Hollywood Lover

Chapter 172 The Prophet

The short shot is complete after Neo and Morpheus walk towards the room.

The photographer and gaffer disassembled the equipment, came to the room and rearranged it. The next step is to start shooting from an indoor perspective!

Miss Dilia closed the door, and said to Morpheus played by Jason with ease, "Morpheus, please sit down wherever you want." After asking Morpheus, Miss Dilia turned her head and said to Neo: " You come with me!"

When Neo followed Ms. Delia to the room, it was the turn of the children from the orphanage to make cameo appearances.

Under Miss Dilia's explanation, these children seemed to cooperate very well. Do the actions that have been arranged earlier.

Miss Dilia introduced: "These are all candidates! You wait here!"

As soon as the words fell, Miss Dilia turned and left.

Neo glanced around the room and found many strange things. For example, a little boy who was reading an obscure Sanskrit book at a young age.

A little girl with brilliant blond hair who is playing chess.

What shocked him the most was undoubtedly the two girls sitting on the ground playing Rubik's Cube. In the hands of the little girl, these Rubik's Cubes were actually floating in the air. It's like breaking free from gravity.

This shot is actually very simple to shoot. You only need to hang the Rubik's Cube on a thin steel wire to show it. There is absolutely no need for post-production special effects processing, and the shooting can be quite perfect.

The only thing that needs special treatment in this part of the meeting with the prophet is the scene where Abel bends the spoon.

In the camera, Abel is sitting cross-legged on the ground. After applying makeup, his pale and bloodless face is a little rosy. In front of him were several distorted soup spoons.

He also held a brand new metal spoon in his hand, and placed it in front of him. After waiting for a while, Abel handed the spoon to Neo.

In the later special effects processing, the spoon in Abel's hand will become like noodles, which can be twisted at will and eventually return to its original shape. ,

There was a horrified expression on Neo's face, and of course this horrified was limited. He stared at the spoon with suspicious eyes, walked over and squatted down, and took the spoon from Abel's hand.

With both hands constantly stroking the technical spoon, Neo seems to be checking whether the spoon is real or not! Could it be a magic prop.

In the opposite scene with Neo, Abel's performance is quite brilliant.

"The spoon doesn't exist?" Neo showed a skeptical expression, he was holding a spoon in his hand, how could he treat it as if it didn't exist?

Abel said: "It is not the spoon that changes, but yourself!"

Hearing this, Neo showed a look of sudden realization, held the spoon upright in front of his eyes, fixed his eyes on the spoon, and slowly began to tilt his head.

Naturally, this section also needs to be processed in post-processing, creating a scene where the spoon bends with Neo's movements.

The camera gives Abel a close-up. Immediately, she turned to the side suddenly, and Miss Delia bent over and appeared in front of Neo, saying, "The prophet wants to see you!"

Neo turned his head again, glanced at the spoon, and returned it to Abel.

"CUT!" Zhang Dongcheng was in high spirits, and Abel's current performance was even more exciting than the play with Neo just now. Of course, his acting skills are limited due to his age. But among the child stars, it definitely belongs to the brilliant level!

"Abel, you did a great job!" Zhang Dongcheng praised Abel without hesitation.

"Really?" Abel looked at Zhang Dongcheng happily, but he still sat cross-legged on the ground without getting up, and asked, "Uncle Smith, is my performance really good?"

Zhang Dongcheng nodded vigorously, and said: "Yes! Abel, your performance is really great! It's simply amazing!" Zhang Dongcheng raised his thumb and gestured to Abel.

Seeing Zhang Dongcheng's actions and hearing his previous words, Abel finally showed a comfortable smile.

After this episode, it is the role of the prophet. In Zhang Dongcheng's opinion, the original version of the Prophet is too deliberate and far-fetched to show the Prophet's detached feeling!

This deliberate approach did not highlight the characteristics of the prophet.

In Zhang Dongcheng's vision, for the performance of the prophet, it is not enough to only test the vase!

In order to show the prophet's ability to see the future, Jang Dongcheng imitated the method in the 2007 film "Future Sight" starring Nicolas Cage.

It perfectly expresses the matter of the prophet seeing the vase. Of course, regarding the scene where the prophet sees Neo's future, because it involves spoilers, Zhang Dongcheng simply arranges it into a messy, irregular, and constantly flashing scene.

With this shooting method, the scene of the broken vase had to be shot twice. One is the picture seen in the prophecy, and the other is the real picture broken by Neo. During the shoot, that means breaking two vases!

The first thing to shoot is naturally the prophecy of the prophet.

