Hollywood Lover

Chapter 188 The Waterfall of Bullet Cases

Yuan Heping has been famous for a long time and has participated in the shooting of many movies, among which there are many overhead shots. With his and Jack's guidance, Zhang Dongcheng saved a lot of effort under the helicopter lens. As long as there are no accidents, the best effect should be achieved once.

"Smith, you don't really plan to work so hard for a month, do you? Your body won't be able to handle it!" Ever since she finished filming her own scene, Patricia has almost become Jang Dong-seong's personal secretary. Taking care of his daily life in the crew.

At this moment, while talking, Patricia came to Zhang Dongcheng's side and brought him a cup of hot coffee with a fragrant fragrance.

"Thank you!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled at Patricia, his eyes quickly turned back to the record sheet, and he said absent-mindedly: "It's only a month. It doesn't matter. Have you forgotten that when we were filming the mummy? , but persisted in the Sahara Desert for a long time! It was much harder then than now!"

When it came to the shooting of the mummy, Patricia seemed to recall something interesting, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised a nice arc, but soon, her expression became confused. "Smith, do you really value the movie Titanic so much?"

Zhang Dongcheng said without looking back: "Yes, no one knows the lethality of this movie better than me. Any movie that hits the same schedule as it will be a tragedy! That's why I want to speed up the production of The Matrix reason!"

It's no wonder that Patricia came to ask again, mainly because Zhang Dongcheng's emphasis on the Titanic completely exceeded their cognition. Confident Zhang Dongcheng dared to rush forward in the face of any difficulties, but this time he chose to retreat which was not very wise in their opinion.

Shrugging, Patricia said: "Alright then! If you need any help from me, just ask!"

"Well, I see!" Zhang Dongcheng replied casually, and once again immersed his attention in the movie.

after lunch. After a short rest, everyone finally started to shoot the helicopter shots.

After setting up a series of equipment such as cameras, reflectors, and rail cars in the room, Hugo Weaving and others also entered the state.

After all the preparatory work was done, a question with a faint noise came from the intercom next to Zhang Dongcheng. "The helicopter has reached the predetermined position and is ready to land at any time!"

"OK! Get ready!" Zhang Dongcheng held the walkie-talkie in one hand, and his eyes fell on the monitor beside him. "Action!"

The fire sprinkler system was beading.

In the shot, the door opens, and the computer man who was shot in the head by Trinity just now pushes open the door and walks in.

Immediately afterwards, the loud sound of the helicopter propeller came over.

The camera switches, and the picture advances directly above Morpheus's head. Through the hazy window, a helicopter is slowly landing.

Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, with his legs slightly spread apart, stands firmly at the hatch door, holding a six-barreled Gatling heavy machine gun in his hand!

After Agent Smith saw the weapon in Neo's hand on the helicopter, the expression on his face became more ferocious, with a touch of astonishment in his tone, he said, "No way!"

The camera then pans a close-up of Neo's hands as he jerks the trigger.

The glass that the blasting team had arranged for a long time ago burst open, and countless glass shards were flying! Water splashed everywhere on the ground.

Agent Smith and the three computer men started to fight back with pistols without fear.

It's a pity that a single-shot weapon like a pistol is absolutely powerless or even hopeless in the face of a six-barreled Gatling heavy machine gun.

Everything in the room, in front of the terrifying weapon of the six-barreled Gatling heavy machine gun, was easily torn apart like pieces of paper. The tables and chairs were smashed to pieces; the glass full of bullet holes finally fell with a clatter.

Boom boom boom boom!

The golden shells jumped like dancing, screaming and gushing out of the barrel, forming a spectacular scene like a golden waterfall, which was captured by the high-speed camera.

Falling down like raindrops, like death dancing, like a freeze that takes life away...

Among the three computer men, two of them were quickly shot and fell to the ground. The only remaining Agent Smith walked towards the window while pulling the trigger, trying to shoot Neo on the spot. There is no fear of death at all.

In the setting of The Matrix, these computer people are almost immortal, even if they are shot, they can change their bodies instantly.

Subsequently, Agent Smith was also shot and fell into the pool of water.

The camera switched to the camera under the helicopter again. Countless bullet casings fell down like raindrops. That kind of poignant and beautiful picture made Zhang Dongcheng's body stiffen while sitting on the chair.

The cost of this picture is very high. If there is an accident this time, making it impossible to pass, then it will take a few days just to re-set the scene.

For Zhang Dongcheng, who is now anxious to complete the production of The Matrix, this is obviously not an acceptable thing.

