Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 338 Scales of ferocious beasts in the wilderness

Chapter 338 Savage Land × Fierce Beast × Scales

Joey originally thought that the giant beasts in the first half of the night and the herds in the second half of the night were already the crisis in this wild land, but he never expected that when the sky began to turn white, a roaring sound suddenly sounded above his head. sound.

At first, Joey thought it was a huge flock of birds flying overhead, but when the whistling sound appeared with a snapping sound, his thoughts were shattered instantly.

A large number of fish began to fall from the sky with a snapping sound, and hit the huge pitch-black rocks in the black rock zone.

For a moment, the smell of blood spread throughout the entire area, but amid the smell of blood and the snapping sound, something even more permeable emerged.

Under the rock where everyone was, strange insects suddenly burst out of the ground. These strange insects quickly bit the fallen fish and dragged them underground.

These strange insects are generally more than one meter in height, and have sickle-like limbs in front of them, similar to those of a mantis.

The protruding mouths have extremely sharp teeth, and the large number of eyeballs on their heads make them look very ferocious.

Their senses seemed to be extremely powerful. Many strange insects that emerged from the ground suddenly turned their heads and looked above the rocks after biting the fish.

Hiding among the rocks, Joey and the others' hearts skipped a beat, and they instinctively shrank their bodies to hide themselves better.

However, the strange insects below were somewhat unwilling to let go. Several of them suddenly lowered their mouths, and instead completely drilled their bodies out of the earth and crawled towards the huge rocks.

But at this moment, a big bird that looked similar to a vulture but was several times larger than a vulture suddenly roared down from the sky and grabbed the strange insect that had completely escaped from the ground into its claws.

It was only then that Joey, who was attracted by the strange insects, realized that there were no more fish falling in the sky, but instead there were countless strange birds that looked like vultures.

They were hovering in the air, and from time to time they pounced down, and there was bound to be a strange insect that came out of the ground in their paws.

But when soaring between the rocks, huge ferocious beasts will appear from time to time. These ferocious beasts are mostly felines with a strong appearance. They are extremely fast and will be flying before the giant bird can take off. It pounced and accurately bit the giant bird's long neck.

The giant bird let out a pitiful cry in pain, and then fell to the ground under the boulder along with the strange insects under its claws.

These ferocious beasts that swooped out did not care at all about the strange insects that emerged from the ground and quickly dived into the ground with fish. They just gnawed in the rocky areas without any care until they died. of giant bird carcasses.

There are an extremely large number of strange insects underground, and only a few of them will completely emerge from the ground.

But even this small part is enough for the strange birds in the sky to eat, while the other part has no intention of reappearing after dragging the fish underground.

Whether it was the monster insects screaming because of the giant bird's attack, or the ferocious beasts devouring the monster birds, it seemed that these monster insects could not make any plans to stay.

"These things don't interfere with each other, so why do those strange insects completely dig out of the ground and crawl towards the rocks?" Joey was a little confused.

Next to him was Crook, who was looking at the situation outside with excitement: "Do you think the strange insects crawled towards the rocks because they infected us?"

She glanced at Joey strangely: "You see that the strange insects in the distance are also crawling towards the rocks, but have you noticed? Within the range that we can see, there is not a single strange insect that can Climb the boulder."

"You mean, the strange insect crawled up the boulder for other reasons?" Joey said, following Crook's train of thought.

At the same time, he also looked into the distance, and just like Crook said, in this large area, there is really no strange insect that can climb onto the rock.

"I don't know the specifics. It would be best to catch two for comparison, so that we can better understand the living habits of this strange insect. But judging from the number and appearance of these strange insects, this black rock belt But it's quite dangerous, and there might be another world underground." Crook couldn't help but lick his lips as he looked toward the ground below.

"Since you're curious, just catch two." Joey also became curious, and at the same time, his circle kept covering the ground near the entire stone.

In this case, it couldn't be easier for him to catch two strange insects.

"Forget it, it's almost dawn and we have to hurry. I'll have plenty of time to explore the imaginary continent when I get back." Crook bit his finger and refused.

But Joey could clearly see the expectation and restraint in her eyes.

At the same time, Crook also started to mutter: "There is no suitable equipment here. No, Nobu has very good equipment for dissection and analysis, but if I don't tell Nobu, he probably won't agree. With that guy Qi Duo, she doesn’t want to waste time here..."

"I've caught them, how about these two?" Joey touched Crook, and then pointed to the bottom of the rock.

I saw two strange insects wrapped in clouds and mist below.

And as Crook looked over, the figure of the strange insect was gradually disappearing.

"I hid them and took them with me on the road. If you study them, you should get some useful information." Joey winked at Crook.

It's just two monster bugs, and it doesn't take much effort for Joey at all.

And he was also a little curious about these strange insects. In addition, as Crook said, the appearance of these strange insects always made him feel that the ground under his feet was unsafe.

There might be some kind of monster hidden underneath, and it would be good for them to understand the structure of some monster insects.

At least through dissection, he can know where the weak points of these strange insects are. If he really needs to deal with these strange insects, he can save a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, Joey couldn't help but catch two more.

The anatomy skills he practiced at NGL have never been abandoned.

After about half an hour, there were no fish on the rocky terrain, and except for some traces that seemed to have been plowed, there was nothing else on the ground.

The holes drilled out by the monster insects seemed to have been blocked again from below. Even if you stepped on the holes drilled by the monster insects before, you just felt that the ground under your feet was a little soft. You would not have thought of it at all. Just a few minutes ago, a strange insect came out of here.

Joey's circle probed toward the ground, and he could sense that there were a large number of life forms under the ground. They were diving deeper in an orderly manner. It only took a while, even if they were within the range of Joey's normal circle. I can't see any strange insects anymore.

It's like they've completely disappeared.

