Hollywood Lover

Chapter 195 New Method

It's a pity that although he knew that Harry Potter would be popular from the TV, he couldn't find the reason for it. He could only think about it by himself.

He didn't think of a practical way until he returned to his uncle's house.

After parking the car in the garage, Zhang Dongcheng had just walked into the garden when he saw JK Rowling next door staring at him with piercing eyes. He opened his mouth and asked, "Mr. Smith, how is the sales of Harry Potter?"

Zhang Dongcheng shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, but the results of this book are not satisfactory at present. So far, it has only sold more than 3,000 copies in the UK!"

Unlike Zhang Dongcheng's expected disappointment, J.K. Rowling showed a look of joy instead. Still the same sentence, Zhang Dongcheng, who knows the future, has too high expectations for Harry Potter!

"Miss Rowling, I think we have to find a way to make Harry Potter a fad as soon as possible!" Zhang Dongcheng said distressedly.

"This..." J.K. Rowling showed a somewhat troubled look. After a moment of contemplation, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and suggested, "I think we might start with the school!"

"School?" Zhang Dongcheng was a little dazed, unable to figure out that Harry Potter had a relationship with the school. Asked in surprise: "How to start with school?"

"It is not unreasonable for Harry Potter to be classified into the category of children's books, because I have analyzed that Harry Potter is facing teenagers, that is, children aged 1 to 20. Children in this period, With a wide range of interests, a strong thirst for knowledge, extremely rich imagination and creative ability, the flying broom, invisibility cloak and other incredible things and magic in the magical world have a natural attraction for them like a magnet. As long as they can fall in love with Ha Li Porter, then the success of this book will not be difficult!" J.K. Rowling analyzed logically.

Zhang Dongcheng nodded in agreement. Yes, J.K. Rowling has a point. But even though he knew this, Zhang Dongcheng still couldn't figure out what this had to do with the school. "Miss Rowling, although what you said is very reasonable, what does it have to do with the school? Can we still buy the school in London and let them advertise for us?"

"No!" J.K. Rowling shook her head and said, "Children in this period are more rebellious. It's not good to let the school advertise! We can donate a few books to the libraries of various primary and secondary schools. In this way First, I believe it will gradually spread the reputation of Harry Potter. Although the speed may not be very fast, this is already the best way I can think of!"

What J.K. Rowling said is very reasonable. Although this method still cannot quickly make Harry Potter popular according to Zhang Dongcheng's mind, it is still much better than it is now.

If it is a movie that is being promoted now, there are ten thousand ways to do it in Dongcheng, but if it falls on books, then he will be blinded, and he can only try according to J.K. Rowling's method.

"Okay! I'll contact Mr. Eliard and ask him to send us 5,000 copies of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". Let's try sending 50 copies to each school!" Zhang Dongcheng accepted J After K. Rowling's proposal, he called Eliade soon.

In the afternoon, Zhang Dongcheng found Adaman, and together with J. K. Rowling, went around the primary and secondary schools in London and donated 50 books to the library of each school. When the book spreads among children of this age, everything falls into place.

After a whole afternoon, after finally finishing this matter. At around nine o'clock in the evening, feeling worried about the post-production of The Matrix, Zhang Dongcheng called Burton to inquire about the current situation of the film production.

"Burton! I'm calling you now, so I won't bother you?" After the call was connected, Zhang Dongcheng leaned on the sofa and asked Burton.

"Of course. Smith, what's the matter with you?" Burton's voice was a little tired, but his spirit seemed to be very uplifting.

"How's the post-production special effects going?" Zhang Dongcheng asked straight to the point.

"It went well. Although there were some troubles in the middle, relatively speaking, the solution was smooth. Besides, if you really run into trouble, can't I still call you? But I think you'd better come back as soon as possible!" Burton complained on the phone.

"OK! I will stay in the UK for about ten days, and I will go back when the problems here are resolved!" Zhang Dongcheng was really relieved to hear that everything went well. Before leaving the United States, Zhang Dongcheng The shots that need to be repaired by special effects are specially edited in detail. Record the effects I need in the form of words, and at the same time, Burton has worked so hard to complete the special effects, but the final effect is not what I want.

