Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 283: Encourage immigration

Hope for the stars and the moon. In July, the news of the Indian Uprising finally reached Vienna. Franz knew that the British were in trouble.

During this period, 40,000 British and 230,000 Indian troops controlled the Indian subcontinent. Since the beginning of 1857, the Indian Legion has continuously reported mutiny, but they have been suppressed by the British.

On May 10, three Indian corps launched an uprising, occupied Delhi, the ancient capital, and announced the restoration of the Mughal Empire, which caused a shock in India and the uprising quickly spread across the country.

Without saying that, Franz fulfilled his obligations as an ally and informed the St. Petersburg government of the news as soon as possible. What happens next is unknown.

If the negotiations between Britain and Austria are smooth, then the Vienna government will be very peaceful and do nothing; if the negotiations break down, then it is also necessary to support the Indian people's independence movement.

Prime Minister Felix said aggressively: "Your Majesty, the time is ripe.

The war between the British and Persia is not over yet, and now there is another Indian uprising. St. Petersburg's ambitions for India may not be able to bear it.

The London government is busy taking care of itself, and we need to make a friendly state visit to the Ottoman Empire to enhance the friendship between the two sides. "

Friendship. When did the Habsburgs have friendship with the Ottoman Empire?

Open the family history, that is, a history of blood and tears with the Ottoman Empire, not just an ancestor who wanted to lay down the Ottoman Empire.

In the Franz generation, finally seeing the dawn, the Ottoman Empire was driven out of the Balkan Peninsula, and the behemoth that once threatened the survival of the Habsburg dynasty has now become a soft-footed shrimp.

Franz smiled and said, "Then choose a good day and make a state visit to the Sudanese government!"

In view of the long-standing traditional friendship between the two countries, the fall of the Ottoman Empire is a sacred responsibility that the heirs of the Habsburg dynasty cannot shirk, and must be implemented without any discount.

Colonial Minister Josip Jelacic suggested: "Your Majesty, it is time for us to move on the African continent. Now that the French have accelerated the pace of expansion on the African continent, we will lag behind if we drag on.

Interest is always the best catalyst. Just three years ago, with the support of Franz, the Vienna government only adopted the national policy of overseas colonization with a slight advantage.

Up to now, even traditional conservatives, no one has opposed overseas colonial activities.

The Austrian colonies are still losing money on the whole, but that's not the case. The colony increased the domestic market for industrial and commercial products, the excavated gold, and solved the dilemma of Austria's lack of gold reserves.

Gold mines mined in this era are easy-to-mine rich ore. Dozens of tons of gold flow into Austria every year, which stabilizes the Aegis currency.

It can be said that without the gold in the Gulf of Guinea, the reform of the gold standard system of the Vienna government would not have been so smooth.

In addition, there are fewer unstable elements in the country, and the colonies have given room for ambitionists and made many people rich.

Franz thought for a while and said, "Yes, but the kingdom of Tekrul in Nigeria is ambitious. If we want to build an empire further and launch a so-called jihad, we better not rush into it.

First let the locals fight internally and wait for them to fight. We will then sell them and we can sell them some old-fashioned weapons. "

Leaving aside the underground resources, Nigeria is close to the equator. The land is fertile and has plenty of rain. It is suitable for growing tropical crops, such as peanuts, palms, cocoa, rubber ...

This is a treasure trove for those who are keen to start a farm. The area of ​​cultivated land that can be developed is as high as 60 million hectares, which is enough to support hundreds of millions of people.

At present, it is the domestic nobles who are pushing to Nigeria. Many people who lost their land in the Great Revolution want to make up overseas.

This is the result of the guidance of the Vienna government, which is ineffective and universal in any country. In this regard, the Vienna government has done very well.

High-level government officials have opened plantations overseas, which has made many people profitable, and they have joined this activity.

The royal family first raced in the Guinea and Congo colonies. Seven or eight plantations have been planned, including rubber plantations, cotton plantations, coffee plantations, and cocoa plantations ... with a total area of ​​more than 1.5 million hectares.

Of course, this is only a theoretical plan. When it will be completed is still unknown.

Up to now, the royal family has developed more than 15,000 hectares of land, and the remaining areas are still a group of lumberjacks working hard.

You must cut down the trees, burn the grass on the ground, drain the water in the depression, and eliminate the local poisonous insects before you can develop the farmland.

Without sufficient labor force, being forced to use local people as laborers, it is difficult to improve the work efficiency.

Franz has sent people to introduce labor in East Asia. Farming is also a technical task, especially land reclamation requires more technology. The local indigenous people are obviously not suitable for this job.

The use of slaves is banned in Austria. For the long-term security of the colony, the colonial government also banned the use of slaves, and even labor protection laws were required to be strictly enforced.

Of course, "strict enforcement" is a case-by-case situation. Of course, immigrants from the country are strictly protected. These are valuable assets.

Naturally, the supervision of local workers is not so strict, and the biggest problem is a fine. Unless someone comes up with a mulatto, he won't go to jail.

In essence, this is also to limit the dependence of capitalists on local labor and the spread of disease.

The labor protection law clearly tells everyone that once the problem of insufficient labor in the colonies is resolved, the labor protection law will be strictly enforced, and local labor will still be used as little as possible.

In order to reduce the conflict between the colonial government and the indigenous tribes, the colonial government implements a policy of encouraging immigration, which includes two parts: one is to encourage domestic people to emigrate to the colony, and the other is to encourage indigenous peoples to migrate to the Americas.

On this issue, the Vienna government has reached immigration agreements with the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Portugal, Spain and other countries.

The treaty stipulates that countries can freely introduce indigenous immigrants in Austrian colonies, and the colonial government does not impose any restrictions.

For individuals or organizations that have performed well in immigration work, the Vienna government will also award them. The current standard is: for every ten local immigrants taken away, 2 Aegis will be awarded.

Under this favorable condition, more than 100,000 black immigrants leave from the Austrian colonies each year, which greatly reduces the conflict between the colonial government and local indigenous tribes.

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