Hotel Supplier

Chapter 197 Details

The village is lively, and naturally many people come to the hotel, many of whom are repeat customers.

Early in the morning, Shen Mengxi took his son and drove to the Shanye Hotel in a small jeep.

"What will dad do if there is no room in the hotel?!" asked his seven-year-old son Xiao Donggua.

"That's just right for us to stay at the farmer's uncle's B\u0026B." Shen Mengxi said with a smile, "You can fish and climb mountains."

Although Shen Mengxi's name is a bit similar to that of a certain bomb cat, he is 1.79 meters tall and is not a dwarf.

"Are you going to piss your son off to death? Fishing and mountain climbing are obviously your favorite things, but I already told you I didn't want to come. There will be a meteor shower in Animal Crossing tonight." Xiao Donggua was fuming.

"There are peaches, grapes, and watermelons to eat. By the way, there is also a dog named Xiao Huang, who is very cute." Shen Mengxi thought for a while and then said.

"Then dad, what are you waiting for? Why are you taking so long to drive? Do you want to make me mad?" Xiao Donggua's style changed.

The B\u0026B that Shen Mengxi was talking about was the home of his third grandma. He had stayed there once before during the Honghu Cup. He was deeply impressed by the fresh fruits, especially the fishing and moving crabs in the small river, so he brought his own rabbit here. .

The third grandma was also very happy. She earned four to five hundred in a few days. She was so happy that she even hummed a few words at night.

Shen Mengxi originally made a fuss and wanted the third grandma to play a song on the guitar, but Naihe didn't agree.

By the way, the third grandmother’s family doesn’t grow much fruit, but the folks in the village will share some of the fruits when they are ripe.

Looking back at the Shanye Hotel, Xu Chuang walked towards the guest room with a short-haired girl with two dimples in her smile.

"Excuse me, Manager Xu." The short-haired girl spoke to Xu Chuang, her tone intimate and pleasant.

"Li Lin, you have to pay attention to yourself. Our rules here are very strict. If you don't do well and you are fired, there is nothing I can do about it." Xu Chuang turned to look at the girl and warned her seriously.

"Don't worry, Aunt Xu, I will definitely be able to do it." The short-haired girl, Li Lin, heard this and said with a smile.

"You're not allowed to call me that during working hours." Xu Chuang frowned and said businesslikely.

"I know." Li Lin responded quickly, but her tone was still a bit lazy.

"Xiao Lin, you also know that you are here because of your mother. Otherwise, there would be so many people coming to this job. Although our hotel is remote, the salary is good and the benefits are good. If your mother hadn't come to find my mother, you wouldn't have even applied for the job. You may not even have the qualifications." Xu Chuang turned his head and looked at Li Lin seriously.

"Manager Xu, don't worry, I will work hard." Li Lin nodded. She really agreed. If it weren't for an acquaintance, she would really doubt that Xiaoxiang Yalan would be about 20% higher than the market price. , a good job with food and accommodation included, five insurances and one housing fund.

To put it bluntly, apart from civil servants, how many white-collar companies have purchased all five social insurances and one housing fund?

"Yeah." Xu Chuang didn't say anything more and continued walking to the guest room with Li Lin.

The housekeeping department does not have a manager for the time being. Basic matters are still coordinated by Liu Zixin, while the cleaning work of the housekeeping department is managed by Zhou Tao.

Zhou Tao is not the team leader now, but the director of the housekeeping department. Although she is the director, she still cleans the rooms herself. For example, she will clean those suites from time to time, including Zhou Zhi's office at night. Cleaned by myself.

And now Xu Chuang is looking for Zhou Tao, who left the housekeeping department some time ago, so this Li Lin is the new housekeeper.

It was said that this person was related to Xu Chuang, and she was considered her niece, but Xu Chuang didn't want to recruit her at first, so as not to prove the truth, but after actually taking the exam, Li Lin was still very quick to take care of herself even though she was young. of.

In particular, although Li Lin did not have a high degree of education, she was serious about her work and learned things quickly. Although her personality was off-kilter, she was still a very good person, so Xu Chuang agreed to let her work at the Shanye Hotel.

But as Xu Chuang said herself, she would never help if she was fired.

The current Shanye Hotel is no longer like it just opened. It is difficult to recruit high-end talents, but it is still easy to replace the kind of cleaning staff at any time.