In the process of switching shots, a setter replaced Agent Smith's position, his body twitched twice and then became silent. Special effects are also needed to improve in the later stage.

Although the six-barreled Gatling heavy machine gun is powerful, the bullets are not unlimited. Soon, when the bullets run out. Neo stopped what he was doing.

At this time, the camera also took the opportunity to take a few shots of Trinity played by Michelle Yeoh flying the helicopter. A second helicopter also came in handy afterward.

It took three full days to shoot this helicopter scene before it was finally declared complete.

Next, the crew came to an old subway station to film the confrontation between Neo and Agent Smith. The previous bullet time shots have been done indoors and are now being post-processed. What is filmed at the moment is the fighting scene between the two sides.

In this paragraph, Zhang Dongcheng and Yuan Heping really wasted a lot of brain cells.

In their design, there are four categories of gun fighting techniques. Quick Spear Doushu, Doushu α, Doushu β, Doushu γ.

Each category has its own characteristics. In this paragraph, the focus is on Doushu β.

The characteristic of this kind of gun fighting technique is weird, especially in the close combat, it will suddenly fire cold guns in the constant confrontation. The gun is hidden on the body, and it is completely impossible to find where the gun is hidden when the gun is not fired. The pistol appeared and disappeared, sometimes appeared in the left hand, sometimes appeared in the right hand, and sometimes slipped into the sleeve and disappeared.

It feels like the description of flying knives in Gu Long's novel "The Prodigal Son in the Border Town". In the sky and on the earth, no one knows where his throwing knife is, and no one knows how it came out. Before the knife is shot, no one can imagine its speed and power.

In this picture, as long as the throwing knife is replaced with a pistol, it is its full interpretation!

But The Matrix is ​​not a movie dedicated to gun fighting. The screen of the Gun Fighting Technique only lasted about twenty seconds.

It took about five days for this fight scene to be completely done.

The subsequent street chase scene was much more troublesome, and it took almost a week to complete.

Time passed slowly, the afternoon of July 13th.

In an abandoned building, Neo flexed his muscles, closed his eyes and let out a long breath, then suddenly opened his eyes.

The two computer men looked at each other and fled quickly to the sides.

"Cut!" Zhang Dongcheng stood up excitedly, this is the last scene of The Matrix. The end of this shot also means that all the filming tasks of The Matrix have been completed. "Very good! I announce that the Matrix is ​​finished!"

After all, The Matrix is ​​a sci-fi movie, and the filming is completed, but it doesn't mean everything will be fine. There are too many special effects shots, and in the remaining months, Zhang Dongcheng and Burton's tasks are still very heavy.

And at the same time of the post-production, we also need to contact the theaters to prepare for the release, and at the same time do the final publicity.

"It's finally over!" Adaman's eye circles were slightly swollen, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot. During this period of time, he didn't get enough rest at all.

Not only Adaman, but other people are similar, even the starring Keanu Reeves, Jason Statham and Michelle Yeoh also look tired.

Yuan Heping and Jack, who were slightly older, were about to collapse. Even so, everyone never shouted tired.

In the last few days, according to Zhang Dongcheng's instructions, everyone rushed to work as fast as they could. Basically, 24 hours a day, 16 hours were in the state of filming. The remaining eight hours are not just sleep time, but meals and a series of personal chores are also included.

Now that The Matrix is ​​finally finished, these people can't wait to climb into bed and get a good night's sleep.

"Everyone, take a good rest tonight. We will hold a wrap-up banquet at noon tomorrow. Pack your things tomorrow night and prepare to return to the United States the day after tomorrow!" Zhang Dongcheng told the crew to pack their equipment.

At the same time, Adaman also delivered several coats to three actors, Keanu Reeves and Hugo Weaving.

It is winter in Australia right now, and the weather is very cold. For the shot just now, they were wearing very thin clothes.

Keanu Reeves only had one piece of thermal underwear, while the three of Hugo Weaving were slightly better. In addition to a close-fitting thermal underwear, they were also covered with a suit and shirt.

After the crew disbanded, everyone didn't have the mind to wander around Australia. They went back to the hotel where the crew was staying, went directly to the bed to replenish their sleep, and began to recover the energy they had spent these days.

The next day, the wrap-up banquet was held in a hotel in Sydney.

The wrap-up banquet is equivalent to the break-up meal for the crew. After this meal, everyone will be separated for a while, and they will only get together for a short time until the publicity before the movie is released. After that, they went their separate ways completely.

During the dinner, Keanu Reeves came to Zhang Dongcheng's side, toasted him a glass of wine, and said, "Director Smith, when will the second part of this movie be shot?"

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