"It smells good, right?" Mrs. Liang, dressed in home clothes, began to take out the baked biscuits with thick gloves, and said to Neo, "I won't invite you to sit down! Anyway, you won't Sit down! Do you want a piece?"

Mrs. Liang raised the tray in her hand and handed it to Neo.

Neo shook his head and waved his hands to refuse, but the vase beside him was just rubbed by his sleeve, and then fell to the ground and was smashed to pieces.

"Oh! Sorry!" Neo bent down hurriedly, trying to pick up the fragments of the vase.

"CUT! OK! This period is over!" Zhang Dongcheng was very satisfied with Mrs. Liang's performance. She is indeed a talented person, but it is a pity that she missed the most critical period of her youth.

"Let's shoot the second set!" Under Zhang Dongcheng's command, the crew soon cleaned the ground and replaced it with a new, identical vase.

"I won't invite you to sit down, you don't know how to sit anyway!" Mrs. Liang took out the biscuit again, and everything seemed to be repeated.

While placing the tray on the cabinet, Mrs. Liang said without turning her head: "It's okay about the vase!"

"What vase?" Neo was a little dazed by Mrs. Liang's words, folded his hands on his chest, subconsciously made a weak movement, and rubbed his arm lightly on the vase. The vase falls again.

It fell to pieces with a bang.

"That vase!" Mrs. Liang turned around and said, taking off her gloves.

Neo was very apologetic, looking at the broken vase that was useless even if he picked it up, he apologized, "I'm sorry!"

"I said it's okay!" With a gentle smile, Mrs. Liang put the gloves in the corner and untied the tie of the apron behind her. "I'll tell those kids to fix it!"

Neo seemed to have finally realized something, looked at Mrs. Liang in shock and confusion, and asked solemnly, "How do you know?!"

Mrs. Liang took out a box of matches, held a cigarette between her fingers, struck the match, and said, "The thing that confuses you even more is..."

The match ignited with a snort, and Mrs. Liang pointed to Neo with the burning match, and said, "Didn't I tell you that you would break the vase?" After asking, Mrs. Liang lit a cigarette and took a slow puff.

Neo was stunned by his words.

Throwing down the match, Mrs. Liang came over with a cigarette in her mouth with a teasing smile, and teased, "You are more handsome than I imagined! No wonder she likes you!"

Arms crossed his chest, Neo frowned slightly, and asked puzzledly, "Who?"

Mrs. Liang said regretfully, "You're not very smart!" As she spoke, she took another drag on her cigarette.

After some exchanges, Mrs. Liang came to Neo, took his hands, and began to read his palm. While looking at it, he said, "Now I should say, it's interesting, but... you have to ask back."

"But what?" Neo said with an unusually solemn expression.

"You already knew what I was going to say." Mrs. Liang looked at Neo with wise eyes, and her expression gradually became serious. The feeling of laughing and scolding just now was gone.

Neo shook his head, "I'm not the savior!"

Mrs. Liang let go of his hand and said, "Boy, I'm sorry! You have great potential! But what are you waiting for?"

After learning the vague information about the future from Mrs. Liang, Neo took a biscuit that Mrs. Liang had just cooked herself.

"CUT!" Zhang Dongcheng stood up.

Mrs. Liang, who had been showing ease just now, immediately became a little nervous when she heard Zhang Dongcheng call out. Nervously asked Zhang Dongcheng: "I... Is my performance okay??"

"Of course!" Of course Zhang Dongcheng would not joke around with someone as old as Mrs. Liang. You must know that Mrs. Liang is now forty years old! If your own jokes are not good, it is likely to dampen her enthusiasm. What she needs right now is pure encouragement!

"Your performance is simply amazing! Really!" Zhang Dongcheng and Mrs. Liang looked at each other, as if to prove that what they said was absolutely true.

While Mrs. Liang breathed a sigh of relief, she finally let go of her worries.

After re-watching the shots taken just now, Zhang Dongcheng found that with regard to Mrs. Liang's shots, all the short shots went very smoothly, and the only troublesome thing was the long shots. It was always her first time as a novice, and her performance in some aspects was still not in place.

But these are small flaws, just re-shoot it again.

Four days have passed since I finished my part in the Prophet. Before leaving the orphanage, Zhang Dongcheng privately sent a check for $50,000 to Miss Dilia. In addition to the cost of renting the orphanage, the rest should be regarded as improving the lives of these children, right?

As for Abel, Zhang Dongcheng sent him to the hospital, although all this was useless. But at least it can prolong the life of this little guy for a period of time, so that he can experience the beauty of life more!

After leaving the orphanage, Jang Dong-seong started intense filming again.

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