Not to mention others, even she, Xu Chuang, didn't want to lose her job, so she didn't want her job to be stained. She does her best to complete the tasks arranged by Zhou Zhi. After all, there are many people who can replace her.

Soon the two of them walked to the small office of the housekeeping department. The housekeeping department's office was at the corner of the fourth floor, and a room was separated there as an office.

"Minister Zhou, this is the new cleaner, I'll leave it to you." Xu Chuang pushed up his glasses and looked at Zhou Tao.

"Okay, thank you, Manager Xu." Zhou Tao stood up, looked at Li Lin, and nodded.

"You're welcome, this is my job." Xu Chuang nodded, said nothing, turned around and left.

Soon, only Zhou Tao and Li Lin were left in the office.

"Hello, Minister Zhou, I am Li Lin, the new housekeeper in the housekeeping department." Li Lin spoke first.

"Have you ever done guest house cleaning before?" Zhou Tao asked after clearing away the documents and books on the table.

"No, I worked as a waiter in the best hotel in our county." Li Lin shook her head.

"Waiters and housekeepers are actually similar, but there are some differences. For example, restaurants don't need to make beds and quilts, but hotels do." Zhou Tao said.

"I know that." Li Lin nodded.

"Okay, you study with me for three days first, and you will be assessed after three days. If you fail, you will not be hired, but your salary for these three days will be calculated as your salary," Zhou Tao said.

"Okay, Minister Zhou." Li Lin responded.

"Follow me to get your tools." After Zhou Tao said that, he led the people to the linen room.

The linen room is also on the fourth floor. Clean sheets, quilt covers and towels are stored in the linen room, and a separate room contains the cleaning staff's tools.

Things like vacuum cleaners, carts, rags, and cleaning supplies.

As Zhou Tao leads people to the linen room, everyone they meet along the way will seriously call Zhou Tao Minister Zhou.

Li Lin looked at Zhou Tao's indifferent response and had a strange feeling in her heart. She always felt that Minister Zhou looked familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a moment.

The linen room is not far from the office and will be there in five minutes.

As soon as she opened the door, Li Lin had only one feeling, and that was that it was big. This linen room was very large, with only one double-open wooden door opened. As soon as she walked in, she saw that there were very neat and clean sheets and quilt covers stored in categories. And towels, as well as some toiletries.

The whole place is not like a linen room, but rather like a very large warehouse, with large two-story shelves, some disassembled and some undisassembled, all neatly organized into categories and not messy at all.

He looked very tall and distinguished, which shocked Li Lin.

"Minister Zhou." There was a desk against the wall, and a woman who was older than Zhou Tao was sitting there. When she saw Zhou Tao and Li Lin entering, she immediately stood up and said.

"Guan Zhangcang, I'll bring someone to pick up a tool for the internship period." Zhou Tao nodded and said.

"Okay, please follow me." Zhang Cangguan nodded, and then said to Li Lin.

Hearing this, Li Lin quickly walked out from behind Zhou Tao and walked towards Guan Zhangcang.

"Because you are in the internship period, you can only receive two deerskin rags and neutral detergent. The other tools will be lent to you by the old employee who is with you." Zhang Cangguan said as he walked.

"Deerskin rag?" Li Lin asked curiously.

Li Lin really knew about this deerskin rag, for no other reason than that the hotel she once stayed in was really the most luxurious hotel in the county, so hygiene was very strict there. For example, this deerskin rag was used to clean the private room tables.

However, it is not used by everyone, but shared with other waiters. It is given to them every half a month in rotation, and it is only as big as a square towel.

But it is really easy to use. Whether it is water stains or oil stains, it only needs to be wiped away. But the hotel has four floors, more than 20 waiters, and only ten deerskin rags like this. Do you know the price of this rag?

"The deerskin rags we use here are all genuine leather, not the imitations outside. You can only use this deerskin rag to wipe things in the room, otherwise it will easily damage the furniture and accessories in the room. Do you understand?" Zhang The warehouse manager spoke the truth and sounded very proud.

And when Li Lin got the deerskin rag, she was even more shocked, because it was two pieces of deerskin rag, one large and one small. It felt like the deerskin rags that she could only use in restaurants in half a month.

"It seems that Aunt Xu is right. The boss here is really rich, rich in all aspects." Li Lin sighed secretly.

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