Joey originally wanted to use the irregular circle to explore further down, but after thinking about it he gave up the idea.

Putting aside the specific situation below, even if he could really detect something, it would be impossible for him to sneak down below. It would be better to use the circle to be on guard first and issue a warning once any abnormality is discovered.

In addition, he could also sense that he was not the only one in the team who explored the underground.

The association's investigation into the Dark Continent is extremely well prepared, so there are also many talents in the team.

The giant vultures in the sky did not hover for too long. Soon after all the strange insects below disappeared, they flew towards the depths of the continent. It seemed that their nests were in that direction.

It's just that that direction coincides with the direction Joey and the others are heading. If they continue to move forward, there should be a chance for the two parties to meet again.

The members of the ferry bureau who were ordinary people in the team didn't sleep well last night. In such a wild place, even if they have big hearts, they couldn't sleep well at all, for fear that they would be attacked at any time.

After a simple breakfast, which was some compressed food, the team headed towards the interior of the continent again.

The desolate black rock belt was not endless. Under the extremely fast speed of everyone, the rocks began to gradually become smaller, and some green vegetation began to appear nearby.

On the evening of the second day after arriving on the imaginary continent, everyone stepped into a wasteland. Without the protection of rocks, huge beasts in the distance began to enter everyone's field of vision.

The team did not stop there, but continued running into the distance under the gradually setting sun.

Joey's eyes fell on the ferocious beast in the distance. It was a huge monster that was somewhat similar to a dinosaur.

However, their temperament is relatively docile. They are just eating green plants on the wasteland and have no interest in the advancing human team. Even if the scouts in the team approach tentatively, these behemoths will only make a dissatisfied buzz. Just a buzzing sound.

The focus of Joey's observation of these ferocious beasts was not their personalities and attitudes, but their thick scales.

The scales gave him a familiar feeling. The armor worn by the soldiers on the fleet before was somewhat similar to the scales on these ferocious beasts, but not exactly the same.

In addition, the life aura of these ferocious beasts is also very large.

Joey was thinking about one thing. If such ferocious beasts were killed, could the life energy of these ferocious beasts be sealed in the scales with the help of divine characters, and then the scales could be used to make armor.

After conveying his thoughts to Pyorn through mobile phone messages, Joey received a positive reply. However, according to Pyorn, it is possible, but it is more difficult to find the suitable divine word. It requires Joe. Yi tried it little by little.

As for why mobile phones can still be used in this wilderness, it is because Pjorn carries a careful signal transmitter.

And Joey, who received Pyoern's affirmative reply, also made his choice.

After applying to Qi Duo, he took the initiative to leave the team and attack a ferocious beast.

When Joey used his ability to drag the huge beast back to the team, many people's eyes changed slightly when they looked at him.

Although they also knew that Joey was planning to attack the ferocious beast, they did not expect that Joey would knock one out and bring it back directly.

That huge body, like a mountain of meat, must weigh more than ten tons no matter what. Dragging such a thing while running, is this a strong man who can have an excellent relationship with the twelve earthly branches of the association?

Joey didn't care about these people's opinions. He actually wanted to bring back some of the corpses, but without mastering the corresponding divine words, he could only drag the living ones back.

Otherwise, once the vicious beast dies, the life energy in the beast's body will completely dissipate in a short period of time.

Crook admired Joey's approach very much. After Joey brought the beast back, she followed Joey and conducted a comprehensive inspection of the beast.

But as she and Joey inspected the beast, they both had surprised expressions on their faces.

"The scales of this thing actually have the characteristics of absorbing and storing life energy." Crook seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became a little strange.

"Yes, if that's the case, armor made of this kind of biological scales can perfectly hide the wearer's own thoughts." Joey expressed Crook's thoughts.

If this is the case, then it is open to question how many ability users were on the ship that V5 came to pick up people.

To say that V5 has strict restrictions on reading ability, it may even be just a cover!

"Can they control this power?" Crook's tone was filled with worry.

"If the outside world is full of such ferocious beasts, then it would be a good choice to turn some people who cannot return into capable people for exploration. Even if the capable people escape back to the interior, it will only increase the number of people by a few. It’s just an ability user, not to mention that the specific situation of V5 outside this domain is still unknown, so it’s understandable that there are some special places.”

Joey comforted him while playing with the scales in his hands.

However, in his mind, the danger level of V5 has been raised again due to the scale incident.

"Let's try the specific effect of the scales first. If there are no flaws, then what we are discussing now is just unfounded worries." Joey no longer dwelled on the strength of V5, but said this.

In fact, the ability to read has never been considered an ability that is difficult to master. After all, the ability to read requires external force to force the opponent to awaken.

Discussing how many ability users are hidden in V5 and the extent of research on telekinesis abilities, it is better to work hard to improve oneself.

Only in this way can we have peace of mind when facing various situations.

Although there were many wild beasts in the wilderness at night, the team's progress was not affected.

Although this imaginary continent hides secrets and has many dangers, for the hunters in the team, it may only be a slightly more dangerous place than Damini Wetland, and it does not pose much of a threat to the team at all.

Around midnight, the shadow of the forest appeared in front of the team, and Potter White raised his hand to stop the team from moving forward.

Joey and Crook were at the end of the team. As the team stopped, they also received experimental equipment from Nob and began to formally dismember and experiment on the prey.

However, during this process, another person with extremely powerful medical knowledge joined the experiment of the two.


When Gon and Killua didn't travel with the ship, and Kurapika was about to return, this member of the protagonist group who had been heading toward the dark continent with the team appeared in Joey's sight.

It's just that the two of them didn't have much interaction, so they just introduced each other and started working together.

However, in the process, Joey gradually discovered that Leorio was not interested in prey, nor was he energetic. He probably had something to tell him.

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