"Okay! Do you have anything else to do? If not, just hang up. I'm getting ready for lunch, and I'll be busy in the afternoon!"

Hearing Burton's impatient tone, Zhang Dongcheng could only smile wryly. There is a full eight-hour time difference between London, England, and Los Angeles, USA.

That is, it is one o'clock at noon in the United States, but it is already nine o'clock in the evening in London.

"OK! Goodbye then!"

For several days in a row, Harry Potter's sales have not improved. After this situation lasted for about a week or so, it finally changed.

The first positive news about Harry Potter was the Daily Mail, which almost became Zhang Dongcheng's deadly enemy.

"Harry Potter, a classic not to be missed!"

"A few days ago, director Smith Chang held a press conference at Hammer Films that was almost farcical. The reporter was thinking, oh my God, Smith is crazy. But in fact, Smith is not crazy and he is more than Everyone is smart.

Harry Potter, it's a very common boy's name, but just such a common name kept me up almost all night last night. The cause of the incident is very simple. My little nephew is now fourteen years old. He borrowed a novel called "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" from the school library yesterday.

When I saw the title of the book, I couldn’t help but think, oh, isn’t this the book that Smith had a slapstick launch event for? How come here. With curious thoughts, I opened this book, and finally I fell!

You can't imagine that this is a novel full of childishness and connotation. In a magical world, there are incredible things such as flying brooms and invisibility cloaks; there are all kinds of amazing magic, which has a natural attraction like a magnet for me.

Facts have proved that Smith does have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering, and he discovered a wonderful book. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is a classic novel that you should not miss.

If you are an adult, take a look at it, it will let you discover your childlike "back garden".

If you are underage, then you can't miss it, because this book can give you a sense of control, enjoy absolute freedom, and transcend the ordinary and restraint of reality.

In short, although Harry Potter is classified as a children's book, in my opinion, this is a novel suitable for all ages! It is a classic novel! Thanks to Smith, without whom perhaps I would have missed such a fascinating novel! "—"Daily Mail" Special Correspondent Anonymous.

This article published by an unknown author has already been published, and it immediately ushered in many ridicules.

"Oh! Look at Smith choosing such a botch of advertising. Does he think Harry Potter is the Bible? No one will be fooled, yes! No one!" - The Times

"The only children's books that can be called suitable for young and old are Edison and the Brothers Grimm. Does Smith think that this JK Rowling can be compared with these masters? Although Smith has an unmatched talent in movies, But what we want to tell him is that movies and books are two different artistic approaches. As a director, Smith, you should go make movies. Books are not for you!" - "News of the World"

"A director! An author who has never been heard of before, and the end result can only be a hilarious farce. I hope Smith will get back on the right track as soon as possible. His way lies in movies!" - "Sunday Express"

After countless newspapers reported on the Daily Mail, they completely exploded. Countless mocking or persuasive comments flooded in, but these reports all have one thing in common, that is, they are all not optimistic about the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

But Zhang Dongcheng smiled knowingly after seeing such a situation. This article in the Daily Mail was written by him. That's right, the culprit of all this is Zhang Dongcheng.

After thinking about it for several days, he still couldn't find a way to promote Harry Potter. In desperation, Zhang Dongcheng could only follow the example of the gourd, and put the movie promotion in Harry Potter special publicity.

Facts have proved that Zhang Dongcheng's approach is correct. Controversy is king of propaganda.

A certain noble high school in England.

After the school bell rang, many students left their seats, packed their schoolbags and prepared to leave the school.

One of the boys was still sitting on the seat with his head depressed, his eyes fixed on the book in his hand, as if he was studying hard.

"Hey, Alvin, how about we go play basketball?" A black teenager came to the boy and said.

"Don't bother me, I don't have time now!" Al continued to look at the book in his hand without looking up.

The black teenager frowned suspiciously, looked at his good friend in amazement and asked, "Alvin, are you okay? You gave up your favorite basketball because of reading?"

At this time, Alvin was completely deaf to what was going on outside the window. There was a little nervousness in his eyes, staring at the book in his hand.

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