Hotel Supplier

Chapter 149 Top value for money

Huang Yao, the eldest and most experienced among the four, spoke first.

"This event is quite decent. I originally thought it was just a big boss who wanted to have fun." Huang Yao said very directly.

"I thought it was just for fun, but after asking around, I found out that this track was actually designed by Selin and built by Wanlin. It is currently the highest standard I have ever seen for non-professionals." Boyuan raised his eyebrows and said. I know if I pick it often, my eyebrows feel a bit crooked.

"Then this boss is quite powerful. He can actually hire two families." Luo Dan, the youngest of the four, said, "I have a friend who used to work in Wanlin, and then he said that Wanlin and Serin were two Not only do the companies have the same name, but they also often compete for business. They are almost incompatible with each other. I have never heard of any projects that the two companies can cooperate with. "

"As long as you have money." Huang Yao thought for a while and felt it was not accurate enough, and added: "Yes, and I am willing to take the risk."

"You have to be thoughtful. The interior of the room I stayed in last night was extremely luxurious. I thought the boss would take advantage of this period to rip off guests like a scenic spot. Only after I moved in did I realize that my villain's heart is that a room with a hundred and fifty I feel like I've made a lot of money." Xu Yinuo has long hair and ties it up when riding, hence his nickname "Flying Flag".

"Speaking of this, I prepared all the toiletries when I came here. Who knew I didn't use any of them? That room is really awesome." Luo Dan couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

You must know that the four of them have been playing mountain bikes for a long time, and as mentioned before, most families will not be short of money when doing this. After all, mountain bikes are very expensive, and if you want to play well, you will definitely burn money.

Therefore, several people are very capable of identifying the things used in the rooms of Shanye Hotel, so they have this emotion.

"This boss is quite interesting. The price of the room for the event is reduced instead of increasing?" Huang Yao wondered.

In Huang Yao's opinion, such a room cannot be priced at this price no matter what, so there is only one possibility: the room price will decrease instead of going up.

However, Xu Yinuo quickly broke his mind.

"I asked, and this price is the current price. It has neither increased nor decreased." Xu Yinuo shook his head.

"Are you guys coming to have fun after the tournament?" Huang Yao asked first.

"Come on, why don't you come? I think this track is in good repair. It's perfect for playing with cars." Boyuan was the first to agree.

The remaining two people also nodded and said they would come again.

It’s hard to find a mountain biking venue with such a professional track, few people, and cheap accommodation.

What's more, it was designed by the well-known Selin and built by Wanlin. There are even fewer or it is the only one like this.

"By the way, I noticed that there seems to be no food nearby except the hotel." Huang Yao suddenly said: "It is indeed a bit remote."

Xu Yinuo smiled like a wild fox stealing food, and said: "Actually, remoteness also has its advantages."

"Oh?" Huang Yao looked at him.

Luo Dan complained: "What a promise, this guy likes to show off."

"I was in a mountain bike group before. Many riders came yesterday and stayed at a fellow villager's house for one night. I only paid 50 yuan and ate bacon from the fellow villager." Speaking of bacon, Xu Yinuo Swallowing a bit.

"Wow, fifty yuan plus a meal of bacon, so affordable?" Huang Yao couldn't imagine it.

Not to mention the specific name, anyway, a certain mountain bike competition venue used mountain bike competitions, and then had a farmhouse, ate a fish that was said to be wild, and then three people got 500 yuan.

Five hundred yuan is indeed not much for Huang Yao, but he doesn't eat much. Just a fish and a plate of fried meat are only five hundred yuan, which is obviously a killing.

"Yes, I think it may be remote and has not been developed yet, so the villagers are still very simple and take this opportunity to eat well." Xu Yinuo said.

Boyuan raised his eyebrows again, but he agreed to this method.

The attitudes and surprises of Huang Yao and the four others were also reflected in the other riders who were staying at the Shanye Hotel and participating at their own expense.

There are more than one smart people, especially when it comes to eating. For example, Wang Deti, a reporter for the "Sports" weekly newspaper who reported on this event. On the one hand, he is an on-site sports reporter, and on the other hand, he is also a food self-media on the Internet, so that I really like to eat.

Before the opening ceremony, I rushed to a country house. It was an ordinary house. There were chickens pecking at the rice in the open space in front of the house.

"Fellow fellow, is anyone here?" Wang Deti shouted loudly.

"What's going on?" The villager in the house limped out, and yes, it was Luo Laizi's house in the village.

"Are you not sure of the road? Are you going to the Shanye Hotel or Yatou Mountain?" Although there was no smile on Luo Laizi's face, he was still very enthusiastic when he spoke.

"No, no, no, I wandered around and found a place." Wang Deti said: "What about that? Fellow fellow, you see I haven't eaten lunch yet, and there are no restaurants nearby. Can you eat something with me? I'll pay."

"I don't have anything good." Luo Laizi looked confused.

"It's okay, I'm not picky about food, and everything in the countryside is grown by myself and is clean!" Wang Deti said.

"That's okay." Luo Laizi said, "I don't need the money, I just need a pair of chopsticks."

"No, we are neither relatives nor friends." Wang Deti took out a hundred yuan and handed it to the lame man.

"Too many." Luo Laizi waved his hands quickly.

"If I think it's too much, I'll eat here too tonight." Wang Deti said with a smile.

"That's okay." Luo Zizi thought for a moment, then looked at the big bag Wang Deti was carrying behind him, and asked, "Are you going camping?"

"Yes, the hotel is full, so we can only set up a tent outside." Wang Deti said.

"How about you stay at my house? I'll clean up the side room at night. There will be a new quilt and it will be very clean." Luo Zizi said.

"The relationship is so good, I'm really bothering you." Wang Deti followed Luo Laizi into the house. The room was relatively old.

There is a little milk cat with only three rooms. There is a big table in the lobby, and on the left are the kitchen (kitchen), woodshed, and toilet. There are two rooms on the left.

"Then sit down for a while, and I'll make something to eat." Luo Zizi poured Wang Deti a glass of water from a large white porcelain cup with a red lid, and tied it to the handle with wool to avoid losing it.

"Sorry for the trouble." Wang Deti thanked him.

Luo Laizi entered the kitchen, took out another hundred yuan from his pocket, looked at it, smiled, and thought to himself: "It's really thanks to Zhou Zhi, this kid is really awesome."

He put the money back into the "wallet", which was not actually a wallet, but a black document holder, and was used to hold the money.

Luo Laizi took out half of a hare, which was leftover and stored it in smoke, and then caught a chicken in the courtyard.

After a while lunch was ready, smoked hare, roasted chicken with potatoes, and a bowl of green leaf vegetable soup.

"Oh my God, you can eat two meals for one hundred yuan to get this kind of food, and you also have a place to live. This is so profitable!" Wang Deti looked at the food and swallowed his saliva.

"There are only two dishes." Luo Zizi was a little embarrassed because he was in a hurry and couldn't cut the pork.

"No, no, no, this grain chicken, plus half a hare, the food is so good, I don't think I can finish it at noon, and I will continue eating at night." Wang Deti picked up a bowl of rice and said, "I'll start first.

For other self-payers, as long as the accommodation is concerned, the average price is 30 yuan a night, and many of them are given 50 yuan plus dinner. They can feel the excellence of the hotel and the perfection of the track even more.

Therefore, almost all the riders who stay at the Yamano Hotel plan to stay at the Yamano Hotel next time they come here.

Others who had not stayed there were even more curious about such a highly regarded hotel.

This is what Zhou Zhi wanted to achieve, and now it seems that it has been achieved.

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