fine!" Zhang Dongcheng shrugged and said, "Adaman, I think you must be wondering why I don't look so happy, right?"

"Yes! You guessed my idea!" Adaman asked curiously: "Smith, aren't you happy to be nominated for an Oscar?"

"NO!" Zhang Dongcheng shook his head, with a calm expression on his face, and said, "Of course I'm very happy to get the Oscar statuette. But now it's just a nomination, and I know very well that the mummy has no Not to mention the background, among these nominated awards, perhaps the only ones that have an advantage are the two best visual effects and best costume design! Don't hold out too much hope for the others, otherwise, the more you hope, the better! The greater the disappointment, the greater it will be!"

"Oh! Smith, this doesn't sound like what you should say!" Adaman shook his head in disapproval. He said enthusiastically, "We should have confidence in our films, shouldn't we?"

"Okay!" Zhang Dongcheng said indifferently: "You can do whatever you want. I have to finish shooting the shots in the cabin that need to be supplemented." Speaking of this, Zhang Dongcheng suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, Ada Man, have you arranged the house where the Prophet scene was filmed?"

After filming the scene in the cabin, Zhang Dongcheng arranged for the scene of the prophet, and it will be Mrs. Liang's turn to appear!

"I have already found it, and I have negotiated with the other party! There is an old house built in 1988, and many compartments have been opened up. It is used as an orphanage under the Christian Church! Some of the children in it can also be used as ours. Extras! It can save a lot of expenses!" Adaman seemed to be very happy to have some money left.

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