House Witch

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 8. Psychic

In the movie Dorothy watched in her previous life, there was an interesting setting for the wand, that is, it is not the wizard who chooses the wand, but the wand chooses the wizard.

In the world of witches, there is actually a saying similar to this, but in fact, it means that the magic weapon has a spirit and automatically chooses the master, but this setting is only applicable to spellcasters of different races, and it is not very good for witches. Be applicable.

For no unowned wand would refuse a mistress.

Well, people with high talent can really do whatever they want.

It’s just as if billionaires have the trouble of wondering which one is the most suitable to drive out today when faced with a pile of luxury cars in the garage, witches will also be unable to rely on their staffs like spellcasters of other races. I am troubled by the automatic selection of the master to choose the most suitable staff.

Therefore, it is very important to listen to the advice of an excellent wand-making master at this time. The masters will select the wand with the highest compatibility from their own works according to the witch's own talent characteristics.

According to Alice's introduction, Odell, the elderly gentleman in front of him, is such a master wand maker. Her own wand was recommended to her by the old man before, and she feels perfect after using it for so many years. It is as smooth as silk, and there is no barrier to the flow of magic power. For this, Alice blew it with a five-star praise.

Seeing her younger sister praising the old man's craftsmanship so much, Dorothy was naturally looking forward to what the staff recommended by the old man would look like.

It is ashamed to say that she is almost an adult and still uses a beginner's staff. There are really not many witches who do not have their own exclusive staff. It can even be said to be so rare that it is unique. After all, this thing is a spellcaster. The necessities of life, as long as they need to be used when casting spells, it is really annoying if such a high frequency of use is not smooth, just like his old mobile phone was always stuck and crashed in his previous life, it is irritating.

Over the years, Dorothy had thought about changing the staff more than once, but in the end she held back.

First of all, she is still almost an Internet addicted girl in this life like her previous life. She spends most of her day in the magic net virtual world, and rarely returns to reality. In the movie, she is a big player, full of magic clothes, so in reality, she can use it as long as she can survive.

Secondly, using this old buddy staff to cast spells is actually a kind of exercise for her. She has been deliberately improving her control over magic power and the precision of magic. The exploding yet careful feel of the rod really helps her workout.

It's just that this level of exercise is useless to her now, even if she sleepwalks in the middle of the night and casts spells, she can perfectly control every bit of her own magic power, and there will never be a magic explosion that breaks the staff ACCIDENT.

Now that she no longer needs exercise, she is quite curious about the miraculous feeling of being one with the stick that Alice bragged about.

Dorothy watched expectantly as the old man took her old staff, wondering why he wanted it.

The old man didn't explain much, he just carefully looked at the entry-level staff in his hand, and then nodded to Dorothy in satisfaction.

"It's well maintained. It seems that Miss Dorothy loves her very much. She told me that she likes you as the master very much."

Dorothy was a little confused by the old man's words, and she looked at the old man in surprise.

"Her? You mean you can talk to the staff?"

Even knowing that this is a fantasy world, Dorothy was a little surprised by the conversation with dead things.

But after being slightly surprised, she understood.

"That is to say, my staff is already psychic?"

Dorothy was somewhat pleasantly surprised by this.

It is not difficult to understand the psychic of dead things in the magical world. If those old objects that contain the user's emotions can stay in a magical environment for a period of time, they may become psychic, but this probability It's not too high. If you want to increase the probability of psychic communication, the emotion contained in the item must be strong enough.

As a magic tool, the wand naturally does not lack magic power soaking, and the wand itself is made of spiritual materials, so it is naturally spiritual, but even so, the real psychic wand is in the witch There are not too many in the world, after all, the kind of emotion that can make dead things psychic is indeed a bit too difficult.

For this old buddy who has been with her for many years, Dorothy naturally loves it, but she doesn't seem to be particularly fond of it, she is just a normal user, and she herself does not have so much bitterness and hatred It was a bit surprising to her that the staff was psychic under such conditions, and it also made her a little entangled.

After all, she came here this time to change the staff. If it was just a dead object, it would be natural to change it casually, but the item after the psychic is already a kind of spirit family, and can be regarded as an independent creature. If it was changed, suddenly there was a sense of guilt for abandoning the old love who shared weal and woe for the young and beautiful new love.

Forget it, anyway, it doesn’t matter if you change the wand with her magic control speed, that is, the bonus is just a little bit less, but she is not the kind of armed witch who is fighting, so it’s okay if she doesn’t have the bonus .

So thought Dorothy.

"Don't worry, Miss Dorothy."

The old man seemed to have seen Dorothy's entanglement, and he looked at her with a smile, and the appreciation in his eyes grew stronger.

"For the Spirit Race, the spirit body is the body, and the rest are just the body. If you are reluctant to part with this spirit body, you can use her as the smart core of the new staff. You all wanted to buy the smart staff today, right? ?"

"Well, it's still like this, so I'm going to trouble you."

Dorothy was overjoyed when she heard that there was such a way, and bowed to the old man to express her thanks.

"You don't need to be too polite. It is my honor to serve someone like you, Miss Dorothy, who loves staffs. Moreover, even I rarely see psychic staffs. I will specially make an excellent new body for her. Yes, I have a hunch that this work may be the pinnacle of my life."

The old man waved his hand, but finally remembered something, and asked again.

"Customized staffs are different from standard staffs, so in terms of cost."

In response to the old man's question, Alice's expression on the side began to be tangled. Her two double guns are custom-made staffs, so she knows the price of custom-made staffs. Her staff was given by her two mothers when she was in school. The gift given to her, the relationship between the two mothers had not yet broken at that time, the family formed by the two witches naturally had a rich family, but even so, that customization also caused her family to bleed a lot.

And this time, although my mother gave me a lot of money when I went out, if it is enough to buy the standard ones, it can be customized

The little witch put her hand into her bag, and began to check how much was left in her small coffers, thinking whether to lend it all to her sister, but it was a pity that the shriveled wallet made Alice feel helpless.

She has never been a witch with a hamster personality. On the contrary, she is an old moonlight family, laughing to death, and has no savings at all. Now she only has this month's pocket money that her mother just sent in her pocket. This small amount of money is definitely not enough. .

"It seems that I can only contact my mother."

Alice thought.

However, before she could move, Dorothy took out her ID card and pushed it towards the old man, and then spoke directly, her voice was very firm.

"Please also use the best materials. The price is not a problem. You can see if these are enough. If not, I will find a way."

Well, although the voice was firm, the expression on Dorothy's face covered by the scarf eyes was very distorted at this time.

The flesh hurts, she had a premonition that she might bleed heavily this time.

Fortunately, in order to buy a house in the future, she has been a hamster party for many years, saving money for a long time, and now is the time for the damn money to play a role.

Of course, if this is not enough, she can only go to the magic net and start selling equipment.

I hope it won't come to that point, after all, those equipments are all limited collector's editions that she has worked so hard to collect over the years.

Dorothy prayed in her heart.

The old man took her ID card and inserted it into the mouth of the brass machine that looked like a lucky cat on the counter, and then a number that only he could see popped out of the old man's glasses.

At this moment, the old man's hands trembled slightly, and the old gentleman gave Dorothy a surprised look, then pulled out the ID card and returned it to her.

"That's enough, it's more than enough. The most I have is a high-level staff. If I can't make a legendary staff, I really don't need so many."

Afterwards, the old man stopped talking, and he turned around and walked into the warehouse behind the store to prepare materials.

Alice, on the other hand, looked at Dorothy in a daze.

Clam? The rich woman is actually my sister?

The little witch was shocked.

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